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Everything posted by RainbowGirl

  1. OMG! i love this song! i have a little dance which i worked out in my head for the chorus part which i could never do but it's good... in my head... you wear some pink shorts... never mind xxx
  2. bye bye! tell us about it afterwards! xxx and have fun!
  3. i'm completely lost... someone help, please! you could PM the word... edit : never mind i got it. i didn't really think that was swearing cos i use it sometimes and i rarely use swear words unless there's something really wrong. i use c**p quite a lot... i had a conversation about another very bad word with my english teacher and i didn't know it existed or that it was so bad! (i'm sorry i'm slow... is it the thing a beaver builds?)
  4. the tatoos are so beautiful! the writing is gorgeous and i like the signature idea! i would love mika one but 1. my parents wouldn't be impressed and 2. later in life (i'm only 16) it may not go with my career choice. i have thought about getting a tatoo later though but i would have 'Love' at the base of my back. i have a reason but it's quite silly...
  5. i meant 'OhMyMika!!' i didn't know anyone used that... i put it on my MSN message...
  6. headache again! ps. i love the video in your sig Bienie!!!
  7. THAT would be an excellent story! if peple met him in strange, random places then that could be a fantastic thread!
  8. Why? *hug* would you llike flowers? i just realised it's one month and 3 days till 'the Boy' comes out!!!
  9. one month and 3days till TBWKTM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can't wait!!!!!
  10. that's really good! i like poetry! i wrote a poem but it's for Torchwood. don't suppose you watch that i'm slow and don't get who it's about though, is it you?
  11. it's not good no. but he's one of those people who opens his mouth and stuff comes out. i don't like HM. i sometimes watch his show
  12. i LOVE family guy! my favourite character is Brian. also, Seth Macfarlane said that 'yes, stewie is gay' which i think is hilarious cos he's 1!!!
  13. OMG! how did i not know about this???? i like the My Family Thinks...!!!! it's amazing! my parents suspected that i was gay... i'm not but they just thought... i was like 'WHAT?!?!'
  14. i agree with you and i don't like Miley Cyrus either but i don't mind HSM it takes my mind off stuff... but i despise the Jonas Brothers
  15. Emma Watson, Julie Walters, Jennifer Aniston and Meryl Streep in Mamma Mia has anyone seen The Proposal? Sandra Bullock was amazing in that!!! otherwise i can't think of any others...
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