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Everything posted by identicaltwin3

  1. No need to apologise, actually I was rather flattered ... Cheers, Id3
  2. Meaning that when you say you went to the pub and had a couple... you just had two whatever your poison is ? Or that when not you, of course, but another pub goer's rather the worst for wear and somebody says : 'He's had a couple', it means just two ? I don't think so... Cheers, Id3
  3. And I thought girls from Texas were tough :rolls_eyes: ... so many legends about that beautiful State . Don't take my dreams away from me with tales of polluted water, that's a good girl ! To me Texas is the summer countryside in 'A perfect world' and I don't want it to change . Cheers, Id3
  4. Don't get your lacy panties in a twist, Darkie !

    If your computer is back to normal, you might enter the competition though, it is bound to be a really special gig.

    There is a vid circulating on utube, called 'Mika spends time with his fans outside the theatre' where you are visible in close up about 20 seconds before the end. Have you seen it ?





  5. You Dutchies sure do ... Anyroad that was sound advice and I hope he's followed it and found some use for his tongue. Like licking icecream if he was queuing up in LA or NYC before a Sire gig, for instance . Cheers, Id3
  6. Thus spoke the girl who told FR that he shouldn't put out his tongue if he didn't use it . I am not sure the quote is quite right though... but it is good to know that the French are not the only ones who have a dirty mind . We enjoy such a baaad reputation ! Cheers, Id3
  7. Are you inferring that I have a dirty mind ? I am deeply wounded ! Cheers, Id3
  8. You're not supposed to live in denial here, that's Niki's job . Don't hold your breath, they can be quite close-fisted sometimes ... Yeah, strange to say the least... they shouldn't give South American mushrooms to their competition, they disagree with it . Cheers, Id3
  9. I am sure he is used to being given much worse names at home ... Cheers, Id3
  10. Then it's because the thingummy, for some reason of its own, hates your email address . Better borrow one from a friend or relative, it will probably work . Cheers, Id3
  11. Jet lag does strange things to the mind of camp musical geniuses , that's a known fact ... Cheers, Id3
  12. May lead to tricky situations when you are talking with a Brit then ... Cheers, Id3
  13. If you accept the fact that it's a general competition on MS, you KNOW it's not going to work . Cheers, Id3
  14. I think that basically when you haven't received the confirmation email within seconds it's bad news and you'll never get it, better try again with another email address. Cheers, Id3
  15. 'A couple of' means a small number of. 'When the stripper had shed off a couple of clothes, he started drooling' doesn't mean that she had taken off just two pieces of clothing, might be three, might well be just one if the guy was really sensitive to that kind of show . In the same way 'a couple' also means 'an item' but don't we know about 'ménages à trois' ? But then I am more familiar with British English, American English may be more litteral . Cheers, Id3
  16. Sod everyone :sneaky2: , I am not interested in others... I am a selfish, self-centered, self-involved Leo, remember :naughty: ?





  17. Yes, I think a couple is a small number, two, three, four... while a pair is definitely two. Cheers, Id3
  18. We don't know yet how the competition will be run and the tickets allocated but so far no identity has been asked for so that the winners should be able to give or sell tickets to less lucky . Cheers, Id3
  19. Or possibly months, during the winter tour ? Yes, we do luuuve the way their competitions are run ... Cheers, Id3
  20. A confirmation mail is supposed to be sent to anybody giving their email address but then a friend of mine never received hers... so from the very beginning there are winners and losers apparently . Cheers, Id3
  21. Just go to Mikasounds, you don't even need a link, it's on the first page, you can't miss it if I could find it , anybody can. Cheers, Id3
  22. I appreciate your politeness but asking Sire's identical twin not to show off is like asking the sun please not to burn on a bright summer day : showing off goes with being a Leo. Sorry, can't help it ... And why on earth won't you be going ? Aren't you on hols now ? Cheers, Id3
  23. Do you think July 31st is going to be a flop ? I mean, they gave away ticket in homeopathic doses and only for UK residents, now they've found a new way to give them for free... if it goes on like that, the 5 pairs auctioned from July 17th will sell for the starting price, 15 pounds. Good, I can afford to go that high ! Cheers, Id3
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