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Everything posted by Nollaig

  1. Yes! It's that one! YOU NEED to see it, I know it's the end for them all and they all go off and do their various different things, but man. You need to see Data's ending. It's why I pointed out the theory about the saga being about Data - it really is the end of Data's story. GO GO GO! :roftl: Aw man I so badly want to watch me some Star Trek now with all this talk about it! Great pictures btw, love the massage one I don't remember the real smile, but it rings a bell...?
  2. I just had a shower, and I'm just replying on a couple of forums before I dry my hair and do the washing up from last night!
  3. TV movie I haven't seen most of the show, but I've heard about the final episode (half of them just leave the station and go their seperate ways, right?) My mum said she was very sad watching it coz she wanted them to all stay together. I actually know nothing about DS9, but like I say I adore Julian Basheer (the episode where he's in a coma or something, and the station and various members of the crew represent different parts of his personality/mind, and so on, that's one of my favourite Star Trek episodes ever.) I also love Garek, as I mentioned before he's so mysterious and so charismatic - and the friendship between him and Julian is very endearing. I definately want to get into watching the series, because I loved TNG and Voyager, and while I know all the names you mentioned (The Dominion, the Founders etc) I don't actually know anything about them.
  4. Nice to meet ya HAHA! That's brilliant, I must put them on my own phone actually. Does... does that mean you don't know what happens to Data?? Watch the last episode (2-parter), it's called 'All Good Things' and it's SUPERB. Data kinda saves the day. That's one of my favourites, I was convinced that they couldn't possibly go back to normal once they were back on the ship, but lo and behold Seconded! :biggrin2:
  5. You're one of the only Dubs I know who likes it! I know several who've sorta migrated outward to Maynooth and so on for college, and they're glad to be away from it. They tell me I'm crazy when I say I can't wait to go do my Masters there! Also, regarding the crates of Guinness..... just phone them and ask for 'a year's supply' and see what happens
  6. Sleepy. Heading to bed now to read a bit of Dracula before conking out. Night all x
  7. Okay I'm going to stop posting I think lol.... I feel like maybe I'm talking too much
  8. Now that's what I like to hear!! I'm not from Dublin but it will be my home, I love it there so much. It's just barely big enough for my liking! Kodes100: Cheers! I'm in particularly perky form tonight, I don't know why I wonder what time Monday the dates will be released?
  9. I can't ever tell if you're being sarcastic, but yes I remember you. You're another avid twitter-thingy voter, and also as far as I can tell the voice of reason regarding Mika's various revelations about himself. Yes, I love it here. RAK1, how do you know he likes Guinness? That's handy Wait wait, invading Dublin? I'm guessing Wiltshire, with being a 'shire' is in England? You don't need to come to Ireland, you're definately going to get him in England! On-topic: Wouldn't it be cool if he came to Dublin? ()
  10. I agree completely. He's handing out ammunition left right and centre, the shoplifting thing, being mean about his friends, downloading songs illegally, and even not going to school and not bothering to tell the council when he was younger - they'll still all accumulate and it will bite him in the arse.
  11. Plans are forming, muahaha... Clearly we must rapidly befriend some unsuspecting MFC-er in the relevant town and crash at their place! ...I jest, obviously. Wonder how much the plane would cost... they're usually pretty cheap (when booked waaay in advance for flights at silly hours).
  12. I actually think Mika would really go in for the Leprechaun hats! They're quirky and colourful and cute. Bit like him. Maybe a technicolour one. We are so off topic. You know, if he doesn't come to Ireland, I will consider sorting out a trip to the UK to see him. I was planning on popping over to England early next year ANYWAY.
  13. That's a brilliant idea. Unless he doesn't like Guinness. But everyone loves the Irish, and anything associated, so it might work. Tee hee hee Oh God, I'm actually getting my hopes up now. This is really bad. What if he doesn't come??
  14. I LOVE THIS FORUM!! I haven't gotten talking to too many people yet, but the few I see regularly are awesome and I think I'm gradually building up some new potential friendships. This place has a Star Trek thread, hello, how amazing is that? It's more active than the one on my Uni's Science Fiction forum!! Everyone helps everyone else out, download links, interviews, hugs, whatevers needed, and nobody minds a bit of slighty-off-topic fun on occasion. What more could you possibly want from a forum?? :wub2:
  15. Well, there's a slight difference between.... okay. Yes. Yes we are. Mika, you're coming to Ireland if we have to kidnap you and... well, if we have to kidnap him he needn't play a gig, he can just come round for tea and an acoustic session. FOCUS, Noll. *DublinDublinDublin...*
  16. LMAO! 'Pat pat Billy.' That cracked me up. We all sound as bitchy as Mika now don't we?!
  17. *crosses fingers* DublinDublinDublinDublinDublinDublinDublinDublinDublinDublinDublinDublinDublinDublinDublinDublin!
  18. Well, yes, but I wouldn't really be comparing them to see which wins, just to put them into the same ballpark for comparison - I'd still love them both
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