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Everything posted by identicaltwin3

  1. Most interesting... so The Academy is really small ? At last a piece of material information in a chatty thread about a ghost gig ! Thank you .
  2. As far as I remember we owe to the Golden Cage operation the brilliant videos of the Beirut gig that a Lebanese MFCer shared with us . There were not that many MFCers there to enjoy the concert, no wonder as the foreign ministries of most European countries advised their citizens to go to Lebanon strictly on business or family matters :sniper: , and it makes sense that people who haven't experienced it don't advertise it on the MFC . Cheers, Id3
  3. Not much, given the special-to-cherish-all-life-long memory . It's not even the price of an old beat up car. I should know, that's the kind of cars I buy and drive ... But I somehow can't see Mica doing that -not the car, the package-, much too escort boy for his self-esteem, I think . Cheers, Id3
  4. I was referring to the lecturing , not the thread... Of course we need a few crumbs of hope to last us until the next gigs or album, we are famished !
  5. Actually there was no need to start it in the first place. How true, and how wise of you to stick to the point , not a very common attitude in this fanclub. Cheers, Id3
  6. 1/ She wasn't exactly asking permission, was she ? 2/ So true, and by lecturing an adolescent who does have parents, we lecture them too and they might resent it. 3/ Older people do the craziest things to see Mika, don't we fool ourselves... In a perfect world only teenagers would act insane where their icon's concerned, but this isn't, far from it. That is the reason why all Irishmen are not gorgeous, but so many of them are that I am sure our two friends will enjoy their stay in Dublin, even if Mica changes his mind about the gig .
  7. Unable to send you this message tonight, my wi-fi connection is mental. Hopefully tomorrow at dawn, very early start for me.


    Even the adm and mods understood the genealogy and enjoyed the special situation (if sharing the same laptop within a family is anything special) as it allowed them to put an infraction both on my grandmother/mother and on me, thus feeling extraordinarily powerful.


    We should probably feel flattered to be the object of such peeping, speculations and obsession but having a life and a career, obviously just a life as far as my grandmother is concerned but quite full given her age, we find it weird to see people so interested in other’s lives.


    This may be a very naïve and irrealistic view of what a musician’s fanclub should be, perhaps people come here to fill up a void, not to exchange ideas with other fans about the artist ?


    Please, don’t feel rejected, if you enjoy imagining a MFCer so schizophrenic that he/she/they (?) take (s) on three different identities, be our guest. We would hate you to be unhappy over such trivial matter.


    Still I am going to shatter some of your fantasies ; in advance I ask you to forgive me.


    SK flower shop ? Because it was literally across the street from my mother’s hotel.


    SK hotel ? Because the Gower Street brilliant place where we always go when in London had no vacancies, that SK is a decent area, that the hotel is less than two minutes’ walk from an underground station where the direct train from Heathrow stops and that she’ll never learn to travel light, poor soul !

    Incidentally she found the hotel dusty, boring and overpriced and since has managed to get a room at the GS place. Serves her right for not booking in advance.


    The post she sent the young MFCer whose parents met Mica in a SK flower shop ? Because she thought it would be a funny coincidence if it were the same. A typical provincial’s reaction as in : ‘Your cousin lives in London ? He may know mine.’


    So there still are a few fans of Mica’s who don’t see in SK a new Bethleem, the place where all pilgrimages start and end.

    If you want to have fun about icon worship, watch again ‘The Life of Brian’, it’s hilarious and as always with the Monty Pythons, deals in nonsense, should help you put things into perspective. I must have it somewhere, send me a friend’s address in a PM and I’ll be happy to lend it to you as soon as I have traced it ; might take a while, though, my place is in a mess –you are right in a way, I am a bit schizophrenic, messy at home and beautifully organized at work… DO NOT give me your own address or I might be tempted to come over and stalk you. You don’t want me on your doorstep, bad enough that Mica finds perfect strangers knocking at his door.






    P.S. To put your mind a rest -but do you really want to... why don't you ask Joannie Penniman, Mica being a bit busy at the moment, if there actually are more than one de Rougemont/Dubus ? I'm not going to give you their address but I am confident that many people here would oblige...

  8. Or rather, the mum, not the grandson. Are you quite sure the Pennimans patronize that shop ? Because my mother told me it was not that upmarket even though the floral arrangement was gorgeous and got pride of place after being received, among quite a few other bouquets as that night was very special indeed. If you know for sure that is the shop they buy their flowers from, how did you get that information ? Better not ask, I supppose... It is high time Sire released his second album or MFCers will resort to being obsessed by other members while to me a musician's FC should be mainly about music. Although a female MFCer has just e-mailed me about Mica's gorgeous eyeliner on his latest blog... watch out, she might soon start a new thread 'Mica's eyeliner... too much or too little ?'. I am not confused about my family's genealogy (quite simple really, at most a couple of kids for each generation) but about the way things tend to... skid here. But then, I am a simple soul. Cheers, Id3
  9. You're getting your genealogy, chronology and locations all mixed up , but who cares ? Back to MA's post, you'll realize that its targets were people who actually and physically lead fans to the place. Not the florist's ... who must be talented as the Ps are very refined people who would never patronize an indifferent one. I don't know where it is situated, apparently you do ? Bet you a tenner that you're going to receive loads of PMs to ask you for the exact address . The MFC threads are innocuous-looking-places but actually full of landmines . Cheers, Id3
  10. Hi !


    Haven't written for some time but doesn't mean I haven't been thinking of you.


    How are you my friend ?


    I had stomach flu then the real one... must be true what they say : when you turn 25 you go down the slope!


    Let's look on the bright side though : do you remember when we were kids the explosion of enthusiasm every time a teacher was off sick ? I'm going to be very popular with my pupils.


    Love :wub2: from Id3

  11. Certainly feels like it. He'd better release another album and go back on tour or he might well become the shooting star he's always been so afraid of being. People do forget, even the most fanatical fans : short memory, another artist taking their fancy... and the former icon loses his gold paint. Come back soon, Sire, or other guys might climb onto your throne ! Id3
  12. Yep, they look good, don't they ? And so does Perez. Less than Josh though, poor baby ! Id3
  13. Don't be so pessimistic : there are loads of employers who talk and write like that . That's why there still are secretaries in offices : no computer spelling corrector could handle such a huge and depressing task . Especially as those see spellling or grammatical mistakes where there aren't and offer corrections that are often sheer jokes . Id3
  14. Post after post this thread is becoming more and more risqué . And it started in such a mild and inocuous way too : hot young singer being single again , romantic speculations about her love life with another hot young singer . Do you think all MFCers have got a dirty mind ?
  15. Hungry as a journalist, not as a man : he's got something very pretty at home, no need to browse in closets. And as a journalist, he did his job, in a scary way, I agree. The man's formidable. Id3
  16. Thanks for the link ! What I noticed was that Sire, from the very beginning, looked like a hunted hare (very unusual for him) and didn't relax one moment, even at the end : his final thank you or goodbye, whatever, was tense ! Being interviewed by a gay activist, and a formidable journalist into the bargain, can't have been comfortable. As for Jason Bellini, he keeps saying (no, sorry, thinking but so loud that anybody can hear him) : 'You don't stand a chance, I'll get you ' . In a purely professional way, I believe, JB doesn't shop in closets ; and as an interviewer he did get him. Absolutely fascinating interview ... Id3
  17. In the CBS interview by Jason Bellini, Sire said that his personal identity had been 'pretty rock solid' since he was about 7, which I find rather difficult to believe -but then, psychorigid, makes some sense. Wonder what part of his identity he was more specifically thinking of or referring to though... Again I highly recommend that interview. Id3
  18. Absolutely ! As long as the seagulls have reached the age of consent, nothing shocking there. Just hope this thread is not turning into one on bestiality ... I somehow can't believe Sire is into that . Id3
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