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Léna Machu

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Everything posted by Léna Machu

  1. Thanks a lot for posting this vid I wanted so much to see it
  2. C'est une super idée mais comme on n'est plus en vacances, ça ne va pas être possible pour nous, on arrivera aux studios directement.
  3. J'en cherche 2 pour le 11, toujours rien d'accepté, c'est comme pour les battles, les autres les ont, moi pas
  4. Wouw beautiful congratulations! My resolutions... 1/ make my dreams come true: I would like to change my professional life and become an English teacher in primary school. I would like to be a better pianist (I'm a beginner). I have to work daily. 2/ be less scared about what people could think about me and be myself. 3/ be more selfconfident and trust myself (the hardest one I think) 2014 will be the turn of my life and I hope it will be more positive than 2013
  5. Hey salut Fanny Très belles fêtes de fin d'année à toi aussi et à toute ta petite famille. Nous aussi, on a hâte début des hostilités le 11 janvier!
  6. Tickets available for the final event of the 14/01 open at Cassandra agency. Last record before live primes! Places pour l'épreuve ultime du 14/01 ouvertes chez Cassandra Dernier enregistrement avant les primes en live! http://www.emissions-tv.com/shootings/prochainement/page:3
  7. We've eaten exactly the same meal at the same time (except, pasta not home made...)
  8. Contente d'avoir fait ta connaissance, Claire, on a passé un super moment toutes les deux sur le plateau J'ai mis mes photos et un petit CR sur les deux topics The Voice et Meeting. Je suis tellement déçue pour Isa Si j'avais su que ça se passerait comme ça, je n'aurais pas hésité autant et je ne l'aurais pas fait hésiter elle-même Je suis vraiment désolée.
  9. A big thanks to Adele, Virginie, Melanie and Leila for have organized our meeting and wthout which lots of us wouldn't managed to get in saturday night. You rock, girls ! It was a great day! Guy -Noël felt less alone with the husband of Steph ! By cons , they've had to dowith a Piou chick 1000 heavier and exasperating throughout the filming, poor both of them. The guy dressed in a in yellow chick Tshirt kept screaming and made them turn totally mad! He also annoyed me but I was further so it was OK for me . I spent a great evening and Underwater acoustic version with the strings was beautiful. Mika was stressed out but so professional and, as I heard, much more than the other 3 . The battles were super quality with excellent candidates! Mika and Garou were wise ! Great that he came to say hello on the TV tray and that he stopped the car before leaving with Florent Pagny ! He said he was very happy to see the girls there to share that moments with him! Here are a few pictures we have taken
  10. A big thanks to Adele, Virginie, Melanie and Leila for have organized our meeting and wthout which lots of us wouldn't managed to get in saturday night. You rock, girls ! It was a great day! Guy -Noël felt less alone with the husband of Steph ! By cons , they've had to dowith a Piou chick 1000 heavier and exasperating throughout the filming, poor both of them. The guy dressed in a in yellow chick Tshirt kept screaming and made them turn totally mad! He also annoyed me but I was further so it was OK for me . I spent a great evening and Underwater acoustic version with the strings was beautiful. Mika was stressed out but so professional and, as I heard, much more than the other 3 . The battles were super quality with excellent candidates! Mika and Garou were wise ! Great that he came to say hello on the TV tray and that he stopped the car before leaving with Florent Pagny ! He said he was very happy to see the girls there to share that moments with him! Here are a few pictures we have taken
  11. Grâce à une adorable Mikafan, on va peut-être pouvoir rentrer! J'espère parce que Namur->Paris pour rester dehors, mon mari l'aurait mauvaise... Par contre pour le repas, on doit encore s'organiser, je confirmerai nos deux places vendredi. C'est dingue cette histoire!!!
  12. Ma demande pour les places de The Voice samedi a été refusée... Guy-Noël et moi ne serons pas de la partie à moins d'un miracle Si vous entendez que quelqu'un en a en trop, faites-moi signe
  13. I just received a confirmation that we won't have our tickets for saturday my husband and I. Does anabody have some more places?
  14. Hi Ines, I've received your lovely card today! Thank you.

  15. And now, for Stardust italian version too http://vote.worldmusicawards.com/vote.asp?intNominationID=2141&cat=worlds%20best%20song&cats=1
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