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Everything posted by Cherol

  1. I'm from the United States, how about you? :)

  2. I speak English, Spanish, American Sign Language and I'm learning French right now
  3. I'm well, thanks Mai, how are you?

  4. He's so amazing! I need to check out some of his solo stuff, because I am a HUGE Savage Garden fan.
  5. It's one of my favorites! And now I'm out of skittles, so I'm searching for more. I only found Swedish Fish, so that'll have to do.
  6. Painting a Dia De Los Muertos doll, eating Skittles, and watching To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything Julie Newmar.
  7. Lovely, lovely interview! Thanks for posting! I love the Let It Snow cover, though it's a bit premature
  8. Hmm...I'd maybe have him cook. I have no idea really. Maybe I'll make him play Beatles Rock Band with me.
  9. Cherol


    I did! It's one of my absolute favorite songs that they've ever done. I also exploded a bit, because I sign, so that was really, really, really awesome. I was so excited I couldn't stop laughing during the hairography numbers for this episode. Oh man. Also sneaky, sneaky, Sue. I usually love her even when she does terrible things but this...
  10. Not cheesalicious! It was awesome!! I loved it, Kira. The conclusion is ace. I completely agree about being decadent every once in a while and I can't wait until the next time we get to be decadent again.
  11. Thank you so much for going through all of that to get this posted, Naectegale Such a great one...I love whenever an interviewer or someone imitates Mika in good fun, and he gets amused. I think some people could get really uptight about stuff like that, but not Mika. I love that.
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