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Everything posted by Edoclaire

  1. Come on Mika... Go up again. Had spent the day voting in my HR workshop at college today which made me in bad term with my teacher for good I think ! Annoy that we don't go up faster.: well, power of Mathematics i assume (the more votes, the less each increases the pourcentage I'll be voting on my smartphone till I fall asleep! And if it 's not sufficient, we'll beat them next time (here a twinkling for the 'evil spies' ) . And anyway Mika will always be GOLDEN in our heart ... See you tomorrow to start the Faxo contests again Good luck girls
  2. I've send the votorama to many people but no changes seem to happen... I've tweeted to Perez Hilton, Lady Gaga, iMMa, Jimmy... to retweet "Please help @mikasounds. Retweet http://t.co/xd5tmOw . Competition ends tonight . VOTE VOTE VOTE !!! (unlimited !!!)" as a desperate solution... but I don"t see any of them do it !!! So Sad and ANGRY !!!!!!!!
  3. Hey guys, I've been with you for 2 days voting as much as i could... But since I don't have Internet at home, I had to do it with my tiny smartphone... So angry to see him lose points like this! Ggrrr!!! Should be sleeping by now since it's more than 2am in France and i should wake up in 5hrs for a 9hr-long HR workshop tomorrow but wanted to let you know that we're still fighting here in Europe. ;-) Good luck &good night Keep him golden!
  4. I'm in class but couldn't keep from laughing out loud when i saw your pic of Bob which goes so well with yôur comment :-D Lets keep him Golden !!!
  5. I 've been on the site much those days ... Shame on me !!! But I'm back And SO SO SO happy that MFC is number #1 for the best fan website... Love that so much !! We should definitely keep it that way !
  6. like anybody here on this thread who did not attend this special / amazing / extraordinary / unique... gig, I'd also like to say thanks you to the mfcers who shared their pics, videos, feelings with us... I think it's important for us because as I read some reports, watch some vids, I had some chills behind my laptop ... Thanks to you Tiibet, Suzie, Sephira, Silver, Axie Dentelle, Nanou Now, looking forward the officals videos of all the gig ...(and I do not give up my hope on the acoustic tour at ALL!!! No way. He has to do it and in June, because after I should work one full year with no holidays so pleaaaaaaaase... keep hoping with me !!)
  7. Ok, i voted for Pick up off the floor but really too hard... It would have been easier to say which i least prefer... (maybe in a new thread ;-))
  8. Waw C'est cool qu'on est aussi des recettes ici... J'adore^^ J'ai envie de l'essayer demain, mais faut que j'aille acheter un moule à gâteau alors. J'irai faire les soldes ... Yihaa^^ plus glamour tu meurs...
  9. It's been a while since no post has been made on this thread. So last news of iMMa. She's been off to Japan to visit her grand-mother. She has started rehearsing, writing again ... but for the moments, not many gigs Don't forgot the one in Paris on Feb 24th : http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=124722920928956 New blog of iMMa (it's been a while too) : http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/notes/imma/happy-new-year-all/190336524311539
  10. Waw, it's too difficult to choose... and there are songs in the cd that are much better in live... e.g. Rain : it's good on the album but it's just Awesome in live, the place and everybody in the gig is on fire... I'll take one more day to think about it and listening to each song with attention before any decision
  11. OK, why not... I 'll try to vote as much as possible but I can guarantee I'll be able to do the votes eveyday... But ok, add me
  12. Ok, I voted for I think everything... I' did it 3 times this w-e, I'll try to do it 2 more times today... We should definitely find a way to make this go much faster... No, really, there may be more than 20 000 mfcers, so if at least half of us vote once, Mika would definitely wins all this competition... We should find a way so that for each competition, new sing on Mika, he wins, and we broadcast him and his music to most of people... but I don't have much idea a part from putting this thread in the home page for the big/important competitions...
  13. Lien pour le thread créé spécialement pour qu'on parle du groupe, voir si c'est intéressant, qui est motivée... Bref, allez posté dessus http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3340316#post3340316
  14. J'adore^^ Axie, occupe toi en bien, enfin je me fais pas de suschi ;-) Il me semble qu'il a tweeté d'un ordi (via web) donc ramasse son mac et l'iphone Ce soir j'ouvrirai un sujet pour le groupe, ce sera plus simple pour en parler et voir si ça peut devenir sérieux Ça va mieux? J'espère que ton repas c'est bien passé. bon courage
  15. C'est cool, l'idée du groupe a l'air de et prendre un peu... Et j'adore qu'on est des groupies à fond d'avance. C'est énorme! Continuons d'y penser un peu et de rassembler des mfcers ... Sinon, le premier qui croise Mika nous tient au courant direct pour savoir où il est... Pleeaaase^^
  16. Je fais un peu, mais vraiment pas beaucoup de piano, à la limite pour dépanner sur des mélodies simples. Hum...un nom de groupe... Les Mika'n'Roll...
  17. Ok, bon il ne reste plus qu'aux MFCers à monter un groupe . Axie tu joueras... bon, tu choisis, on trouve d'autres artistes parmi les mfcers..., je veux bien chanter un peu... et on se fait une super soirée pour se rencontrer avec un petit concert entre nous à la clé, Mika's songs only ! ... who's in ?... Bon d'accord, j'arrête avec mes idées débiles !
  18. I strongly believe Happy Ending is gorgeous and love by "almost" not to say everybody. I've heard lots of my friends saying that they liked Mika at the beginning but because radios has displayed Relax too much (you know, like when there 's such a song, you don't hear anything else) and after a time, they were so tired of having to listen to it, that they begin to get tired of Mika. Moreover, Happy Ending is so much often used in Singing competitions, in choirs, in school shows... I think it 's because every one enjoys it If not, Any other world or GK are good too but, I vote for Happy Ending (yes , I know, there are no votes, maybe a pool would be more useful to choice one at last ) Just for good memories :
  19. I didn't know this song, but it's funny... I put the link of it if some French speakers or anyone actually wants to hear it Love the "lions in a cage" PS : and I miss vlogs, blogs... and him so much tooooo !!!
  20. Like you, I LOVE this song . And even Mika has not writen it I strongly believe it suits his style, music so well. Actually, I would definitely have appreciated to have it included in the Imaginarium tour... maybe instead of Billy Borwn (which is definitely cool, but we heard it now a lot, in both tour !)It would have been perfect with the red line of this tour, with the astronaut, the planets, the stars...
  21. Poor Mika, we're turning him into ridiculous there ... I think it's was cute that he admit that to everyone.. usually, it' s a kind of experience that everyone tries to hide. But he's been honest by saying so probably to begin this column and made us understand his point better. And I prefer to think that anything in which he dressed up for this night was more class than the displayed photos I was very fond of this column like most of you, because compared to the previous one, I had the feeling as I read it, to know him a little bit better. It's nice in those times when his appearances, interviews... are really scarce. By saying his resolution, we can try to understand his feelings now, his value... I'm glad to have that evey month. How long will it last ?
  22. ok pour la Corée, moi je suis ! (et mon banquier n'aura qu'à bien se tenir ! Na !)
  23. ok pour venir au Quebec mais après faudra nous rendre la pareil en venant en France nous accompagner à un concert. Et pis, ici il fait meilleur. +12 à Toulouse aujourd'hui On vous attendra avec des pancartes "Penniman Family".. ben oui, on est sa famille musicale après tout!
  24. Oui je comprends. J'adore aussi la langue anglaise mais depuis pas très longtemps, on va dire 4 ans. Profite bien de tes bébés alors, et pour les calmer, rien de tel que Over my shoulder, Happy Enging ou Any other world... Ben, oui, faut pas que t'oublie de les instruire ces braves petits bouts-de-choux (comme ça, ils font à la fois de la culture musicale et de l'anglais) ;-)

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