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Everything posted by identicaltwin3

  1. Merry Christmas, Sire :king: but don't get too drunk :yay: to keep up the good work :wink2: ...



  2. I am not very fluent in English but I think that in Londinium it's called 'double standard' . If you are surprised to meet it you had led a very sheltered life so far... welcome to the real one. Enjoy !
  3. Thanks , probably the case. Am feeling better, thought it was poor little me being illiterate again... Cheers, Id3
  4. Hear, hear ! Sadly enough some MFCers, mods included, seem unable to hear you, dear . What I have heard is that hearing aids are very small and unobtrusive now . Ask Santa ? They're pretty expensive though, what with the recession he might be unable to afford them ...
  5. If the forum, ie public, behaviour I am referring to is inappropriate, I most certainly do. Incidentally I wanted to send a visitor message to PT and couldn't find the tag on his/her wall. Does that happen sometimes or did I do some wrong move ? It seems that I have no pb sending them to other MFCers... Thanks in advance for helping me out. Id3
  6. Don't you give up, being bullied or insulted by twits is the ultimate pleasure, don't deny it to yourself ! Read my yesterday and today's posts, they might cheer you up . Needs an unfair entomologist to know one, dear . Keep it up, baby, Id3 BTW there is one person we all know and admire -I do- that will put his size 10 1/2 in if he reads basely insulting posts or messages, like the mental treatment thing (that would make him mad -no pun intended-). After all he is the boss and owner here and it wouldn't be his first intervention. Why don't you copy them, send me a PM and I'll give you an e-mail address where to reach him ? About reaching : couldn't send you a visitor's message, is it normal or did I screw things up as usual ?
  7. No, you're not... hadn't you realized it yet ? So sweetly naive of you ! You're not supposed to comment , you're supposed to shut your trap and conform. For some MFCers, post editing is not a cowardly practice, it's a religion . You can't possibly attack people about their religion (it's bound to be forbidden by the MFC rules). Don't hold your breath or you might die from lack of oxygen before the K shoot you dead , you uppity rebel ! And you're not playing fair : if you are here as an entomologist you're not supposed to interfere with the insects you are studying. Can you imagine Fabre kicking an ant-hill to see how the poor little buggers were reacting to aggression ? Let's end on a brighter note : being so insecure that you are literally unable to acknowledge your faults is as touching as it is irritating , don't you think ? Cheers, Id3
  8. [quote I have an uncomfortable vision of Mika the entertainer - as opposed to Mika the singer - doing shows like this in 20 years time in Las Vegas :eek: Good thing I didn't read your post yesterday evening or I would have had nightmares all night long ... but what you foresee -all the time hoping you are wrong- is something, I suppose, that crosses everybody's minds from time to time ... Still the Las Vegas vision gave me the creeps : I imagined a 45 year old Mika, with a toupet and heavy make up, doing his Céline there for weeks on end :eek: . If he had just average talent, It wouldn't be so sad but the man's a musical genius, for God's sake, does he need somebody to spell M-U-S-I C for him now ? Perhaps it's a bit unfair : don't forget that he did watch the DVD, might not have been more delighted than some of us were , and his promise of a few acoustic gigs may be an answer to his own, and our, reactions to the PdesP circus . You finger-crossed Id3
  9. Hope you've learned your lesson : the thread is not closed but it is awfully bad form not to move on with the mob ... and being right, or more learned than some MFCers is not encouraged here, either ! So from now on please stop being uppity with your betters (and do not, repeat not introduce a gentleman into a lady, unless you direct blue movies ). Cheers, Id3
  10. [quote name=silver I know you probably all discussed this pages ago' date=' so I won't go on.[/quote] TopvCol put on utube a few hours ago sound only recordings of the PdesP show and it is brilliant : you can feel the vibes in the audience much better than on the dvd and, without the circus stuff on the way , thoroughly enjoy Mika's magnificent voice ... breaking from time to time with the pressure of the occasion but it's actually more touching than annoying. I like you, you're refreshingly self centered : wanting Mika to be unable to make his silly dreams come true for lack of money , that's so deliciously unPC ! Don't hold your breath, though ... and remember he has promised us a few acoustic gigs in smaller theatres before the next album is out . We may well have discussed the PdesP dvd ages and pages ago, it's always interesting to see a fan's opinion on this thread. Cheers, Id3
  11. How sweet :no: of you to tease me : I was at school at 7.20 and first class at 8 o'clock.

    Wish France were as civilized as most European countries :wink2: : first class at 9 :thumb_yello: .


    When I deleted VMs I put a message on my wall to tell all my previous visitors that I had copied their posts before deleting them (which I had actually done).


    Back to the coalmine (ie : marking papers :bored: and writing reports :devil: on pupils).





  12. So you are actually considering blackmail :devil: ? I am :shocked: ! Thought you were a decent fellow :emot-sad: ...


    Good luck with the delete button, man :wink2: .


    And good night : early start tomorrow, alarm clock set to ring at 5.

    Bet they don't have lessons at such ungodly hours :mad: in your country ? They don't in Britain, that's for sure.





  13. You tick the square that appears to the right of your message, then you go down to the bottom of the page, there is a 'delete' window, you tick 'go' ; it might ask you why you want to delete it, just ignore and tick 'delete' again.


    On the other hand you might prefer to keep the message on your wall :naughty: and blackmail me :devil:. Not very moral I am afraid :no: , but what with Xmas coming up, we do need ext money, don't we :wink2: ?





  14. How big of you :thumb_yello: ! Thought you might freak out :shocked: , thinking I'm one of those ugly Internet predators :licks_lips: we hear so much about. What would be even bigger :bow: would be to delete the effing message, I feel such an idiot :boxed: !

    btw Marina at last got her message...






    Are things speeding up like mad :insane: at your school with the end of term coming up ? They are at mine, but then I am on the other side of the fence, so to speak, I'm not sure pupils feel the same pressure.

  15. Happy to hear you're feeling better, love . What's the weather like in Italy ? In the South of France it's been crappy for the last month : heavy rains or/and freezing northwestern wind :mad: ...


    I am a prize beggar :blush-anim-cl: , always looking for something and expecting other, cleverer MFCers to find it for me !

    Above all I would like to know who the hell is the guitarist, in the foreground, on the photo a friend of mine attached to my 11/11/08 post on the 'Looking for something thread'. I know I know him, but for the life of me couldn't remember who he is -or who the band are :confused: ...-.

    Don't tire you pretty head over it but if you could trace them for me I would love you even more :wub2:. If possible, which I very much doubt.


    Must go and pretend to do some kind of work... Bluffing is soooo tiring !





  16. Yes, I so love it to see people pretending to lose interest rather than admit they are beaten ! So, you see, still up my own rear-end ... am actually typing this lying on my belly, unable to sit ! Don't you lose your sense of humour, man, it's a survival condition here . Id3
  17. Diplomatic BUT cheeky too ! Anyway you did bring a breath of fresh air on this thread, dude : we were so anxious to have the last word , so up our own rear end, that we were becoming unable to sit on it ! Having the last word is delicious though .
  18. Bless you for lightening up the mood of this thread ! Love you man, Id3
  19. The most common and correct use of a phrase, that's what's called 'idiomatic' . I don't believe that a twenty-five year old guy deliberately chooses to speak like 10 % of the population, he just uses the word that sounds like his own language, which, I think we all agree, has been English for over 15 years now. As he says 'chambre' for 'pièce' because 'room' has the two meanings and his French is too rusted for him to see the difference. Incidentally his English, although almost perfect and rather highbrow, is anything but old fashioned. You don't have to assure me of it as that's exactly what I wrote . Many English and French words come from the Latin, they've just often -not always- evolved in slightly or completely different ways. I'd much rather insult the man's 'intelligence', or rather, in this case, learning, than insult the artist's taste . After all I am, as everybody here I suppose, a fan of Mika's, not of Michael Holbrook Penniman's. If we do like the latter it's private and has nothing to do with any threads. Id3
  20. No, sorry, 'introduire' doesn't mean 'présenter' as in 'Let me introduce so and so' but as in 'This is so and so, I'd be grateful if you took special care of him/her, show him/her the ropes'. So, yes, not only fluent in French but sensitive to nuance. And I am a bit surprised that you, an English translator, shouldn't be more sensitive to unidiomatic use of phrases ... From the French or the Latin word ? Anyway it's hardly relevant, many English and French words are very similar, a few of them share the same semantic field, some of them differ very slightly in meaning. And, again, let Mika never speak faultless French, his mistakes are so cute ! When there is nothing on cable, I watch again the after Olympia gig to hear him talk about 'chambre' instead of 'pièce' or 'salle' . A quite harmless perversion, I would say...
  21. Hearing Mika sing rubbish (for want of a better word), lyrics that the most pathetic Boysband wouldn't be heard singing feels indecent to some fans who respect him too much to feel happy with it and admire in him his usual exacting standards . Xmas present idea for the Big Man : a decent French lyrics writer ... As for Mika's occasional mistakes when he speaks French ? Hope to God he never gets rid of them : they are sooooo cute !
  22. Sorry, it's not . It's what linguists call 'franglais', falty French inspired by English. Same thing when Mika says 'chambre' for 'pièce'. The phrase 'introduire quelqu'un' is perfectly acceptable in a blue movie though , but that's quite another story . Make fun of Mika when he uses the wrong word or phrase ? You're kidding me ! We all find it effing endearing ! Well maybe not 'all', but I sure do !
  23. Not really, no. Minorities have been known to be right . Go back to the La Rochelle blog. He didn't understand some of the words which he mispronounced because he had never heard, let alone used, them ('mielleux' and 'dégueux') ; Mika's upbringing had not prepared him to understand the other guy's -what's his name again ?- vocabulary .
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