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Everything posted by Yuna

  1. Thank you so much I translated it all finally wooooo it's not easy but very fun!!! much better than boring english textbooks
  2. cant believe only 10 posts are here AOW lyrics are the hardest to understand for me.....totally unable to translate it...hardest of all Mika Songs..!!! seems like it has many hidden stories... hidden meanings.. Cannot even understand basic things... the singer keep saying 'Say goodbye to the world you thought to lived in'... but what's the 'world' that he want to say goodbye exactly?? plz help...
  3. seems like Mika doesn't speak on M&G hmmmm wow the yearbook looks greatttttt!! Love all reports and pics and vids!! thanks everyone ohhh wonder if he changed the setlist again or not....?
  4. yes please . I prefer that ;)

  5. Have Fun, Dark Angel and other Danishes !!!!!! :waiting for reports :
  6. KoreaRepublic 안녕하세요! 한국 미카팬 여러분 저는 MFC World Representative for Korea Yuna (MIX 클림트) 입니다. MFC는 전 세계의 미카 팬들이 모여 미카의 공연과 활동에 관한 정보를 나누고, 서로 친해질 수 있는 미카팬들만의 공간이에요. MIX(한국 미카 팬카페에 포스팅 되는 거의 모든 정보들의 원 출처는 MFC이고, 이 정보들은 미카가 세계 어느나라 어느 도시에 있던 간에 전 세계에 흩어진 현지 팬들이 실시간으로 업데이트해주시고 있습니다. 새로 가입해 주신 분들은 여기 Introduction Thread에 간단히 자기소개를 해 주시고 활동을 시작하시면 많은 미카 팬 친구분들 언니동생들과 더 쉽게 친해질 수 있을거에요. MFC를 자유롭게 서핑하시다가 영어의 물결에 지치실 때면 MFC만의 유일하게 한국어를 자유롭게 쓸 수 있는 공간, Korean Thread(현재 part3)에도 놀러와서 마음껏 달려주세요 ㅎㅎㅎ MFC 공식 이용가이드 한글판 읽기
  7. Thank you so much!!

    I've done GGG, Love Today, Grace Kelly, By the time, Touches You so far...and I'm doin Any Other World now.... AOW is the hardest among all LICM songs... if a native speaker help me to understand the meaning of the lyrics..much more easy to translate them ...;) Thankyou!!

  8. I've done 'Love Today' and 'GGG' so far. and I found it's reall difficult to translate lyrics to another language... my translation is a lot better than my writing but am not a professional translator.. and Mika's words have multiple meanings...i guess. and singin them in korean....it'd sound really funny .. cuz totally unable to rhyme at all yes his voice just sounds like a instrument for me... if do not see the written lyrics can't understand his words by listening so intresting to find that even for the native english speakers too...umm ...in some point... Toy boy is one of the hardest too... I've try to read all posts on lyrics discussion thread but there were....over 600 more posts in there
  9. Thx for your interpretions too GGG is one of hardest song to understand...for me.... some hidden meanings... so confusing.. .. Im translating the whole LICM and TBWNTM songs into my mother tongue so it's hard to pick specific meaning for the translations...
  10. ohhhhh thank you so much that really make sense now
  11. When the end of the night gets tricky Don't you know that beggars can't be picky? unable to understand them... can't get the correlations between' When the end of the night gets tricky' and 'Don't you know that beggars can't be picky' ... just for rhyme or have hidden meanings? plz help.....
  12. 안녕하셔요 ㅋㅋ

    눈팅만하지말고 수면위로 떠오르심이? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  13. His tweet was not that boring last year.... till the end of october... before that disappearing. but his tweet sounds like too official for me these days.... like official mikasounds message loved Jimmy's drunken tweet messages today morning (in my time zone) hope Jimmy's not when wake up
  14. 음모론요???

    pm박스 다차서 이리보내신거임??ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  15. Yes i remember seeing that too David's keyboard stopped so he did My interpretation instead...like that... ohh most of Mika's accent is quite easy to understand for me but when he's in UK he talks too fast and uses too much....slangs... and 'f*ck' included words..... so hard for me.....
  16. OMG thank you so much (listened it again with kind subtitles thanks to MFC my listening is improving everyday ) so that 'technical problem' was about backing tracks....uhh.....
  17. poor thing? can't understand his word.... sorry what's going on there?
  18. hope....i.....could....have..a..chance....like....this....someday....someday.... not jealous.....no...nope......
  19. but it would be not that scary to see exhorcist mika appearing in my dream..
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