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Everything posted by Cassilda

  1. From Mika's Facebook: Exciting news! Mika has a new single coming! More info and full cover art to be released tomorrow…. Can you guess what this is?
  2. Just my two cents to Mika's hot discussion When I found Mika's music (it was quite quickly, bought my first album in march 2007 and the second in september 2009), I abso****ingly didn't care about his look. It didn't matter for me. Tbh, I wasn't interested in him, those first years. I just loved the music. Then there was the gig in Vienna in march 2010. It changed everything. And I started to find him really handsome. But what really counts for me is the music. And his shows...and his kind manner, and...
  3. Gosh, please, Austria shouldn't win...the esc is too expensive for our little country
  4. So, no one is in anymore? Have totally missed the first competition, today is the second. Curious, if our bearded lady () will make it...
  5. Ciao, ho studiato l'italiano in schuola per 6 mesi, ma non posso parlare/scrivere molto... solo un po' ma ho studiato il latino per 6 anni... And it's all wrong, I think
  6. Sounds familiar... Chistmas, end of the year, top of the year... so it will be september 2015, maybe?
  7. I am not sure, but I think, I saw Melanie and Nina aswell
  8. Welcome, Melyssa! I love your introduction, espescially the marrying part :naughty: And I love your vid, which, I must confess, was my very first contact with Mika in The Voice
  9. Happy belated Birthday! :)

  10. Now, here's the song [YOUTUBE]ToqNa0rqUtY[/YOUTUBE]
  11. I heard our song this morning. It's like: heard 500.000 times before, it's a ballad, it's like a James Bond movie song. I am convinced, we won't make it into the competition, as we will fail in the semi final... The interpret is Conchita Wurst, who is born as a man, but lives as a woman, but he/she has a full beard...
  12. Our song will be represented on March, 18th. Still not really happy with the singer, I hope the song will be ok...
  13. I know who ( ) will sing for Austria, but I don't know what
  14. We had snow, rain, sleet...and water in the cellar cause of the high ground water...
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