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Everything posted by Elmindreda

  1. really now....you better come back with his explanation and it better be a good one!
  2. I know--she gets put in here after every comment she posts!
  3. I've thought about it, but I don't think I can actually post anything that will actually send me here. I'm already here for tonight; maybe I'll get sent here later.
  4. that is pretty quick. I've always eaten quickly, but have never counted it as a talent. I sing and play the piano and flute and act but have nothing to share except pictures of me acting. me as Diana Barry in Anne of Green Gables me in a Christmas program--I in the middle me in Pirates of Penzance--I'm in the pink dress
  5. hmm....how many times do I have to drool? I'm not sure if I'd very good at making naughty comments.
  6. Does this mean I can't stay here anymore? I haven't done anything wrong and nobody has sent me here for any reason. I just enjoy dwelling with the naughty people. Is that bad?
  7. Welcome! and take as many cookies as you want
  8. Can I move in here too? I've never been sent here, I'm just here because I don't have anything better to do:teehee: And I brought real food *offers some cheese and crackers and chocolate muffins*
  9. I was doing that not too long ago I'm going to turn off my computer right after I post this Goodnight, everyone!
  10. yes, I love looking at other people's pictures! but sometimes I feel weird looking at them because I don't know some people very well.....I have a bunch of "friends" from the college I'm going to go to (very soon!)
  11. it's because guy changed the link. Wonka posted an unmentionable and was sent to the Naught Corner yet again
  12. yodelling is very strange, but she was good at it, especially for learning it from a book and tape
  13. well, I suppose it is our own faults for venturing in here. We should have a sign saying "Enter at you own risk" for the people just wandering around looking for a place to be.
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