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Everything posted by Sweetieval

  1. You know what Muriel ? Now I am logged in from my computer but I am blocked between team #226 and #236, I can't join any other team. I think I am giving up
  2. Hi, I am getting bored of the Swatch Hunt because now I can not login from my Ipad I' ll try from my computer in half an hour when it is available...
  3. Hi Thanks Jknow1734 for your PM, I am not at home so did not answered. However, I have tried to join team 218 but this team does not appear any more, I've got teams 221 to 233 ! I'll try again from home around 7 pm Paris time but I'm still waiting for Minthy's answer if she needs someone in her team !
  4. Thanks for the advice Crazyaboutmika, but I can click only once on this button and see just 10 teams, I have tried several times this morning I will try with another browser than Firefox... wait and see Edit : Jnox1734, I am waiting for some news from Minthy to see how many members she's got in her team. If her team is full, I am free ! I'll come back tonight from 7 pm french time, 1 pm Canadian time and for you, I don't know what time because I don't know where you live in the USA...
  5. Tu en as de la chance Catchouzouf pour les devoirs, il m'est déjà arrivé de rêver d'avoir des jumeaux/elles rien que pour ça ! Ma 2ème fille a 7 ans et mon garçon 5, ce qui veut dire que lui aussi aura des devoirs l'an prochain Le patin, c'est du patin à glace ou sur la route ? On a une patinoire (glacée) dans le secteur mais j'avoue n'y avoir encore jamais emmené les enfants Je suis trop nulle en sports d'équilibre, même leur trottinette je n'ose pas en monter dessus. Il faut dire que j'ai souvent des problèmes de vertiges alors je ne prends pas de risques en montant encore plus mon centre de gravité (je mesure presque 1,80 m) Pour Wicked, je prendrai peut-être les petits en photo mais il faut que je fasse d'abord des recherches sur les costumes. C'est quand la deadline ?
  6. Si ça se trouve, c'est une gentille fille et on l'a virée pour rien Mais ça me choque que quelqu'un qui me parle sur FB me demande mon adresse email pour me communiquer quelque chose d'important , la personne peut aussi l'écrire via FB, je ne vois pas l'intérêt de donner son email. Et puis c'est bizarre qu'elle (ou il) t'ait demandé ton email aussi Hélène Ici aussi devoirs en pagaille pour mes filles, j'attends de voir ce soir à la veille des vacances si elles auront beaucoup de travail ou pourront se reposer un peu. Les maîtresses ne se rendent pas compte que ça nous oblige à tout surveiller et passer du temps à veiller que tout soit bien fait et appris. Comme je dis à ma grande de 9 ans qui refuse d'apprendre ses leçons toute seule : je suis déjà allée à l'école, j'ai bien appris toutes mes leçons, j'en ai fini avec l'école et je n'ai pas envie d'y retourner ! [Même si je me rends compte qu'il y a certaines choses que j'avais oubliées (genre 1 décamètre = 10 mètres ) mais on n'utilise pas souvent ce genre de choses, en tout cas pas dans mon travail.] Pour la chasse Swatch, je suis inscrite en tant que Sweetieval et j'attends qu'on m'invite éventuellement dans une équipe. Je n'ai pas pu répondre à Minthy qui m'avait proposé alors peut-être a-t-elle trouvé sa team ? Je le saurai ce soir. Si je ne peux pas faire la chasse, ce n'est pas bien grave car je ne suis pas une fèche en puzzles mais le prix est quand même exceptionnel Et ça mérite bien de se casser un peu les méninges pour MIKA Qui participe au projet Wicked ? Perso je n'aime pas Halloween, ça ne me dit rien de me déguiser en monstre pour faire une photo ou vidéo. Peut-être en princesse à la rigueur mais ce n'est plus de mon âge J'avoue ne pas trop connaître Wicked, cela passait à New York quand nous y sommes allées mais j'ai plutôt été attirée par Mamma Mia.
  7. Merci Crazyaboutmika pour ce thread. Donc j'ai créé mon profil sur hunt.net et j'attends de rejoindre une équipe. L'inconvénient est que je n'ai qu'une dizaine d'équipes qui s'affichent... Sorry, I write it in english as well : I have registered on hunt.net and I am waiting to join a team, maybe Minthy's team ? The inconvenient is that I can see only 10 teams from number #135 to #216 ???
  8. Hello Minthy


    Bon désolée d ene pas avoir répondu plus tôt, je n'avais pas d'ordi hier et impossible de répondre ou d'accepter ta friendship depuis mon téléphone hier (-,

    Alors je me demande si tu as réussi à trouver quelqu'un ou pas ?

    Ici il est 9h15 du matin soit 3h15 du matin chez toi si j'ai bien compris.


    Je peux me connecter ce soir de chez moi s'il te manque toujours quelqu'un dans ton équipe. Mais j'avoue ne plus être très motivée, ça m'a l'air bien compliqué cette histoire d'inscription. D'autant plus que je ne suis pas encore allée sur le site de Swatch.

    Autre chose : je suis nulle en puzzles !!!

    Enfin je veux bien quand même essayer, si tu te connectes à 15h, ça fait 21h en France, ça doit être faisable pour moi, à moins que vous ne soyiez déjà à 3 personnes ?


    Je viendrai vérifier ici ta réponse, j'allumerai mon ordi dès 19h comme ça je serai au courant...


    Bonne journée

  9. Sinon bonjour le french thread !Contente de voir que cette compétition Swatch réveille et motive les troupes Je n'ai pas toujours le temps pour le net avec les 3 petits et les vacances qui approchent mais j'ai bien envie de m'inscrire aussi. D'ailleurs Nanou je t'ai envoyé un MP à ce sujet. @Macboll @LenaMachu : Concernant le gars africain pas très net sur le jeu Swatch, j'ai eu un truc à peu près similaire mais sur FB. Une personne -soi disant une fille- m'a demandée en amie sur FB et comme elle avait des Mikafans dans ses amis j'ai accepté. Hélène tu es concernée car elle est dans tes amis aussi. Nous avons parlé par message : c'était a priori une fille Suisse de 26 ans en mission humanitaire au Bénin. Mais, bizarrement, elle n'était pas fan de Mika. J'ai trouvé qu'elle faisait beaucoup de fautes de Français en écrivant mais cela peut arriver. Ce n'était pas très cohérent car elle me disait être responsable de mission. Chaque fois que je me connectais sur FB, j'avais un petit coucou. J'ai fini par avoir des doutes et lui demander le nom de son association humanitaire, nom qui existe vraiment d'après Google. Parcontre, je l'ai virée de mes amis le jour où elle m'a demandé mon adresse email car elle avait soi-disant quelque chose de très important à me dire. Je ne lui ai pas dit pourquoi je l'enlevais de mes amis mais je sens bien le mec qui va dans un cyber café et qui essaye de sous-tirer de l'argent ou un mariage :sneaky2: @Cathblais et @Macboll : super que vos enfants correspondent ! Et pourquoi pas un échange pour des vacances un jour ?
  10. Hi MFC Did not log on the Swatch website, thought I would have time to join before October 27th. Think I'm going to join if it is possible to create a new team further on... I'll see if I can create one or just join one, but I would prefer to be with MFCers of course. @Macboll : did you manage to create a new team or is it definitely over ? @Nanou : have you got enough members in your team ?
  11. Thank you so much MFC for this wonderful peacefull project:wub2: I am proud to be a MIKA's fan, proud to be part of Mika Fan Club Such things should happen more often, dońt know if it will help stopping war but that is a beginning EVERYBODY'S GONNA LOVE TODAY
  12. So, one more fan from Russia and a lot of new fans to come thanks to The Voice
  13. Of course Macboll, I meant a "beard" for Florent Pagny :aah: ( well, a bear could be funny, too )
  14. Hello MFC, I came back and read the all thread, I did not know the situation was that bad in Russia, Mousetrap and Dreamy Queen, you should create a whole thread about your country, we could learn a lot about your politics, culture and habits. That would be interesting to have such threads for each country, I think we have 66 countries here on MFC, relating to the Peace Project In my opinion, the last edition of The Voice was f---ing good At the end, each judge had 2 singers, they were 8 in the competition and, honestly, I could not decide who was the best singer between 5 of them I wrote a twitt to Mika saying that he would find a lot of competition when he would be back to France because singers from The Voice were really impressive They made a tour in France, I could not go there the day they when they were next to my home but a friend of mine went to the gig and said it was absolutely marvellous. Concerning the current judges : - I love Garou , no need to describe why, canadian fans will understand why he is so adorable and, with no doubt, very very powerful and good singer - I used to love Jenifer when she had 2 albums, her songs are not really philosophic but this girl has a voice (light soprano but just and powerfull sometimes). She won the first edition of "La star academy" in France in the beginning of the 21th century, that is for a good reason ==} that girl CAN sing and sing well - Concerning Florent Pagny, I discovered him when I was a child as an actor and I immediatly loved him. A few years later he became a singer, I think he was a better actor than singer. I can't say I like everything he is singing but this man has got a voice, like a tenor. What is strange with him is his behaviour and his looks, he is changing a lot. One year he can be with long blond hair and a beard, the year after he is with no hair and no beard, the year after he is brown with middle hair and no beard, well this is weird. But it doesn't change the way he can sing, fortunately. He is more interested now in lyrical singing but he sang some "normal" songs too, as I said, this man is a cameleon He had a lot of troubles in France, he felt down out of success for a while and had drugs and money troubles, so he escaped in Patagonia where he found his wife (or maybe he knew her before) and came back here with new look and songs. He was changed when he came back and he's talking about the money you have to pay to the country when you have some in France, he is also talking discretly about drugs in one song and his wife and new country in a marvellous song called "Terre" in his album "Châtelet les Halles". What Muriel ? Mika will be on french TV every saturday this winter and you are not going to watch it ??? I can't believe it Personnally, I will and record it if I a m working. I must look at The Voice because my children and even my husband love this TV show (unless hubby changes his mind this year because of Mika, that is possible (-,) Personnally, I think the most important reason is promotion. (and, therefore, money). Garou has made a new single, Jenifer Two albums and Florent Pagny an album since the last The Voice. What I see in France : TOOL had no real advertisement and, now, with the Swatch ad, "Underwater" is always on french radios and a lot of friends of mine say to me they love this song, they want the album. In the Giorgio Armani ad with Cate Blanchett, they also use a Mika song "In any other world", the violin part, people will look for this music and find it is Mika and buy the album and start loving him Thanks, now you wirte it I remember I have seen this thread here Don't hesitate to create a thread about this special situation, people in western Europe have no idea how it's going on in your countries. I have stayed for 6 weeks in an eastern Europe country when I was 20 (Roumania) and I have realized how poor was this country compared to mine but also how kind and generous were those people, compared to us selfish and "rich" european
  15. However, I went to a gig in April, a french group I love ("Indochine") since I am 12 years old, that was absolutely magical, I had a very good and emotional moment during the gig. But, in the queue, that was no terrible beause I did not know nobody and Indochine's fans are not that kind :shocked:, they were pushing and almost fighting while queueing :sneaky2:


    In June, I went to see a french singer I like (his name is -M-), when I came back home I said to my husband the gig was the best I had ever attended :wub2:, it was better than Mika and Indochine ! (for the musical part I mean). Moreover, I had the chance to meet him after the gig, have an autograph and a pic. with him and he is so quiet, nice and kind with his fans, a little bit like Mika. So I love that singer now but Mika is still number 1 in my mind (with Indochine which is in my mind for 28 years !), I have been loving Mika him for more than 5 years, that counts !)


    Have a nice day Alba :huglove:

  16. Hello Alba :wink2: I thought it was only in Mika gigs that we forget everything but, you know, for me, it is in almost every gig (from every artist) when you really love the artist. When I go there, I have no responsability, nothing or nobody to care about (I have 3 little children 9,7 and 5 yrs which is tiring me a lot) and I feel quiet :teehee:


    What is different with Mika is that we are part of his fan club and, when we queue up, we can meet and talk with a lot of fans from all over the world. And, as we meet only at Mika's gigs, we are always in a very good mood :aah: and very happy to see each other and waiting for Mika together.


  17. Hello, I don't know if it has been posted here already (sorry, can't come a lot on MFC) but I read somewhere that Mika had to refuse the Voice season 1 in 2011 because he was too busy writing his album So, those people from Unviversal really wanted him to take part in this show...
  18. OK I understand what you feel and you won't be the only one to complain, I guess. This is totally normal You can whine on MFC, who would you whine to in real life ??? One more time, this show is in France and I already know the reaction of some fans who will say "again ???" I just hope some people won't bother Mika in Paris when he will be there for his judge work, some of them can be intrusive, in my opinion.
  19. I understand what you mean Kath , I nearly had a start of the same feeling but, eventually, I think it can be good for him. I have never looked at the italian show, I don't know what Mika did and if it was good or not. What I see is that Mika has just kept on doing his summer festivals as usual, he did not seem to change. I did not have the chance to see him on stage this year but, for what I read here on MFC, he was always pretty damned good But I am waiting for the 4th album too This will be the second edition of this show in France and, last year, they were really really good singers, honestly. And very good judge, singing very well, apart from that Bertignac who's giving up now. They needed a change because this man is a good musician but he is not "a voice" at all They could not find a better "teacher" than Mika I think
  20. Hello Mikasister, thanks for your words on my page, I send you a little MP -;)

  21. 2014: Audio interview + translation: Fréquence Plus - Evènement : The voice 3 Mika http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4018727&postcount=901 2015: Audio interview + subtitles: Radio ECN http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4059971&postcount=2890 =========================================================================================== THE VOiCE 2015: A list of OFFICIAL The Voice videos: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4057853&postcount=2819 -- thanks Kumazzz for listing and updating! The shows can be watched and downloaded thanks to mikawebsite! =========================================================================================== THE VOICE 2014 TO WATCH ON STREAM LIVE: http://www.stream2watch.me/live-tv/tf1-live-stream The shows can be watched and downloaded thanks to mikawebsite! On this youtube channel we can watch the 1st show https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPY4ixyWQMwgvZiatTryjkA?feature=em-uploademail And here you can watch just the battles between Mika's contestants, thanks to Kumazzz!: http://vk.com/videos232312753 =================================================================== Hello MFC I just heard on Europe 1, a french information radio, that Mika would replace Louis Bertignac in the next season of "The Voice" in France ! What a surprise :thumb_yello: Mika is, with no doubt at all, better singer than Louis Bertignac who is a very good musician (in the mythic group Telephone). Good luck to MIKA, hope he will have nice "singers" with him -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's official news now, from Mika's Facebook page: "BIG NEWS - we are thrilled to announce that Mika has been confirmed as a judge for the new season of The Voice France! That's right, he'll be in one of the famous red chairs and tasked with finding France's next huge talent. About the new role, Mika says, "I have the honor and pleasure to be a coach in the 3rd season of The Voice. I look forward to working on the show and with three talented judges: Jenifer, Garou and Florent Pagny. More than anything, I'm excited to meet the new talents The Voice will reveal to the public... I will try to stay spontaneous and instinctive in my choices. I am sure that the experience The Voice will fun and rewarding. So see you very soon! MIKA." After the success of the first two seasons, Season 3 pre-hearings are already underway but registration is still open on MYTF1.fr. Stay tuned on TF1 and here for more updates!" https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151681431893040&set=a.10150417790488040.363530.6006248039&type=1
  22. Some are early, some are late... Happy birthday to yooooouuuuu Happy birthday to yoooouuu Happy birthday to you MIKA Happy birthday to you And all the best, dear MIKA
  23. Thanks for your nice reports and pics, I wish I had been there Thank you Dcdeb and Kath for your support, I feel better to see I am not the only one whose husband's jealous and angry about Mika
  24. Thank you very much for your support, I feel better not to be the only one in this kind of situation...

    Thanks and big hug to you -,)

  25. Merci pour ton gentil message, c'est réconfortant de voir que je ne suis pas la seule dans ce cas-là. Bises de France

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