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Wesley Müller

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Everything posted by Wesley Müller

  1. Obrigado pelas ideias, não tinha pensado nisso... Poisé... também sei lhufas sobre isso... mas vamos nos arranjar.. :wub2: Obrigado pela força... =D
  2. :wub2::wub2: we're so happy for you!!! congratz!!! :biggrin2::biggrin2:
  3. well... it's nice.. ok, it isn't!!


    on July 14th!!!



    and you?


    have a golden week!!!

  4. Heeeeeeeeeeeeey!! anybody here??? :shocked:
  5. yep we are!!!


    we are golden!!!



    i hope to see it soon... here will be at cinemas only 18th June... and i hope be there!!!





    have a golden sunday!!!



  6. i'm realy happy for you!!! congretz for the pics and reports... hahaha
  7. Poisé... Temos de seguir o exemplo do magrelo mesmo, afinal, se ele não tivesse sido tão 'chato', ele não estaria onde ele está agora... Bora fozer um chat pra conversar sobre o que a gente pode fazer que tal? Mara, você tem msn? (isso ajuda, fazer algo mais dinâmico)
  8. well... just sucks!!! hated it!!! i get sick!!! oh may God!!!


    ok, i'm losing my mind, sorry!!!





    i just wanna to see the movie to listen Mika's voice... but there's nothing... bargh...



    Oh... nice!! I added you!



    have a golden week!!

    see ya!


  9. well... i thik it's too much cute or beauty or i don't know... ok, sorry... i'll stop... well... think your grandma at toillet... -i'm making sense??-
  10. So... anything new??? :biggrin2: what we need do??
  11. ownn... obrigado, Wonka!!! vc é mesmo golden!!! huhuhuhuh Tomara que ele queira aproveitar o calor aqui!! E se ele quiser sentir o que é CALOR mesmo ele pode ficar aqui em Bangu, eitá lugarzin pra ser quente!!! hahahah Vlwsão, again!!! :wub2:
  12. LOL

    great!!! =D



    well... my day was realy boring... I get sick, stayed at home almost day... but I'll be fine tomorrow (i hope it)



    have a golden week!!


  13. what problem sweet??? Welcome!!! well... write what's IN your head... and you'll be realy fine... :biggrin2:
  14. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH EU E STELLA GANHAMOS uma camisa WAG e um poster!!!! BRASIL IS GOLDEN!!! hahahhahah :wub2::wub2:
  15. Stuck in the middle!!!



    Yep... In Rio de Janiero...

    just love to live here... you'll be on the gig tonight???

    hope so...



    see ya!!



  16. well.. nothing too...


  17. Welcome here too!!!


    you're from feb too!!

    and our birthday are too next...

    -my birthday is 16-


    so... where are you from?



    bye... see ya!


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