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Everything posted by identicaltwin3

  1. Beware what you write here : privileges are frowned upon :sneaky2: and trigger off murderous reactions :sniper: !


    What do you mean, resist the temptation :shocked: ? It's going to be a family BBQ, nothing inappropriate :angel_not: .





  2. It means not paying attention to what people are telling you. But you had got that, of course.

    Being a translator must be so difficult. There is an Italian saying that means : 'Translator = traitor'.


    I have befriended your big sister here. She looks adorable in your albums... but you probably fought like two rabid :taz: when you were younger :roftl: ?





  3. OMFG ! Teachers can be soooo dumb : now you're going to be stalked until July 24th and you guy's won't be able to spend special time together privately :sneaky2: .

    Sire likes his special friends to be more discreet, girl, I am afraid that's the last date you'll enjoy with him :emot-sad: ...





  4. I want to be your friend on the MFC... is that OK :blush-anim-cl: ?


    What decided me was that on Teegs' album you look like everybody's dream big sister :wub2: .

    Bet you beat her up when you two were younger though :devil: ?





  5. I luuuve submissive women :wub2: ! Pity I don't FANCY girls, but then, nobody's perfect :no: ...


    Keep up the good work :thumb_yello: .

    Seriously, physiotherapists will tell you that exercising that doesn't hurt is not efficient, but just listen to them with one ear :wink2: -is there a similar phrase in English :confused: ?





  6. Teaching is good, but gossiping in Italian with a MFCer friend feels even better, doesn't it :wink2: ?


    I will no longer comment on my gorgeous, golden bod, although the sun is good at the moment :thumb_yello: , but tonight I am inviting friends and neighbours on my 90m2 terrace for a BBQ and then go upstairs and watch the fireworks : July 14th, national day in France.

    It's good to pretend I enjoy mingling with people :group_hug: ... which I do, in small doses :naughty: .





  7. My thought for the day : company clients may have no say in the way they work but if they are not satisfied, the former go down. Much more effective, in the long run, than any silly vote.





  8. Good :thumb_yello: !

    And stop bitching about your right hand, just ignore it, then it will be so piqued it will start working again beautifully :wink2: ...







  9. Brilliant ! I hadn't seen it here or anywhere else so perhaps it hadn't been posted. Plus Le Monde is very highbrow and the article is very flattering, good for Sire ! Cheers, Id3
  10. I can see that my wall has been lately attracting the frantic attention of NSVIP :wink2: ...


    Being stalked can be soooo boring :naughty: !





  11. Perhaps Paolo Nutini is more generous ? But aren't other organisations offering tickets... I mean, apart from M's record company and facebooks ? This operation is, as per usual with anything Sire-connected, hazy to say the least ! Cheers, Id3
  12. Of course he doesn't do much ! If he lived that long he must be a hundred and fifty, human time !





  13. I am not sure I quite agree with you. First many of us may dream of going but wouldn't be able to anyway for job, family, money reasons. Some MFCers have confessed to entering the ticket contest while knowing they couldn't make it if they won. Money... I believe in the long run it will be a not so sad war between people who are free and can afford to bid high -or not so high as the case may be. And the highest bidders may not be diehard fans, just people who want to spend a pleasant evening at the Roundhouse, listening to good music. If they are not Londoners or at the very least UK residents, it's going to be really tricky for them to buy a plane or train ticket a week before the gig, at the peak of the summer hols, that's for sure. So I don't think you should let scruples stop you from bidding. Do we have figures about the number of tickets that will actually be allocated, one way or the other ? I've read '300' a few times but is it sure or just a guess ? Cheers, Id3
  14. You naughty, naughty girl ! Trying to turn you daddy on by talks of your tiny bathing suit ! Your GAY daddy, remember ? Have you tried edreams, they usually are rather cheap. BTW, don't set your alarm clock to 4 am or assault your computer at 7 on July 17th : the auction doesn't start before 12 -11 French time- and anyway it goes on until July 24th. Cheers, Id3
  15. Mika ? Oh, you mean the skinny, cute, manipulative musical genius ? Yeah, I guess we are ... Cheers, Id3
  16. identicaltwin3

    Picture 3 : you do fancy guys who look like monkeys, don't you ! Bob the chimp, Sire the orang-outang... btw, did you know that 'Monkey' is one of M's nicknames , although with his overbite he is more a cross between a cute rabbit and a tall, lanky ape ?

    Anyway don't tell people, seal your lips, mum's the word.





  17. You are such a bad influence and it upsets me :shocked: : I am supposed to be the bad influence, not the other way round :sneaky2: ...


    Anyroad, I saw your link about what's his name, the actor with a clift chin -I hate that, when I want to see buttocks, I look at a guy's rear end, not at his face :naughty: - and went on utube. His voice is so fruity it gives one diabetes and I like manly voices.

    So, sorry, love, I won't be joining your social group :no: ...





  18. Welcome :flowers2: !

    I have just befriended you but be warned : I am a bad, bad boy :devil: !


    I read what you wrote about a TWELVE YEAR OLD goldfish... it must have been a typo :shocked: ? How did you manage to keep it so long, mine always died within months or even weeks :confused: ...





  19. I love Gemma :fangurl: , she looks wicked :devil: !





  20. You poor baby !


    Mothers are about the limit : squatting the family computer, playing silly video games until well into the night, wanting a hug when we are on the phone with our boy/girl friends... still I we murdered them, which we often feel like doing, what would we do with the corpse ? Disposing of the dead body is really a poser...


    So go on putting up with her, man, that's the best advice I can give you.





  21. Story of my life, stalkers all over the place :shocked: , I might as well be a pop star... pity I sing so out of tune :emot-sad: !


    Shouldn't you be sleeping peacefully, Hol :wink2: ? I have just got up.





  22. I was kidding, of course, I luuuuve that ! 'Adorable' is OK too ... Any luck with another address ? Well, I wonder why we bother, really , there will probably be only half a dozen tickets anyway . Cheers, Id3
  23. Thank you, love ! Can you imagine that : 300 die-hard MFCers filling up the 300 allocated seats ? Sire would go all ... Cheers, Id3
  24. THANK YOU :huglove: !





  25. I am an utter jerk :sneaky2: ... pretending I am your MFC friend and not even knowing you were going to be operated on !


    Have just read the good news about your recovery while messaging on Soaring's wall :thumb_yello: .


    I am sure you'll get well very quickly, we Leos usually are dramatically ill but get better so swiftly it lets doctors in :shocked: and :confused: .


    Cheers :huglove: ,



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