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Everything posted by Yuna

  1. Thanks for the links! oh he kisses his microphone no way
  2. yup and the cd cover design is different also..
  3. still feel like a newbie finding such a funny thread like this so late
  4. it really is.... !! whatever language Mika speaks.. mfcers transtates it into english so I can understand almost all shows& interviews so sweet...
  5. Thank you so much Lilstar!! oh.. mika....plz make a DVD with this....... it's so unbelievable... so amazing...
  6. Oh..... just love it so muuuuccccchhhhhh....................... Thank you!! now I can make Korean sub with this english translation
  7. wow congrats ..so amazing... wanna have autographs like that... sadly I have nothing.... btwhow could he jump like that ?!!!!! OMG...
  8. aww apparently he loves to see the audience sing along so much more sing his songs, more like that....
  9. WOW I love the great vibe....crowds.... so amazing!! thanks !!
  10. Thanks for the setlist&vids btw WHERE'S GOOD GONE GIRL ?????? :shocked: OMG
  11. Hello still sleeping? if not would you plz post some report here ??? I've been waiting for them for few hours pleaseeee I loooove details
  12. does anyone know link for listening it from non uk pleaseee? 7 pm ... after dinner I'll listen it live aww
  13. not stadium... just a bigger hall than ax hall.... all seated?????
  14. 9.5 years....how could he forget all? he's lying again..... ya I heard those things on Chris Moyles show few days ago.... Mika counted 1 2 3 4 things in chinese and honestly he was worse than me....I had studied chinese only 3 years...and forget more and more as time goes by I studied Mandarine chinese too... I heard that cantonese has 9 tones .. is it true?
  15. Oh I can read just half of it .... you guys know that Mika had studied chinese for 9.5 years? I wonder if he could speak chinese as well as he does spanish....or italian...
  16. You were great... If I were you I would be totally fainted immediately on the stage .. your report is my fab so far as well
  17. It works well right now... have a try again... This one answered Mika correctly today.... cute... as there are so many users... you should do press f5 again and again till works well..
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