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Everything posted by Nollaig

  1. Last night I watched that TNG episode, Masks, where an alien archive starts taking over the ship and converting it into aspects of it's own culture - and Data is taken over by the various personalities of members of that race. So he has to play about 5 different characters, sometimes alternating between two or three in one continous shot. It just reminded me how absolutely underrated an actor Brent Spiner is. I find (myself anyway) completely forgetting he's not actually an android, but a human playing an android, which is the mark of acting perfection, and to think he's a human playing that part to such perfection just leaves me in awe of his ability. /fangirlism.
  2. Yeah, much as I adore Mika and appreciate what was attempted, I have to agree.
  3. Yeah it might be possible to cover it, but it might not look as good... having said that - white is MUCH closer to the right look than that black banded one floating around the place, so it probably wouldn't really be that much of a problem. It's the right shade and all! Postage is very expensive though, isn't it? It can't possibly be very heavy!


    Myself and Debbie (Tauruslady) were saying if he does play and we all end up going, it might be a laugh to head to it together. It's always fun with a crowd!

  4. Hallo m'dear, how're you doing?


    I saw those and didn't actually look too closely, but seeing them up close - does that hen party band look like it might just slide off? It doesn't look entirely sewn on, so even if theres a couple of stitches they could probably be cut to get it off. Or alternatively, we could sew one saying, 'MIKA!!!' over it :naughty:


    Not entirely sure about the white edge either but I'd imagine we can't be TOO picky.


    If he's coming to Ireland next year I NEED to have one to wear going :naughty:

  5. I saw that one. I don't like it coz it's got the black and Mika's is plain. I want an identical one.
  6. Oh yeah I get what you're saying, I just thought the video gave a useful vague idea of transitions - I know Mika's more background and would only be one per scenario etc. I've just always loved that whole general idea anyway, one person playing multiple characters in any way, I think it looks awesome.
  7. I posted in the other thread Yeah I didn't find anything either I told my mate (who finds all these random sorta things all the time that I want one for my birthday - we'll see what happens!
  8. Hi guys! Cazgirl suggested I pop in here. I commented in another thread how I think the off-centre frame dance shots Mika does in BIOTG (where the camera moves steady and he sorta dances across the screen) would look awesome as transitions between the various characters he would be portraying in your idea. My example was 'As' by George Michael and Mary J. Blige, where there's an entire bar filled with about 50 Georges and 50 Marys, and they sorta walk in and out of frame during transitions to different 'selves' - youtube the video and you'll see what I mean, but obviously your video would have one Mika per shot and other extras or something. Just a random thought, hope you don't mind me jumping in!
  9. I love his outfit, I love the idea, but I don't think it matches the song and none of it does the song any favours, and I don't think it was executed very well. The dancing at the start was dodgy, the bit in the chair, although other than the dodginess I love that whole section, and I want his hat. I agree with whoever said the best dancing bits were the bits where he was slightly out of frame and - if I might say so Cazgirl - I read what you and Jazzy were saying about a video where he's playing all these different characters, I think that stepping in and out of frame thing would look great with that idea! Sorta the way George Michael and Mary J stepped in and out of frame during 'As' if that makes sense? Love the idea though.
  10. ME TOO! Darn, have you tried all the ebays? I'm gonna go hunting now too, I'll let you know if I find anything!
  11. I *love* this video. It's brilliant. The opening spoken part is superb, Mika's outfit is gorgeous (I want the hat!), the little chair dance bit leaves a little to be desired but it's quirky and I like it. The way he bangs the cane on the floor for the clapping bit is SUPERB, and the dancing from then on out I think is just brilliant. The first 55 seconds - the attitude is just fantastic. Not sure about the half and half outfits, I love the idea but I don't like the girly half. Overall I think it's a great video, although it does lack a little 'oomph', I was expecting maybe something a little more extravagant to appear towards the end, but I love it all the same.
  12. I still can't decide. By The Time, Toy Boy and Pick Up Off The Floor would probably be the main three if I had to choose, but it's not easy.
  13. I've just been up all night gaming and watching various demos with my brother. Some awesome games coming out soon. Now it's gone 6am and I've to get a bus home in 3 hours x_x
  14. It's not difficult to use the search function. Either way, I'm looking forward to 'I See You' coming out as a single - it HAS to. Beyond that, I'm not fussed/sure, as I know my favourites (Dr. John, By The Time, Toy Boy and Pick Up Off The Floor) won't be singles.
  15. This is like the third time this thread has been done in some form or another...
  16. I THINK I have it all on dvd at home, if I do I'll raid the dvd shelf and take the first couple of seasons back here with me to watch on my laptop. I do really want to watch it.
  17. I have 45 minutes to wash the dishes and get ready to go meet a friend in the city. ARGH. Must dash.
  18. Ta-da! If I decide to do Philosophy, UCD seems like the obvious choice as I've looked into their courses and they have about 6 'streams' of Philosophy Masters each dedicated to different areas (morality/ethics, mind/science, classical/history etc) and there's the absolute perfect one to expand on my love of the mind/science philosophical genre. If I go down the Librarian route, which is another possibility, UCD do the only course (Library and Information Technology) which qualify people as librarians.


    At the same time, I've heard phrases such as 'save your soul, don't go to UCD' from Dubliners, so I'm a bit wary. Also, I have several friends in Maynooth, have been to the NUI there and LOVED it, so I'd love to go there, but I'm not sure the courses are as good, I've heard bad things about the Philosophy one there.


    /rant. Bet you're wishing you didn't ask, now ;)

  19. I'm actually gonna pop over to visitor messages with this convo, if you don't mind - the Moderator in me is screaming, 'no more off-topic!!'
  20. I don't think you can pigeon-hole such things. I think it's unlikely that by the time someone gets to a marriage age (unless they do so in their teens or early twenties) that they can't know their own sexual orientation - and I agree that it is fairly likely that it's often a case of trying to be heterosexual when you're not (for whatever reason) and later being unable to deal with the marriage. Of course, affairs are never justified and are inherently wrong, but I wouldn't as quick to blame Billy on the grounds of knowing or not knowing his sexuality. It is a very tough situation for those who have to face up to it in the end, especially when there are kids involved.
  21. Oh yeah don't watch it right now, but I think it's worth watching to see how Data's story ends. Might watch it myself this weekend at the parent's place. Star Trek avatars rule. I don't have any, as anywhere else my Trekkie side would be laughed out of the forum! I love MFC.
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