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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. Hi again :) Is there a Russian thread?

  2. +1 But beware: what you do to others will return to you! We will gather funny pics of you and photoshop them
  3. Hi I'm from Kyiv, Ukraine my daughter is 9, and son is 1 year old now they are sleeping and it's a precious time to spend it here. I can be there only when my son is sleeping, because as he sees a laptop or handheld he tries to take it from me - all my attention has to belong to my beloved son That's why I have no time to write here a lot, unfortunately. Tomorrow I will swear to myself for not sleeping at night, I will have to wake up early (((( but now I don't care
  4. I discovered Wonkaland Wanna more more more!!!!!
  5. I found this thread only now. Have read from the first page almost died :roftl: Wonka you are genious, I never laughed SO!!!! It's priceless! Let me kiss you
  6. You know, guys... it is so snowy now, quiet and peaceful and i reminds me the day in Jan 2007, when I saw Grace Kelly for the first time (it was the same quiet snowy day). well, not even reminds, this feeling haunts me, and it feels so great! It is so amazing to feel that excitement again!
  7. :roftl: your seriousness is very unpredictable I'm crazy about your posts 're wonderful!
  8. aha, he's so skinny, if he won't eat meat where he will get powers to jump on stage as he jumps? did you forget? mikasounds why do i fancy roast chicken for breakfast, also craving a pint of guinness... JET LAG! is this what its like to be pregnant? prob not...
  9. so you think you can love me and leave me to die? oh baby can't do this to me baby
  10. ah, I see, I saw popmate. But I asked here and there what Moose means (besides animal) , and nobody wants to tell me. or it is just my bad English?
  11. you know, when I have time I read old threads, it is amazing! soon i will know everything
  12. Girls, in one interview he said he has no bad habbits - he doesn't smoke and drinks a little. As for meet, chek out what are the main ingredients of Lebanese food- he called it the best food in the world.
  13. Girls had a lot of fun about it in Twitter thread, but I didn't asked them why, silly shy cow
  14. girls excuse me for my too official English, but: is there another meaning for Moose (except an animal with horns)??? What does it mean here? Why such a strange nickname?
  15. I've noticed it too. Really funny. He is tired of pushy people that try to kiss him here and there but being sincere I liked the situation and his reaction by the way, RWillams refused to marry her because he has a girlfriend; and Mika "proposed", does it means he has no girlfriend now???
  16. I'm interested in origin and idea of this hat. And who done it. And how
  17. oh, thanks to Mika I've already learned a lot of new things. And will learn much more! especially following him on twitter :naughty:
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