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Everything posted by identicaltwin3

  1. OMG ! I can't believe I am repeating myself once more ... no wonder Soaring Simpson reproaches me with posting like ! Malingering, Ingie, M A L I N G E R I N G. Cheers, Id3
  2. And I am the Queen of May ! You can be very droll, Lill, you really can ... Ah, but that's precisely when fate chooses to strike ! Like when you go out with your hair unwashed, your baggiest jeans, your most forbidding look because you are in a foul mood and you come across the most gorgeous guy in the history of the planet Earth... So BE PREPARED, Lill ! And if you don't find accomodation and I can go there we'll put up our tent in front of the venue, and the whole P family will come round and bring us sandwiches, and Lebanese cakes full of honey and pistachio nuts, and icecream, and blankets because they will be soooo impressed to see us start queuing up the night before the show... daydreaming feels good . Cheers, Id3
  3. No, love, you must use one which MS doesn't know of yet, anybody's as long as they are not registered on MS. So go go go ! Cheers, Id3
  4. I am really worried : people here keep telling me that I am charming :furious: , that I am sensible :shocked: , coherent :blink: or that I rock :rolleyes: .


    Somebody even suggested that I become a... you know... a... you know...


    Mummy, daddy, granny, Sire, John, Alex, Daisy Lou, HELP ! I don't want to become one of them :crybaby: !





  5. Don't be sarcastic, Soar, that's my job :sneaky2: ... or Laura's :naughty: .





  6. Welcome :wink2: !


    Do you realise that a thread about openness -or much worse, lack of- wasn't closed by a mod until it had reached over 100 pages :shocked: ?

    I am in :shocked: .





  7. Beware, girl :shocked: ! In thrillers, the guy you say that to is a serial killer :devil: and he comes to your house to MURDER you :rip_1: ...





  8. Hi, there :huglove::flowers2: toughie !





  9. :crybaby: There, there, it's all right, I'll never become a mod :huglove: .

    The bad, bad girl has upset you, poor baby :sneaky2: ... but hopefully she was only joking :wink2: .


    The owner of the forum is Michael H. Penniman Jnr in spite of what has been said by the adm and mods.

    Maybe they don't have contact with the right people of 'Team Mika' if they were told he wasn't :naughty: , as he has been for a year now. Rather embarrassing, in a 'company', not to know who the boss is :shocked: . I am afraid the boss is the boy folks. Not that he really acts like one but some people take their time to grow up and he'll learn, don't you worry :thumb_yello: .





  10. Stop calling me charming, that's a good girl ! I have a reputation to defend here ... BTW, have you tried with another electronic address ? Cheers, Id3
  11. OMG :shocked: ! A man in the nunnery :shocked: !

    Better wear your cassock, mate :wink2: , or you'll be expelled from Paradise :fangurl:-unless it's Hell :devil: ?





  12. Before even reading one line of the Openness thread, I visitor messaged a good MFCer of mine telling her I wondered if one of the mods hadn't suggested starting the thread because it would in the long run get them what they want most : support from the members. For no matter what they may say about democracy, once a majority disapprove of them, they will be in a tricky situation.

    Read my latest post in response to yours. Don't worry, nobody THINKS that you reacted out of jealousy even if some people may PRETEND you did.


    CHEERS !



  13. Don't despise me but I have just put a very mild post on the openness thread... actually defending the adm and mods.

    Did MFCers really believe that they were content with spicing up their lives with their importance on the FC, that they were so many Mother Teresas -in drag in D's case- and that the lovely messages they keep receiving : 'Good job, guys, you are the best' were enough for them ?

    My only advice is that they -and Mica's people- should be more open about it, but then they will be thrashed and I don't think they are tough enough to handle that... Oh baby, baby it's a wild world and a complicated life.

    More drooly stuff to go but not much, just an ad for the DVDs.





  14. Here comes Id3 to the rescue, we fairies can't see a damsel in distress... why don't you send me a pm with your email address -I can't hack it, no password- and I'll try to do it for you ? But it may well be that your email address is registered on MS -as Mari62 believes-then you'll have to borrow your dad or mum's adddress and it should work. Which means, incidentally, that the record company is not interested in die hard fans but in new people likely to buy albums and stuff... rather cynical, don't you think ? But then Sire IS a businessman. Cheers, Id3
  15. Well, obviously somebody knew about the gig enough to put your name on the 'yes' list. Cheeky b...er !


    If you haven't seen the vid yet -it's a Mr Paparazzi one, so good quality- I'll ask you know whom to email it to you.





  16. Stop focusing on age, girls :rolls_eyes: ... I am Lill's devoted dad and still I believe I am a COUPLE of years younger than she is . Cheers, Id3
  17. Then you must help him out again and suggest some better use than licking icecream while queuing up... Cheers, Id3
  18. Might go there though...


    Did you really get the drooly stuff ? I am impressed, very swift job.


    Enjoy :fangurl: !





  19. Thanks love !


    I had already heard about it through a friend but frankly I haven't gone there yet. A bit busy plus :


    - brown noses are unlikely to clean theirs ;


    - it may be a trick so that the above mentioned brown noses can go and be indignant and defend the poor harassed saints.


    But then, I am negative -or lucid ?







  20. Nooo, don't be such a blonde ! This time you have every right to be French AND enter the competition AND win a ticket. Pity though, John Smith was beginning to grow on you, wasn't he ? Cheers, Id3
  21. No, stop breathing, Lill, it's a waste of time , and enter the competition again, using another email address. Surely if your friends lend you their computer, they can let you use theirs ? Your devoted daddy, Id3
  22. Thus spoke the girl who thought that 360 euros for a plane ticket was too expensive . Open your purse, Lill, because the bids might go sky high. And try your luck again with Mikasounds : no confirmation mail within a couple of seconds of entering the competition is bad news, try with another email address. , I have been sounding like your father lately, giving you advice, tut tutting when you buy ghost tickets on gumtree ! , I meant well ... Cheers, Id3
  23. Google map it. It's in Camden town, tube : Northern Line. Cheers, Id3
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