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Everything posted by sweet.pixie

  1. Ok, I was just telling what I've seen ever since I came here for the fist time, I apologize. Btw, I didn't talk about my doll and it's just normal.
  2. I don't think it's a good idea that this thread is opened. No one truly think about the thinks we do like that, everything I've read here (and made myself) is worse... Even ChickenFM is just for members...
  3. Hi, I was told I should be here to talk about my Mika's doll ass And it looks like there is a party here, I wanna join
  4. TOtally love them It's so cute! Love it as always
  5. Found them! @mikasounds getting comfortable with myself naked 7:41 AM Jul 14th, 2009 via web well almost naked 7:46 AM Jul 14th, 2009 via web
  6. I agree with you And of course, it's allways his fault. And I'm gonna look for the tweet, I'm pretty sure it exists Maybe he would have
  7. I always remember that tweet and there was other during those days where he said he has naked and something like enjoying, having fun, I don't remember the exact words I don't think having sent that was such a big trouble, first of all he is the one who shows his underwear and it's always the same besides, the probabilities that he reads that aren't that "big"
  8. Probably We know he loves being naked, even if he keeps on denying it
  9. I don't think he will answer, he doesn't usually answer to anything, he must have A LOT to read, if I were him, I wouldn't Maybe I would just check the ones with links, but I don't really think he does, maybe from time to time
  10. That feels good Why on earth ChickenFM is in Members Only but the naughty corner isn't!?????? I've just realized I'm not protected here What the hell, I don't care
  11. I love to censore things likes that, gives you a lot of thinking while you watch the picture even if you know he has clothes on it
  12. I would be pleased And you didn't read the post in which I said that the best part of it all was choosing the places where the cream should be :das: I don't know what you could expect if bafore that you read that it's important not to ruin the surprise of the end of the second post Btw, you asked for it, you got it, no newbies for me
  13. Roxane: Check them here, if you check them in ChickenFM you are probably going to watch the last post first and it's not the same Sasje: This is what I was talking about: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2948637&postcount=3492 http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2948640&postcount=3493
  14. I don't know if you do, but I know I want too I'm surprised I wasn't sent here for adding pictures to the reason why I was sent here first
  15. I don't leave in that case, I've had already And Mika-ish too, I have the urge to buy a belt that I would never had liked befor Mika, because it's too colorful, but it's nice, but I can0t make up my mind All the time.
  16. Holii Si, es un desastre la calle, cada día es peor Imaginate que yo viajaba en micro al colegio (a primaria) y el que se supone que tiene que ser más cuidadoso nos chocó no fue nada, pero voy a que es un desastre y sobre todo los colectiveros que no les importa nada con tal de llegar a tiempo, cuando les conviene van boludeando, pero cuando no, no respetan nada Gracias le tengo la re confianza a ese médico, así que supongo que me va a tratar bien y dentro de poco voy a estar bien
  17. Tuviste un accidente o algo que te ponías nerviosa? (perdón por mi ignorancia respecto a tu vida ) Ahí anda... dejé de tomar calmantes el viernes, pero sigo poniéndome crema, hielo y haciendo reposo, la cosa es que me sigue doliendo (si no hago nada no ) El lunes voy a mi traumatólogo a ver que me dice, no pude conseguir turno antes Espero que se termine todo pronto, no aguanto no poder moverme, soy de caminar y bailar todo el día y esto no es divertido
  18. YKWAMFW you challange yourself not to think of Mika for exactly 1 minute and inmediately you start singing Lonely alcoholic and feel proud because you are distracted singing and not thinking of him and then you realize that you are singing one of his songs and have to start all over again many times
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