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Everything posted by Nollaig

  1. I studied English Literature and Philosophy. Both are really interesting to me, but it's like a niche market which most people can't see the appeal in! :naughty:


    Ammm I have a Deviant Art account but half the stuff isn't much cop, or it's Lion King Fan Art! :P I have a picture I've done for Mika's yearbook in a thread on here somewhere, an art thread, I don't know where it went. It's just Mika doing his tip-toes dance thing, wearing a suit which is covered in the new album's artwork. :blush-anim-cl:

  2. I'm pretty picky about my Sci-Fi, I'm not into Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica or anything, I like some oldschool stuff like Quantum Leap and Sliders. But generally I just like the Star Trek multiverse, and then more fantasy things like Buffy/Angel
  3. Oooh I do love Christmas but I think it's too early to be talking about it HALLOWEEN! I haven't heard Mika singing Hips Don't Lie! I must look that up. I twittered him today telling him the Irish MFC fans are hoping for an Irish date on the UK tour I feel a bit guilty now haha!
  4. Yeah I've noticed the number threes are on the go! We can still do it though!
  5. Not even The Next Generation? Picard rules! You should give that one a chance - it doesn't start well, but once it gets going it's great. Data, the android ('robot') is one of my favourite characters in anything because he spends the entire series learning and developing like a child, and exploring the line between man and machine. (There's a great episode where people want to dismantle him to see how he works, and Captain Picard has to work to explain why he's not just a machine, he's a person. /rant. Sorry, I get excited!
  6. Tv production stuff! That sounds awesome. Everyone does more interesting stuff than me lol.


    Are you on Deviant Art or anything? You do look pretty talented, I'd love to see your other work. :D

  7. Haha actually somebody else did, but they only did so to say 'Zachary Quinto', so I had to comment on the original show So do you like Deep Space 9, Voyager or Enterprise at all? I HATE Enterprise, Voyager is okay at times, and I think Deep Space Nine is rapidly becoming a favourite of mine, I adore Julian Basheer, I think he's gorgeous! The different series had their hotties too! Chakotay in Voyager was hot, Riker in The Next Generation wasn't too bad and Shatner himself was okay when he was younger
  8. The original series and TNG are amazing. TNG is my favourite coz I did grow up with it, when I was in my pre-teen years it's what I used to watch with the family, even before I understood it. Now I can watch it again and see so many more layers ethically, philosphically and so on and THAT'S what makes it Star Trek to me.
  9. Oh I know it is! But it's Christmas colours, so I associate it more with that.
  10. Great work guys! Argh mine is down, will get back on it a.s.a.p.
  11. Oh yeah, there's no bother with that at all! I'd probably do the same myself, I'm just adding my two cents to the production side of it all, if you get me I'm just a die hard fan of the original shows and the movie is too big a departure for me to consider it Star Trek (like many die hard fans). It's a great movie in it's own right, Zac and all
  12. 18 hours left. I'll try vote every twenty minutes - I'll probably be up late tonight, as I'm going having a nap now coz my head's sore.
  13. I think he looks more Christmas-y than like a logger. Red and green are Christmas colours.
  14. The new Star Trek movie is a big epic, well filmed and enjoyable blockbuster of a movie. But it is not Star Trek as any fan of the original series or TNG would have it, and it's enough to make Roddenberry turn in his grave. I grew up watching TNG particularly. THAT was Star Trek at it's finest. DS9 was similarly superb, and Voyager and Enterprise.... well. We won't mention those. The simple fact that this entire thread is clearly about a good looking guy whose real name I didn't even know prior to seeing this thread is evidence of that.
  15. Something Corporate/Jack's Mannequin Goo Goo Dolls Tim Minchin Elton John Guns N Roses Dashboard Confessional JJ72 Alanis Morrisette Kings Of Leon Bon Jovi Savage Garden There's loads more... they're just the first ones that spring to mind.
  16. We can overtake him but it's *very* important to keep voting as much as possible, because the second place guy's fans will start up voting again when they're online - last night the gap between second and third went back up from 30 to 130 votes - we need to get a couple hundred ahead and keep voting to keep him in with a chance!!
  17. I'm listening to Mika's tracks recorded in the Radio 1 Live Lounge thing with Ferne Cotton.
  18. I'm rather partial to them now myself! I love that Fearne asked him was he at all embarrassed filming the scenes in his boxers for We Are Golden, coz I did wonder about that - and I'm amazed he said that it seems weird coz he's actually prudish - Mika?? Prudish?? Coulda fooled me! Also, 'I hate covers!!!' Awwwwww makes you just want to give him a big ole hug!
  19. Oh, it looks like it is! I went back and looked at it closer. Well for all the world the stitching does the jeans no favours!
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