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Everything posted by sweet.pixie

  1. It's so cute, I really like your style, and I specially like the fact that you have written "pixiedust"
  2. I've dreamt that he was doing a show in my country and I was there in front row
  3. Congratulations! Now it's time to enjoy this new period of your life that is begining and will be so special and lovely. Wish you, your baby, and the father, the best
  4. YKYAMFW you see someone that you don't know wearing something that looks like Mika's favourite t-shirt and you want to run and hug him, I just stared at him though
  5. And it can be a natural birth it would be even better
  6. Happens to me with all his covers and I always say to myself that his covers are better and that they should play them
  7. YKYAMFW your mum suddenly starts to like things that are Mika-ish Or you use him for making studying less boring I've made some examples (for ChickenFM) using him
  8. YKYAMFW you spend all the credit you have on your cellphone just to vote for him (My cellphone company is gonna take it away anyway )
  9. Btw, I've made somthing that you might like He's 5 months, you've been there a long time ago might seem now. Hope you like it
  10. Oh! That's so good! You are finally going to meet her! I hope she wants to get out before that date though, I bet the natural process is unforgettable. Wish you the best
  11. You think so, they are not I don't usually draw without "copying" from other things, what I do is combine different things that I see, but the last one is an authentic Andrea's original
  12. YKYAMFW you leave home even later than the last time because you are watching Kick ass on tv for the first time and when it finishes you change and BIOTG is on and then you have to run to get the bus to get to Uni in time, and you suddenly remember (already in pain) that you can't run because you are not recovered from hurting your foot while dancing to his music yet
  13. I like making up word, I do that usually and my mum laughs at me Anybody in here is sane, that's why we are here But it's the most beautiful of not being
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