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Everything posted by EmmaImogen

  1. Thank you everyone. Thanks. Yeah, I get what you mean, it needs 'directional shading'.
  2. To save time and space, I'll just say without quoting them all that I love all the pictures posted before me! You guys are so talented! The two kids' paintings are especially sweet. This is probably the best picture I've done in my life, so I'm quite proud of it. But I'm never fully satisfied with any of my own art; I can always see so many mistakes in my own work (e.g. the mouth in this one really annoys me, it looks like a duck mouth ) but not in others'!
  3. Thanks for posting! I really like that interview, apart from this bit... I can't stand Glee!
  4. HE on The X Factor just now, and Big Girl on Strictly Come Dancing a few days ago.
  5. I was discussing that with my mum. She seems to think that Italian are generally more open with their discontents than the British (amongst themselves), but aren't organised about it. Going back to what Mika wrote about the key to France's successful protests being their unity. Perhaps Italy just doesn't have a great sense of unity in certain situations. But then again, that same unity isn't necesserily needed when dealing with that comment Berlusconi made. Hope that made some sense.
  6. AHH PICTURES!! I love it! But I'm a little bit scared of it too.
  7. I suppose that makes sense. He probably thought that pose would be funny or something.
  8. It looks like it's doing an Irish jig. The statue must be the one on the left because it's hair is longer.
  9. I think it's standing...in quite a weird pose! It's wearing my favourite of his jackets though!
  10. These are 3 of my favourite bracelets but I hardly ever wear them, especially the one on the left because it's so noisey! I wear these a lot. I've had the 3 on the right since I was a kid and the one with the bow is a kids bracelet that I bought a few weeks ago! Very childish, but I love them. I bought these today! Sorry the pic is a bit blurry. And finally, my school bag.
  11. YKYAMFW your ICT teacher knows you like Mika and says to you that he just copies Freddie Mercury, and you argue back.
  12. That is actually my absolute FAVOURITE of all his outfits!
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