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Everything posted by EmmaImogen

  1. They played a little bit of WAG on Strictly Come Dancing.
  2. I heard that too! I swear they play HE on every episode! His tweet about it made me lol.
  3. I love that column!! But I disagree with some of it, as I am an Atheist, and I'm quite pro-Atheism. But I like what he said about relgion & the church. It was also interesting to see what he actually believes!
  4. The dream I had last night also featured my guitar! At the start of the dream me and my family were on a coach, and Mika was sitting in the seat in front of mine and my sister's. We spoke to him a bit, but both me and Mika were quite shy. Then the coach stopped by a lake, and everyone started to get out. But before everyone was out, the coach started to slip into the lake. Mika, my parents and my sister all swam out to safety but I was a bit stuck so my mum and Mika came back to save me! Then I realized my new guitar was still in the coach and I was going to back down into the lake to get it but Mika held me back (which was quite cool! ).
  5. I'm looking for a thread on here that's for black and white photos only. I know I've seen it before but I can't find it now.
  6. I saw that. I actually thought it was quite funny.
  7. Good, and I'm fine thanks. :) Apart from having quite a lot of homework to do at the moment but spending loads of time on here anyway...but that's just normal! :wink2:

  8. I do! I always dance to Mika songs before bed because it's the only time I know someone won't come into my room and see my embarassing dancing.
  9. Hiya! I love finding people my age. :biggrin2:

    How are you? :)

  10. I heard them too! I think it's kinda ironic to play GK on a show like X Factor.
  11. This thread is great! I've been trying to work out this song for ages, to me it's the only one that isn't pretty obvious. It makes a bit more sense now.
  12. Stuck In The Middle, My Interpretation and WAG were all played in the background of Jedward Let Loose!
  13. I'm looking for a silhouette (or as close to looking like a silhouette) photo of Mika dancing (preferable standing on his toes). Thanks.
  14. We don't have grades in England. I'm in Year 10 which is ages 14-15, and I'm 14. :)

    What country are you from?

  15. Haha! When does your school start?

    Mine started on Thursday.

  16. Heya :bye:

    Nothing much, just thinking about doing homework!


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