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Everything posted by macboll

  1. To be honest, I hate 'Mikettes'. It's ridiculous. It reminds me of Claude François' Claudettes http://www.purepeople.com/media/claude-francois-et-ses-claudettes-1978_m17931
  2. I didn't know dyslexic people needed their fingers to count. My dughter's dyscalculic and she's like that. I do agree with him when he says his brain functions differently and he needed tricks to do "normal" things. I experience this with my 10 year-old everyday Thanks for the interview!
  3. I made mistakes too. I thought 14 was Erase. Don't worry, you're still a good fan, it's just we haven't got a musical hear ;) Good luck for the other games! xx

  4. Hi Manon! Welcome here! I didn't know there were girls called Manon in the Netherlands and thought you were a new French member
  5. Hi Marta! I hope you'll love this place. Welcome here!
  6. Well, I think MFCers are people registered here. There's already a more general term to call everybody who loves Mika's music: Mika fans I've been used to refer to us as the MFCers and would like to keep this name. It's quite difficult to try and say it in French, so I say it in English and know French people just refer to us as 'MFC'.
  7. Like Mellody, I hate the remixes. Otherwise, there is no song I really skip whenever it is possible but Make you happy. I tend to skip some songs or play them all, depending on how I feel. the ones I skip are Lola, Billy Brown, Blame it on the Girls.
  8. Hi! I don't know which songs they are. I found 7 songs only (1, 2, 4, 13, 14, 15 if I remember well.) That was really a challenging and great game. I'm looking forward to see the answers. I've not played as it was so difficult. Good luck to you ;)

  9. Hi and welcome here! Marina has got lots of newbies to welcome, how lucky she is! I hope The Voice will also bring me more members from French speaking countries
  10. Hi! I think I recognized 7 songs. Maybe I could help you if you've not sent your answers yet. MP if interested. I'm not playing but could give a hand.

  11. Hi! Are you still stuck on nr 4?

  12. I can't recognize several of them. I'm going to listen to this remix again once the answers have been posted
  13. Merci Je vais devoir vous laisser car mon mari vient de rentrer du travail. Bonne soirée à vous toutes!
  14. ce serait super pour vous, Marie-Eve! Comment est le Ouataouais? Je n'avais jamais entendu le nom de cette région.
  15. I've never experienced temperatures that low. Sending hugs to my American and Canadian Mikafriends I don't live in the nicest part of France regarding the weather. It's often windy, cloudy and rainy... we're next to Belgium and England and share the same forecast. For that matter we have to watch their tv weather forecast to know what the weather will be like My fellow people have often a deficiency D vitamin and arthritis or rheumatism.
  16. Like Sabine, I love most of his songs and find it too difficult to choose only one. So I could tell you about my least favourite: blame it on the weather and make you happy. I also skip it on a regular basis and skip the remixes of Mika's songs.
  17. Super! Bonne soirée et bonne nuit à toi! A bientôt! Bises

  18. Bonjour Nicole! Voici la marche à suivre (réponse super rapide de Guylaine :) ): aller dans "User CP"puis "your profile", ensuite "edit your details" et efin sous "custom user style" .Bonne semaine! Bises

  19. Bonsoir Guylaine, Nicou, une fan française récemment inscrite, m'a contactée pour me demander comment insérer quelques mots (ou un mot) sous son pseudo (comme ton THE famous Guylaine)... c'est bête mais je ne retrouve plus comment procéder. Pourrais-tu me dire comment faire afin que je lui donne la marche à suivre (et me rafraîchisse la mémoire au passage)? Merci pour ton aide et à bientôt! xx

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