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Everything posted by Cibele

  1. OI, só agora que vi, XD

    Tudo bem, fora que tô virando sopa nesse calor senegalês O.O e tu???

  2. Nick loves Mika hope Mika is well now
  3. brazilian website is http://www.mikabr.com it's in portuguese
  4. ah é, acho melhor mandar pm pra confirmar depois ^^

    AHHH =( melhoras sister! :huglove:



  5. mandei *ai meu inglês haha* e ele já add a gente lá na lista =)

    não sei se já pode escrever na assinatura :teehee: nem escrevi ainda XDD

  6. It's annoying and looks like every brazilian fan do that. :sneaky2: It's not the case, you can be sure. It isn't normal to do that here I wasn't look to @mikasounds replies yesterday or I would ask her to stop it too
  7. pode ser, escreve lá no tópico ^^


    volto daqui a pouco!

  8. OI, desculpa tava no farmville e tava travando a porra toda aqui ahahaha

    Tá mesmo O.O e ele sempre que tem esses eventos se excede um pouco no babyliss, fica meio artificail, prefiro as ondas naturais do bofe :wub2:

  9. I love Adam's album my favorite song is Whataya Want From Me "It’s me – I’m a freak but thanks for lovin’ me Cause you’re doing it perfectly" and of course, he is hot, that helps too
  10. HAHAHAHAHAH this will never get old! happy to see Mika back to Twitterland
  11. I'm sure I would feel this too. God, I don't even like to think about it the video made me cry and I didn't know Boyzone until Stephen died, really sad =(
  12. Cibele

    Jason Mraz

    I don't know if you watched this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyxLwwwE3hE Jason singing with a brazilian actress in a TV show, it was hot, almost sexual
  13. I really liked the Boyzone's version for GIAA HAUHAUHAUHAUAHUAHAU, thanks for give me more pervert thoughts, Wonka If that is possible
  14. Cibele


    Dexter' star Hall being treated for cancer "Dexter" star Michael C. Hall is undergoing treatment for cancer and the disease is in remission, a spokesman said. "I feel fortunate to have been diagnosed with an imminently treatable and curable condition, and I thank my doctors and nurses for their expertise and care," Hall, 38, said Wednesday in a statement. The actor was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system, which is part of the body's immune system. The disease is considered highly treatable with the potential for full recovery http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/13/AR2010011303421.html
  15. I wanna trade!!! Right now, 4:09 pm, it's 35°C outside I'm melting
  16. This place doesn't look like anywhere in Brazil, I'm sure!
  17. ah que bom então, medo de cancelamento como na Alemanha Carla, eu tb queria muito ir, dois dias antes do meu aniversário e o da Espanha é no meu aniversário =( quem sabe se eu ganhar a mega-sena de 120 milhões de reais (+ou- 40 milhões de euros) eu vou hahahahah e levo vcs junto em todos os shows do bofe Mas cuidem bem da Cazinha, vai representar as zucas \o/
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