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Everything posted by Nollaig

  1. No, I didn't meet Mairead, it was a dude called Andy. House was fabulous but waaaay too expensive. Ahhh English was good fun but I did prefer Philosophy. I'm useless at languages, but I would have killed for an excuse to do Arts for four years rather than three. (Other than repeating, which I would happily have done but I couldn't afford that either! ) I miss it now, actually. I miss the Boole basement! Great for sleeping! I love Philosophy, but I hate debating, so I never really went to it. Mighta done once when I was in first year, but I'm more the 'listen to all sides and quietly decide my view' as opposed to 'bash all sides while defending my view' type. It's cool to watch debates, but I SUCK at them. I'm far too peaceful!
  2. OMG Shaz - I lived on O Donovan's Road last year, and I looked at a house on Connaught Ave less than a month ago! I could have been living on the same street as you! Small world! Haha! I did English and Philosophy in Arts! Unglorified Arts! I'll have to do a Masters to specialise, but I had no money this year so I'm saving to do it next year. What year are you in, if you don't mind my asking?
  3. Hi Shaza! Tauruslady (Debbie) said alright that you're in Cork too! I just graduated from UCC, but still living out in Glasheen! What're you doing in UCC?
  4. Hallo! I'm a new addition, I only joined a couple of weeks back. I'm in Cork too, but in the city I adore the new album. And the look of this place.So much so that I think it's messing with my subconscious, today I put on black pants,purple hoodie and turquoise nails/shoes/accessories without realising!
  5. Hiya!


    Just wanted to say I watched your 'We Are Golden' entry video on youtube (I'm watching anyone who has links in their sigs) and I thought it was FABULOUS! Well done you! x

  6. I just woke up too, and went to mikasounds before here in case I was diving into mad discussion about dates here and unable to work out anything! But nothing's happened
  7. Because the video LOOKS sloppy to me. It doesn't look like it was made that way deliberately.
  8. Tim Burton rules. I'm watching Mika singing Pick Up Off The Floor on Jools Holland over and over. This was already one of my favourite songs but this performance is just AMAZING.
  9. Entirely just my opinion here but, much as I like the video, I think you're kinda grasping at straws to turn 'mediocre' into the 'excellent' we all wanted. I get what you're saying and I see it in the video, but I really think it's just sloppiness that happened to work out that way. (Just my opinion though.)
  10. I used to skip Good Gone Girl, but like I see You and Touches You, it's grown on me
  11. One Foot Boy seems to be very popular and it's probably the ONLY track I ALWAYS skip out on when playing through the album.
  12. I saw Brunt today, in the episode where Rom starts a strike against Quark I love the brawl between Worf, O' Brien and Bashir. O' Brien to Worf: 'It wasn't much of a brawl really - I grabbed you, you shoved me, and Julian was tossed over a table...' Bahaha. I don't know the Vorta clones though...
  13. I had recorded Jools Holland on Sky Plus to watch today, and it was great. I'm on a poor connection til I get home, but I can't wait to watch that HD clip of Pick Up Off The Floor - I thought his performance of that song was fabulous!
  14. Hmm, maybe... would have to check it out though, I'd hate to end up with a white one! Thanks for the link though!
  15. Yes! It's amazing! Linky linky please thanks! :biggrin2:
  16. I actually know someone in Dublin who is gonna look for me too, so if he finds one I'll let you know where he got it! I could afford the postage if absolutely necessary, but that won't be applicable til about 7 days before a confirmed gig :naughty: I'll keep an eye out in Cork and if I find something it'd be no bother to post it up to you.


    €18.50? That's very cheap. Not sure how cheap Mika would be though - I read in some thread or other that the prices for his shows have gradually been going up. I've never even heard of the Academy to be honest - I'm going to go Google it now.

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