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Everything posted by Yuna

  1. wowowow I love your report so much!! poor Andy I asked one security guard to take him in front of me but he was just like mode... and I was like when you froze like that ... I was a little bit more brave girl :roftl:
  2. we are not allowed to took pics with our own cameras... the official photographer took our pic ... dunno when I could get the pic gotta call the promotor about that..
  3. sorry I couldn't have chance to talk you about the Plan B ...:( I was extremly busy last night you know....

  4. so glad to see you yesterday!! I could meet him on backstage so lucky.... and see him on the parking lot also....:)

    you printed out the paper planes too? :naughty: hope you did that!!

  5. Oh genius here you did really really great job.... I forgot to say Jimmy and iMMa's story... Korean MFCers could have chance to took some great group pic with them on the parking lot! wow so sweet guys The band members were in the bus and they showed all their gifts from us. Jimmy is so fun ...lighting on and off the lollipop stick and LED plate inside the bus to showing us... and iMMa socks too!! iMMa laughed so much :naughty:
  6. Awww you told Andy about that!! thank you. it's a litte bit lucky some other mfcers had chance to meet him and give him one glowing lollipop I heard that he loved that so much and thanked those MFCers . but the present package was in my bag .... and I couldn't meet him.. poor Andy about AOW..... yes we could have chance to hear it on the encore if there was not a football game after but if he did like that we still had to do it on Happy ending...because I announced Korean Mika Fans that we are going to do it on Happy ending if he doesnt sing AOW before Happy Ending... well anyway worked fine.... so relieved:naughty:
  7. MIKA JUMPED INTO CROWDS http://serviceapi.nmv.naver.com/flash/NFPlayer.swf?vid=BE386766111FCCF5153009A50CB4C302D8F9&outKey=V127fd0fa20da0403e3957c05e013554d627b711782da70ba04507c05e013554d627b
  8. you still alive me either gotta sleep....really..... 3:50 pm. Oh I 'll bring bunches of vids here from MIKAHOLIX tomorrow.... I filmed nothing.... to concentrate the performance more:biggrin2:
  9. thanks to MFC mods help, we could have chance to talk to MIKA we gave him all presents and had great time .... Mika and I talked a lot .... official photographer took pics of our talks a lot so I felt like doing a press conference with MIKA actually it was so unreal ....was my first time seeing him in person. I told him the stories about paper planes, and he said so much appreciate talk of it, like he loved that so much... it was the most amazing gift ever in my life ....things like this. my english was not make sense because I was so nervous to see him but thankfully he seems understand many things
  10. we set all paper planes on the seated place. and many Korean fans voluntarily prepared printed out many paper planes for the event. from dozens, and some gave me hundreds for the event we prepared handmade golden glitters for WAG with hundreds of golden tassels. prepared 1000 for this. and packed one by one. and handed out for people just before the gig. 1000 audience sprinkled them on the air when MIKA sings 'we are not what you think we are, we are GOLDEN, we are GOLDEN'
  11. it was so hard..... we planed everything for a month. but MFC admin mods team helped us so many things about that..... thank you so much
  12. great report We asked Mika why he didn't sing Toyboy.... Mika said because of Worldcup he should finish early should going everything so fast..so no encore, dropped Toyboy even if it was on the setlist..... The only worst part of the gig was Worldcup..... he looks like lack of time...
  13. yes he was fairy... John came outside to meet me before the gig...and we talked a lot !! John was really good to us..... (Thank you BS and other mods who were in Japan gig) all we have to do is the designes. and order this on the internet mall
  14. paper plane design...we printed out 3000 papers for the audience and announced that we are gonna do this on AOW. and encouraged fan club members to print out this for the gig. so we could do it perfect on AOW. BUT,,,, MIKA dropped AOW on Asia setlist ...we were all in panic and begged him to do AOW for us... and we made the Plan B. We did it on Happy Ending instead. thousands of planes at one time 'little bit of love' I announced about the changes on our forum just 2 days before the concert. but everybody did it so well!!!! I asked some advice to FD and Blue Sky... so great moderaters... thank you!! wanna print out this?
  15. we korean mfcers controled everything.. and we sold 500 lollipops total. we designed everything . nameplates, lollipops, banners....all. mfcer Kiara_m is just genious mfcer rainsonagi designed all mika characters
  16. I'm back.... so busy...so unreal.... so incredible night today!! I'll post some pics about our all events we Korean MFCers & Korea local fan club MIKAHOLIX prepared so far for the gig... for months!!! I tried to do my best to make all of these as secret on the forum... First. MFC Korea exclusive things. Thanks to Deb and Christine, we made our own MFC banners. designed three Mika characters. Mika seems to like the dr.John costume one most!! (Mika asked me who designed the Dr.John banner ). its official Korean MFCer gift for MIKA wearing hanbok, the traditional costume. its about 70cm tall ... handmade all. Second, MFC Korea and MIKAHOLIX things. its gift for Mika, Mika band members, and mama P, John the manager, Yasmine, Andy...I couldn't meet andy so I bring Andy's gift back home.....so sorry to him...so unlucky. we put the Glowing lollipop and LED nameplates on it with some cookies. LED nameplates. Mika and the member's Korean name on it. memorial book for Mika. we made this for a month (like mfc yearbook) as korean mfcers had no chance to be in the yearbook project, we made our own one. about 50 people put their messages and artworks on this. and so many korean mika fans helped us to doing this (financial help ) artwork part page. sorry for the bad pic....... I'll upload better ones later traditional sweets for Mika, bandmembers, and other Team Mika staffs.
  17. I won't see pics or vids on here......to enjoy surprise more.... I just heard that Tokyo gig was great!! happy to hear that
  18. http://www.yes24.com/24/goods/3833319?scode=032&srank=1 they sent the CD abroad too... but not sure google translating helps or the price is unreasonably expensive or not... it's the biggest online bookstore in Korea...and I found out that TBWNTM special edition sale ranked 2th and LICM ranked 9th!! OMG even LICM still in top 10
  19. http://cgi.ebay.com/Mika-The-Boy-Knew-Too-Much-SPECIAL-EDITION-2CD-NEW-/390201952210?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Music_CDs&hash=item5ad9d947d2 another link
  20. about 30 dollors? (exclude paypal fee) expensive..:0

  21. 16900 KRW =about 14 US dollars :)

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