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Everything posted by identicaltwin3

  1. I know, but I can't be cured :sad: as all my shrinks have a sad tendency to commit suicide after a few sessions :shocked: . So I must try and handle my paranoia alone ... or with a little help from my friends :wink2: .

  2. A gossip AND a shallow person... how can you not hate or at the very least despise me !

    No, sweet of you to try and comfort me but I know that I can never be your friend now... I'm not being paranoid, I am just sadly lucid.


    Your deeply dejected,



  3. You might never do : for lots of reasons, some obvious ones , some connected with his mental and psychological structure, the guy's about as open as a ticklish clam. And he is still very young, bound and willing to experiment and enjoy and free himself, so no wedding bells, either real or metaphorical, yet. Cheers, Id3
  4. Had a look at my ephemeris and found out that you were born at the borderline between Libra and Scorpio which means that you have both of the two signs in you. And it can't be easy as Libra and Scorpio are as different as... light and dark :wink2: ?


    For example, if I tell you that you are very lovely, which you already know (I couldn't make out any white stick or guide dog on your pics, so you're probably not blind), the Libra will enjoy the compliment because she is in love with beauty :wub2: (not only hers) while the Scorpio will despise me deeply for being so shallow :thumbdown: .


    And even more for being a gossip : you posted about Sire being in a relationship :huglove: for over a year.


    Oh dear, we've only exchanged a couple of posts and messages and now you hate me :sad: !


    Your very sad Id3

  5. Looked up your profile after reading your latest post.


    Cynical ? Yeah, you would be : Scorpio. Also typical of a Scorpio : writing 'cynical' instead of 'lucid', they tend always to look a the dark(light :wink2: ) side of things.





  6. Over a year. Good for him , the guy wants to be loved and needed and looked up to :bow:and approved of more than most people. The slightly virtual love that his fans bestow upon his persona and the very real admiration they feel for the musician, no matter how much he enjoys them, is hardly enough to quench that thirst. How do I know ? Because I keep my eyes skinned and my mind alert, I suppose, rather than jump onto any poor little red herrings that are thrown at our poor little faces. But as the Monty Pythons used to put it 'Say no more !' Still don't worry, dear music lovers, Sire is too obsessed by music for it ever to become second best, whatever may happen in his personal life. He won't disappoint us in that field. Cheers, Id3
  7. Sire's latest blogs have bored my bollocks off :bored: . I believe he could do better or make his minions do better for him.

    He so annoys me when he is aloof :annoyed_h4h:. Probably unfair : musicians are notorious monomaniacs :insane: and his fans are unlikely to be his mania when completing a record.

    Still, can't wait to have my breath taken away :wub2:!





  8. Ok, I see what you intend to make and it's going to be brilliant, but hard, I wish you luck.


    I hadn't noticed it the first time I read your post but yes, his gigs take your breath away. You realize that you were in apnoea only when he leaves the stage and you feel oxygen slowly flowing back through your lungs... scary but most enjoyable.


    Which concerts do you intend to go to ? Any one less than 3 000 miles from your place or London exclusively ?

    We're all daydreaming about the promised acoustic gigs and small venues... the man's a tease !



  9. Nobody does . He has been in a relationship for over a year, which doesn't mean he won't oblige other people, he is such a generous man ! But the lucky recipients of Sire's favours are unlikely to be people who kiss girls. You should never have sung that, Katy ! Although... 'a bit of a try hard and a general pain in the arse ' Perhaps they are meant together, after all . Id3
  10. Yep, still alive !

    Weather much milder and kids depressed with the thaw...





  11. Hi, dear !


    Hard to believe but true : 30 cm of snow on my terrace and people skiing to their offices as Marseilles is completely blocked. Less funny : people stranded all night long in their cars because the authorities got only one vehicle to free the motorways.

    Have gone to my school (40 miles from my place) and feels like a fool : many other teachers who live nearby stayed at home. But the kids seem happy to be tortured so it's worth the trouble, even if there are only a dozen pupils altogether.


    Hope to be able to go back home this afternoon ; not sure yet. Am leading such an adventurous life a the moment !





  12. Hi, dear !


    Hard to believe but true : 30 cm of snow on my terrace and people skiing to their offices as Marseilles is completely blocked. Less funny : people stranded all night long in their cars because the authorities got only one vehicle to free the motorways.

    Have gone to my school (40 miles from my place) and feels like a fool : many other teachers who live nearby stayed at home. But the kids seem happy to be tortured so it's worth the trouble, even if there are only a dozen pupils altogether.


    Hope to be able to go back home this afternoon ; not sure yet. Am leading such an adventurous life a the moment !





  13. Who coined the phrase 'he is gaying Andy' ? Don't know but makes sense for Sire likes ginger- or chestnut-haired guys and brown-haired female cautionary dates :rolls_eyes: . He is a well organised man . And wise to spend holidays in India : paparazzi seem not to have found the way to the subcontinent yet .
  14. M and K an item ? Never have, never will. Let's face it : Ms Perry is a moderately talented singer who knows that it's pc these days for straight people to say that they wouldn't mind having a go at their own genders while Mica is... a very discreet man . Unless Katy manages to convince Mica that kissing a woman is fun ? She shouldn't hold her breath though, death by lack of oxygen must be very unpleasant . So she's probably going to remain one of his occasional cautionary dates. Id3
  15. A rather bleak new year for Lebanon... keep hoping.





  16. Can't believe you didn't :shocked: ! What happened ? Was Santa too drunk to find your chimney :naughty: or, being on the plump side, he couldn't reach you in M's pocket :wink2: ?


    Tell you what : in a PM give me an address where I can send you nice New Year chocs. Not your own address, obviously, or I might be tempted to stalk you :wub2: and then would find me on your doorstep at the same time as Sire and that would be sooooo embarrassing for us three :blush-anim-cl: ! But a friend's or your work one.





  17. Hi, Lena ! Hope you had a Merry Xmas :yay: and wish you a happy and peaceful New Year :newyear: .



  18. Hi, Lena ! Hope you ha

  19. From a chocolate love to another : hope you had a Merry Xmas and wish you a Happy New Year :newyear: !



  20. I hope Mika's MASSIVE fan had a merry Xmas and wish her a Happy New Year :newyear: !



  21. Hope the cows didn't get too drunk :drunk_sing: and you had a merry Xmas !


    Id3 :newyear:

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