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Everything posted by identicaltwin3

  1. Yes, indeed, why don't we ? It would be so much less 'dégueux'. I actually intend to beg Mika ( Please, Sire !) to let us edit any future French versions of his songs before singing on stage some hardly flushable :mf_pain: stuff.
  2. I have too and it's impressively fluent but he hasn't been using it enough these last few years to be able to realize if a phrase or a word could actually be used or not by a French speaker. He is definitely 100 % English-speaking now. And British-feeling, and proud of it. Don't mention it. I just can't help being generous .
  3. Not good enough and not up-to-date enough to realize whether a phrase is lame or not. Obviously. I did intend to kill you but now that you have politely asked to be spared I will have to wait a bit .
  4. And we, as fans and record buyers and gig goers, have a right to express our opinion. What most of us apparently think (I feel funny being part of such overwhelming majority, so not used to it ) is that next time the man choses to sing the French version of one of his songs he ought to show a little more self-respect. 'boy', seriously, dude, don't you think we should stop encouraging his 'I don't want to grow old' obsession ?
  5. Believe me, it cannot be more laughable translated by any automatic translating device whatsover. It's in itself past ridiculous ... As for rhyming... it rhymes the way five-year-olds have fun finding rhymes that don't mean anything. Unfortunately, here, the lyrics have some kind of pathetic meaning and the guy is a bit long in the teeth for kindergarten . Id3
  6. At the PdesP, the good side of the French version was he sang it in such a way that it was difficult to understand the lyrics (a blessing, given their standard ). But seing them written, black on white ... 'Come on, Sire , show some self-respect !' as John would put it. xx Id3
  7. [quote name=Miss_lollipop54; enfin j'espère que ta "théorie" n'insinue pas que j'ai de mauvaix goûts côté "paroles" ou quoi que se soit' date=' je ne pense pas, enfin... si c'est le cas désolée de l'avoir pris comme ca, sans rancune, le but n'est pas de blesser qui que ce soit [/quote] Non, pas du tout, pourquoi 'mauvais goût', c'est le tien, tu as aimé, encore une fois, tant mieux . Mais lis STP ce que j'écrivais à Chopotte il y a quelques minutes, tu verras qu'il n'y a aucun mépris (sauf à l'égard du prétendu parolier ) mais plutôt une telle admiration pour Mika qu'il m'a déçu en n'étant pas plus exigeant. Il nous a habitués à la perfection, à lui maintenant de se maintenir à ce niveau . xxx Id3
  8. En réalité, je répondais à Miss lollipop54 mais j'ai oublié de taper 'quote'. Les seuls deux vers qui ne soient pas pitoyables sont les premières : 'Je prends les poses de GK, mais cela ne suffit pas. Alors je chante un peu comme Freddie, mais que faut-il que je sois.' Après, à mon sens, on peut tirer la chasse. Même si je suis dur, mais je ne supporte pas de voir un tel talent s'acoquiner avec tant de médiocrité ... Pour un obsédé du contrôle absolu, Mika n'a vraiment pas assuré, là ! xxx Id3
  9. Tout avis est intéressant, Miss, mais quand tu dis que pour des francophones entendre Mika chanter en français, c'est toujours un plaisir, je ne suis pas d'accord : pas n'importe quoi ! La poésie un peu déjantée de GK en anglais est complètement absente de ce tissu de... OK, pas de grossièreté, même en français, dans ces colonnes. Mais entendre Mika chanter ça, c'est obscène, comme s'il se grattait les organes génitaux sur scène... il a trop de classe pour faire un geste aussi vulgaire, et trop de talent pour chanter l'adaptation de cet ignare. A la limite j'aurais préféré sur la musique de GK une toute autre histoire, mais de qualité, que ce que nous avons entendu. Et je ne pense pas être le seul : dans l'enregistrement de certains concerts, on entend crier dans le public "en anglais !" Mais ravi, vraiment, que ça t'ait plu : j'ai une théorie selon laquelle si une chanson plait à un seul auditeur, ça valait la peine de l'écrire et de l'interpréter... eh bien, tu es cette personne. xxx Id3
  10. The guy who wrote those lyrics is borderline illiterate. And downright stupid. What happened to Mika, for God's sake ? Can't he understand one of his mother tongues any more ? Because if he could, he would never had sung such rubbish in front of... I prefer not to think about it !
  11. It must have been one of your posts but I have to go to all mine now and I find them boring. Should really avoid logging in when I am half asleep !



  12. Hi guys,


    I deleted a few messages, visitors' or private, because my in box was full and I freaked out !

    But I copied them before in a document (clever little me...).





  13. Indeed I did, but I can't remember why now ! Was half comatose with a couple of bad nights... When I remember will come back to you.





  14. Yes, I do, or at least pretend to . That's exactly the reason why I think those broken pants were metaphorical, again as in bad dreams when you are exposed to others. We must make a note to ask Mika...
  15. I'm a bit disappointed in you, man...:emot-sad: posting mostly on the Dutch thread and just a little bit on the English ones :wink2: ! Naughty naughty, especially as your English is so effing brilliant :bow:...

    Come on, my English is not half as good as yours and I don't even want to know if there is a French thread ; very likely, I would say, but who cares ?


    I forgot to recommend the Lowlands interview but you must have traced it and downloaded it by now. Mika is particularly relaxed when he is interviewed in your country, he said somewhere that he liked the Dutch's happy sense of humour and lack of self-consciousness :cheerful_h4h:. Eric, the journalist, is a striking illustration of that statement :thumb_yello:.





  16. That would have to be 'Billy Brown', strangely enough : that song usually bores the bollocks off me but when he sang it at the PdesP, he was touched by God (or gods) and so was I listening to him. I mean, watching the DVD, the only thing that touched me in the stadium that night was the crowd's obvious pleasure... Second best (are we allowed two ?), his wild performance of 'Just can't get enough', although it was not half as as the Werchter's covering.
  17. I don't think he meant it literally : he was referring to those dreams where you are in front in people with your pants open and told the audience that was exactly the way he felt on stage just then. He might have said 'stark naked', the idea would have been the same. I believe.
  18. Couldn't agree more ; to me, rather bitter than sweet though... 'more honest' => Hear ! Hear ! How hypocritical of him to repeat that music comes first, obviously, if it's a token statement and, let's face it, an hypocritical one ! I can see some beam of hope though : he is still experimenting and might well make an about turn in the years to come...
  19. I posted. I am the intellectual twin, I can read and write , he can't .
  20. Trust Daisy to post an X-rated picture ! But the next one is cute, thanks pet !
  21. Doesn't bother me ; on that picture he looks much too fruity for my taste ... Half-birthday in the beginning of December... so you are Gemini, like Mika's mum !
  22. Mika often said he liked people from Holland's happy sense of humour and he is surprisingly relaxed whenever he is interviewed there. I love that interview too , Eric is brilliant !
  23. Oh, sorry, you meant 'picking his nose ' ? Tempting, but I am not that much of a perv . Yet.
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