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Everything posted by sweet.pixie

  1. YKYAMFW you suddenly stop caring about your trousers falling down and you don't pull them as much as you used to (I swear it's something unconscious )
  2. I'm blue, I believe I'm a pie These are in spanish, but if you can get it, there are a lot which are really good.
  3. Happy that my headache is gone (second day at uni = bed ), and sleepy after the interrupted nap. And happy that I'm finally here.
  4. YKYAMFW you Mika-fy everything. I do that all the time. It's contradictory when I want my clothes to dry and the sky is grey and I suddenly want it to rain just because I want an "excuse" to sing Rain
  5. That happens to me all the time everywhere and sometimes I'm like "I like this, what is that nice sound?" and a second later everything makes sense
  6. You shouldn't lie, you naughty girl YKYAMFW you go walking down the streets alone, start thinking about him and blushing and laughing
  7. I'd love to spend my life When I saw the pictures I went OMG (I hate them ) and I knew I had to do that, but I didn't know whether that was right or not
  8. I'd like one I'm creating folders right now, my favourite name is "my favourite astronaut", but that's sweet, not naughty My folders aren't, but this is trully naughty I think:
  9. Those are most of my pencils, the come out of everywhere in my bedroom, I still have more And again, your drawing is beautiful
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