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Léna Machu

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Everything posted by Léna Machu

  1. Hello Miri


    Thank you so much for your Xmas card, it made my day! Thanks a lot for the little yummy surprise inside ♥♥♥

  2. Bienvenue Eriko et félicitations pour ton français J'espère te rencontrer le 21 et vous retrouver tous, j'espère que tout le monde pourra avoir ses places
  3. Thank you for the idea, Alireine, if we can go to The Voice, we'll be there with the fans The registrations for the 21th are open now hope to get our places!
  4. Yeah! Happy it's faster than last year!! Of course more than once, I hope so ;-)

  5. Salut Catherine :-)

    Je viens de recevoir ta carte!! Superbe! Merci ♥ Ca va plus vite pour traverser l'Atlantique que la Belgique hahahaha

  6. Hello Sonja :-)


    Thank you very much for your Xmas card :-) I love it! I hope we'll meet in 2014 in a Mika gig :-)

  7. Hi Nena :-)


    Thank you very much for your Xmas card! I love it and I looooove the "golden wishes" ♥

  8. Merciiiiiiiii pour la carte et l'article ♥♥♥

    Je suis impatiente de te revoir aussi, Mumu!!! Ca diminue.

  9. Je suis super contente pour toi, Steph génial!! J'attends pour le 21 décembre, j'essaierai d'y aller, pour le tout dernier enregistrement des battles, on verra Sinon, mon histoire à rallonge s'est terminée, mon dossier de demande de chômage est parti aujourd'hui! Je suis liiiibre Ca me fait tout drôle! Mais bon, c'est mieux comme ça! Je me suis inscrite à la formation intensive en anglais, j'ai hâte
  10. Fingers crossed pour le choix du boss! Finalement, rendez-vous lundi 02/12 et puis tout va s'enchaîner je pense. Merci pour votre soutien!
  11. Merci pour votre soutien à tous J'ai de toute façon une fin d'indemnisation au 02.12.2013. J'ai pris tous les contacts nécessaires pour mettre ma situation en ordre. J'espère être libérée de mon contrat lundi prochain. La mutuelle ne veut plus payer... la CSC (mon employeur), non plus. Donc ben plus rien sauf le chômage si c'est possible Bref... on verra lundi. J'ai eu un coup de chaud quand mon patron m'a appelée ce soir!! Comme ça, pour voir ce que je ferai de mon Xième examen à re-re-représenter pour le même poste qu'on m'a supprimé en janvier... J'ai eu le courage de tout lui déballer et dire que je n'irais pas, que je ne retravaillerais pas au call center et que j'envisageais positivement la clôture de mon contrat... c'est dit, il va me rappeler avant lundi... Ha c'est pas évident
  12. Je vais peut-être retourner le couteau dans la plaie mais, non, ce n'est pas un cadeau pour Noël, je ne la quitte plus depuis que je l'ai mise J'espère voir la fin mardi! Je vous dirai ce qui s'est passé
  13. Salut à tous J'ai pu aller chercher ma montre Kukulakuku cet après-midi. A ma grande surprise, la bijoutière l'avait reçue ce matin! Evidemment, ne pouvant pas aller aux séances de dédicaces, je n'ai pas pu envisager le coffret Kukulakuki... Ca m'a égayé ma journée J'avais aussi remarqué qu'en mettant les lunettes d'une amie, je voyais sans fatigue, j'en ai profité pour aller chez l'opticien en même temps, et voilà, au plus tard, mardi, j'aurai mes lunettes Et j'aurai besoin de tout votre soutien ce mardi 26, je suis convoquée par le médecin-conseil pour le boulot, la mutuelle et tout le tralala qui me pompe toute mon énergie depuis maintenant un an. C'est le moment de tourner la page
  14. Back from our weekend in Paris and as Guylaine said, it would be fine to share our experience of The Voice Blind Auditions on this thread. We were registered for the recording session on Saturday night . It should be noted that this was their third recording of the day ... the four of them were very tired. It was great to see Mika and Garou teasing , tickling , the two of them seem to get along, luckily Mika has got Garou ! My impressions are mixed. The prod puts a huge distance between the jurors, the candidates and the public. Almost no contacts , interactions ... everything is formatted. I think that Xfactor Italy is much more natural and spontaneous. But it's a feeling, I have not done another recording . The producer is regularly telling them, Mika sometimes even had this child's head sheepishly and punished . Otherwise, it was fun , the whole band Mikafans together, it was nice. Thanks to Isa, we were very well placed in the 4th row in front of Mika and Garou . In the second part, Isa and I were in the second row, just ahead of them. Mika and Garou are getting along well like kids, they are chatting, even too much: they don't stop when the candidates arrive (must say, they don't see them, not easy!) . We tried to advert them whispering " shhhhh" discreetly, which began to iritate our curly guy. Mika and the others were worn, Florent Pagny was "in stand by mood" ... Jenifer, was there but only with her body, her mind wasn't so present. At the end of the show, Mika was liquefied in his chair, yawning and even nail biting ! Otherwise , no favorite candidate, good singers for sure, but not outstanding performance. In the answers, the more professional is Mika:he has very specific arguments and his explanations are based . He has a great knowledge of music in the broadest sense, he is therefore an excellent judge . But he went on recounting of his life ... He is sincere and speaks frankly, he did make crying a candidate, who had messed up her performance, by asking " Are you happy ?!" good that we know Mika, it's cash but not nasty, she took it badly ... Otherwise, he can't drink his water bottle without spilling water, he is adorable with the team, justifying himself all the time ^ ^ and launched the debate with Garou on his choreographic style : no, he doesn't jump everywhere, he DANCES, in his own style, but he DANCES: lol: The show turned to crap when Nikos was trying to do the débrif ' . Florent Pagny who liked 2 candidates and considering a battle with the two of them, has found that the word "accoupler" (that means to couple but to mate too in French) to expres his mind , this is the moment we finally lost Garou. No way of conclusion, I cried laughing, Garou could not engage on the issue by Nikos Despite, nikos turned to Mika by asking " what would you do with her? " ... Well, him, nothing! It is what he said , laughing ... we finished it, I had a stomach ache from laughing ! :lmao: Far too tired to stay, Mika left immediately after . It is a positive experience , it was fun and it's nice to see him in a different context but also leached , I hate to seen him so exhausted.
  15. Garou said: "I was sad because Louis Bertignac was my mate. I knew that Mika is someone nice, funny and finally, the chemistry worked more than I thought. It's a different kind of dynamic than with Louis Bertignac, but Mika si such a crazy, such aware about what's going on and such a showman. So, we have much fun! We always have a dinner before blinds auditions and while we were having dinner, he was nervous, "I don't know what to do", "even with French". We said "don't worry, we'll help you, we'll be there." We've said to ourselves that we'll let him his chance, let him take his marks. Crap! At the first show, he just has eaten us alive! He bit us! He was so comfortable, in his element, it was fabulous! So we said to ourselves: "No, we won't let him a chance, we'll try to get it higher. We'll get the funny competition level higher." We've prepared him a little surprise directly. When I welcomed him at the studios, I showed him his changing room. It was such a narrow little space next to the toilets that he quickly understood it was a joke! And when I showed him his actual changing room, we had put such a mess, Jenifer and I : balloons, sofas upside down, it was so messy!! He understood that it was a "friendship spirit" in this show. " Alireine, I've begun to translate before seeing your post.
  16. Faut pas avoir honte, Mumu, c'est énormément de travail pour se maintenir. J'ai l'intention de me lancer dans une formation en anglais quand je serai libérée de mon contrat actuel, j'espère pouvoir obtenir un certificat pour être maître spécial d'anglais en primaire.
  17. De rien mais il faut préciser qu'elles ne sont pas encore dispo au jour d'aujourd'hui, à surveiller de près donc si vous voulez y aller
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