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Everything posted by Nollaig

  1. Yeah, it's good to see an adult side to Mika, we all love him being cute and cuddly but it's nice to see he's just another normal guy. And yes, the interview overall was well conducted, great questions allowing for proper discussion.
  2. How did I miss that link? Superb. I never got around to writing an in-depth thing about this song - but I really don't need to. For me, there is no way that someone as intelligent and as obsessed with the happy music/dark theme thing as Mika, who SAYS that he's fasincated by sexuality and that it's everywhere in his music, could have written the lyrics 'but your mama thought there was something wrong, she didn't want you sleeping with a boy too long, it's a serious thing in a grown up world, maybe you'd be better with a barbie girl' without it on some level sexual in nature. That's not to say it's about Mika personally, it resonates even with me as I have gay and bisexual friends who took a long time to deal with their sexuality and how other people perceived them because of it. But I think anyone who says it's not about homophobia is just kidding themselves. It's awesome that he even used Disney music haha - as I've said before (I think) I believe this is lyrically and musically the best overall composition that Mika has come up with so far.
  3. Hahaha yeah or else Mika's gonna be changing some lyrics
  4. That 'boys to the left!' picture post is also hilarious, and really cracked me up. I never really thought about who did the voice at the start, but I'm listening to it again now and yeah I can easily hear that it's Mika. I didn't know he did the woman's voice in Grace Kelly til the Chris Moyles interview the other day though!
  5. Yup, it's definately sunny and dumb, I agree with what the others said. I really love this song.
  6. I know a huge part of what sets I See You apart from I'm Falling is that it's a fully developed, orchestrated mini-opera, but I'd actually love to hear just Mika and his piano doing I See You for a comparison against I'm Falling. Or even just a less-operatic live version, y'know?
  7. Still doesn't play for me. Just says it's buffering, then does nothing. And when I click 'play' again, it just fades and says 'play again' or 'share'. I want to play it FOR THE FIRST TIME!!
  8. Yeah I liked the overall happy sentiment of what happened in the very end, but didn't think it was particularly good specificially.
  9. I was surprised at the Billy Brown thing. 'Did you feel guilty when he cried?' 'No....? Is that mean?' Um, yes, Mika. That would be the definition of mean! Not that I mind, just means he's human like all the rest of us.
  10. Ouch, the bit about Billy Brown was a bit harsh! Mika made himself sound really mean lol!
  11. It was 30 mins long, started at 7.15, ended 7.45. I edited my above post - it should be available on the iplayer soon (tomorrow maybe) apparently. If it's there tomorrow I'll get the link and paste it here.
  12. I just read in the programme listing that he was talking about why he may lose friends by writing songs Wonder what that's about. I checked and it can't be replayed yet, but yesterday's episode can be played today, so maybe it will be there by tomorrow.
  13. Oh, it started 30 mins ago. He's already gone. Whoops!
  14. Oh you lucky lucky thing! I'd love to have met them! I was at a Star Trek thing in a hotel in Las Vegas, and I was also in this tv museum in Los Angeles, which is where the actual Enterprise bridge set is stored - the three seat set with Picard's, Riker's and Troy's chairs and the console along the back, I got to sit in that. I have a photo somewhere. It also had the back wall console (Worf's and Geordi's) and if you look really closely there are silly pictures on it, like a mouse and a car, put there to make the actors laugh while they were meant to be seriously checking up on the hull breach on deck 6 or whatever was wrong. That story about the boob/elbow is HILARIOUS, thanks for sharing, really made me laugh I agree whole-heartedly. By the end of the show, she was the deepest and most developed character. I think the whole Doctor/Data/Seven not-quite-human-but-getting-there was also one of the cornerstones of the entire show. And yes, Chakotay and Janeway TOTALLY should have ended up together, what were the writers thinking?!
  15. T4P! Doesn't he look dashing in that black and white suit!!
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