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Everything posted by Elmindreda

  1. Hi, my name is Abigail but people call me Abi (or wonka calls me Dreda ) I just recently graduated from high school with a 3.8 gpa out of 4. (Good, but not the best) I am going to be attending Taylor University in about a month and a half (so soon). I have always loved to sing and make music, but I'll actually be studying music in college. I've taken piano lessons for 10 years but have never had a voice lesson though I am just as passionate about singing, if not more, as I am about piano. I have grown up in a very fine arts oriented family. Neither of my parents are good at sports. In fact, they met in a play in college. They are alos both English teachers, so I try to make them proud when on the internet unlike some people who prove they don't know how to spell. I've been in many plays and musicals and have really enjoyed them. I was in my first play when I was 5 I think. When I was six or seven the director wrote a part for me in the play I was in. I went to the first practice with the one line "Mommy, Mommy, look. It's an angel!" and came out of the experience with a duet. I really don't know what I'm going to do with my life from this point, but I've got a whole lot more time to figure it out.
  2. At least you have one person to share the madness with. I managed to brainwash my sister and my brother is pretty interested. So I can share all the things that my friends aren't interested in with them. Well, it's was nice finding out that there's someone nearby! (5 hours is nearby compared to pretty much everyone else!) I'm going to go to bed now. Goodnight!
  3. I've been trying to spread the Mika love. Some people have caught on. A few of my friends are interested in him, but aren't to the point of an MFCer What about you?
  4. according to google maps I live 5 1/2 hours away. I didn't know Evansville was that far. I live in Auburn 20 minutes north of Ft. Wayne. But soon I'll be in Upland at Taylor so I'll be an hour less away from you
  5. possibly. He did say that it looks the best when it is dirty, didn't he?
  6. I'll be seeing you for now. I'm off to watch a bit of one of my new dvd's right now. I just got PDP and LiveICM today!
  7. I think this thread might send some people to the naughty corner:chkn:
  8. Night! It's been fun....see you again later! fine. I'll try to be good
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