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Everything posted by RainbowGirl

  1. Mine too! But i've finally worked out what products to put on it and how to straighten it and what straighteners to use etc to stop that. if it rains i'm screwed though I love your face i use moisturiser and a tinted mousturiser instead of foundation Thanks i wanna dye it purple sometime in the next year. For the moment i might just get some lowlights put in
  2. Also, I love the quote in your sig, do you know where it's from? and hi, cos i don't think we've met
  3. I worked out when i was 12 that i wasn't straight but it took a while to work out why, if that makes sense... (gay/bisexual/human kinda thing) but one of my friends who recently came out says she's only worked it out in the last year and a half
  4. My hair's really dry so it's not that good to wash it more than that... you really don't want my hair, it's incredibly curly... takes at least an hour to straighten *see public prfile pics for hair* Thank you
  5. Mary, do you have a the bigger version of your avvie that you could post....? Kinda want it for Toy Boy not Mika
  6. 3 Golden Square Melachi Avenue Kensington Mikadom London UK Earth Universe Solar System Over There
  7. yesss! But if he says something you disagree with you think 'well that's ok, we just have different opinions' 'How do you take a freak and make them a beautiful freak?' would be high on my quote list i also loved what he said at the human rights thing he went to i was all like COULD I LOVE YOU MORE?
  8. YES. omg yes. especially in interviews when he says something or makes a comment and you think 'omg, that's so true! thank you ' this is my favourite atm: 'Musically as well as in my personality I wasn't ever going to dilute anything'
  9. You're very welcome :pinkbow:

    I'm Kat and i'm great thank you, how are you? :biggrin2:

  10. no, i haven't, thanks if i can't go then i'll just hope there's some really great reviews and i might be going on an 'educational' trip to London, but it's not at the same time as the fetival Hey! if it doesn't work out, it wasn't meant to be!
  11. North east England, so not as far as some, but train fares are ridiculous
  12. At the very least £80 for two nights and then i have the train ticket and actual festival ticket... and i don't think my parents are too keen on me going on my own
  13. looked at hotels and it'll be too expensive Hope those going have a great time!
  14. i say something along the lines of 'Moaw' if i had to spell it out
  15. I think mine's medium I like the brightness of the blue, wearing it to school and college was fun
  16. Sounds like a lot of languages :naughty:


    'Lebanese and Syrians sounds really kind of musical' that sounds really beautiful :wub2:


    Do you know any other languages (i read you're learning french?) I'm hoping to learn Italian soon :biggrin2:

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