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Everything posted by STEP___

  1. Ow hun. It'll pass. Give it some time. And try to get some sleep. That usually helps a bit. And some mika dreams!
  2. I watched the vids from the gig. instead on focussing on the 'oh no he's gone' part, I focussed on the good part. I tried to remember as much as possible, and replay it in my head. And every time I had it difficult i thought of how much fun I had. And that he'll be back. And I'll be there. I hope you'll feel better soon!
  3. yes! and I felt like crying aswell! and I never ever cry! And the day after the gig, I've slept like 1 hour that night (I was all hyper) I was very happy etc but then, we went to a museum with school so we'd be home late. And my latin teacher came to tell me we'd have a huge test the next day + I had a medicins exam. So by the end of the day I was so depressed! and normally mika music cheers me up if I have a lot of work. Well then, it didn't. It hust made it worse
  4. I've had the same thing. I thought the music would help. But no it didn't. Luckily i've only had it for a week (really badly tho XD) And now I sometimes randomly remember details from the gig. Mostly when I'm in school and someone says something and then I remember something and then I tell it to my best friend. And I tell it soo enthusiastically you'd think everyone would get enthusiastic just by hearing it. But no, she's always like 'and?'
  5. dank je!


    xx step

  6. hi hi!

    I tried to pm you for the payment of the TW Classic shirts but you inbox is full, could you pm me asap so I can give you my account number?

  7. ok, me and Serena have both send our packages (i'm execting a 2nd one from Serena soon) and I think the plan is that we will stay penpals But i'd like to do a Mika Mail with someone else again! I prefer someone around my age (I'm 17) because it's easier for me to guess what he/she'd like. erhm someone from Japan would be nice, but if someone else'd like do MM with me just send a pm:thumb_yello: I just have one remark: whoever it'll be, no obvious mika sign on the outside of the mail my sis makes enough bitchy remarks as it is and I don't feel like encouraging it. Just let me know something. oh another thing: my exams start next wednesday, so I won't be able to send the mail in June. But after, I've got 3 months of doing absolutely nothing, so bring it on
  8. I took this pic when I went with my class to Amsterdam But I think it's time for a change again
  9. make a banner :"hey yo, it's me you need" they'll know
  10. she's making me all confused because she's confused and now I am all confused as I don't know why she's all confused. Confusing hé
  11. I don't know with how many writers we are but just make sure it's not too long XD

    yess like that! And make sure the make the contrast of the clowns clear. (at first sight clown = friendly evil!)

    I'm looking forward to read your piece!



  12. hmm I wouldn't place him there. Won't it be better if he's sort of 'lost' and he's lying somewhere where he doesn't belong?

  13. Our French teachers made us read an french book a couple of months ago (which was actually a japanese book-instead of picking an original french one) and then she came up with ANOTHER book, we weren't very pleased with that, but she promised us that we would read it in class. So 3 weeks ago we've started: first lesson = we read till page X second lesson = we reread till page X third lesson= we reread AGAIN till page X the thing is, we've read it three times, don't have a clue what has happened during those 20 pages and now we have to read from the beginning untill page 37 AT HOME which she promised we didn't have to do. And guess what, the book counts like 90pages, and we only have two lessons left untill the exams. I'll be back to rant again if she made us read the whole book at home
  14. I actualy bought LICM when we were on holdiday in Ireland. I think it's special too
  15. it's good that you have brothers, so you can all support and lean on each other. Take care xxx
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