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Everything posted by krysady

  1. :huglove: I know,I'm up and down too after the gigs..... that's it :dunno:
  2. He was ill here in Madrid :tears: but still great :wub2:

    Just made this:


  3. Yep,he's quite good at stuff like that,as history,or geography and I like it when he's into a talkative mood,even it's nonsense sometimes
  4. Sold for 820£! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MIKA-Signed-Worn-Celebrity-Owned-Scarf-Male-Cancer-Charity-Auction-/230880706796?pt=UK_Scarves&hash=item35c19000ec&autorefresh=true
  5. I know,but he is in a rush all the time,and in Vienna,when we were only a few people,there was a girl from Finland who has kept talking to him,and asking for many autographs for other people,I didn't want to bother him :aah: He even said to her that she makes him nervous :sneaky2:

  6. Oh,I'm not that lucky! :aah: That will be heaven! :wub2: I didn't even tried to speak with him at m&g,because all the other girls were pushing and saying things to him,I was just staying away and staring at him :wub2: I could do that all my life.....:blush-anim-cl:

  7. Yes,very old.I think she did some cosmetic tricks for El Hormiguero,because then she was looking much better :aah:

  8. Me and my husband saw Nadia Comaneci in Zurich while we are walking around :wink2:

  9. All right,thanks! :thumb_yello:

  10. Sorry,Rose,but I'm gonna bother you with another question:what's the best way to go from the airport (Heathrow) to my hotel in London,heathrow express? Thanks millions again! :blush-anim-cl:

  11. that's the spirit! besides,if we can't go to Manchester,Mika can't do it either Thanks,I'll let you know what I've done
  12. I also received my tickets for London and Manchester
  13. Aww,nice pic! You have beautiful eyes!! I haven't seen it,but I saw that one from Mika's FB with you three,I recognized you and like it! :thumb_yello: So,my name is common also in Spain :naughty: I've seen your pix with Mika and I love them :wub2: I didn't took pics because he said in Munich to Miri to stop taking pics of him,and that the only thing we want from him is taking pics,and more pics,and that he is tired of that :aah: He said we must enjoy the show and turn off the camera,so I did it.And when he saw that Miri didn't stop it,he shot her during LT,after he shot the band :aah: I was afraid he'll see me recording,because I was front row,that's why I don't have many vids or pics with him :blush-anim-cl:

  14. You're welcome! You were on the choir in Vienna? Oh mein Gott! I understand only Mika,Vienna,Gasometer But he seems to be excited,anyway!
  15. In Vienna,when he signed my CD:



  16. Hi,Karin! So,you're coming to London too? I have never been in UK before,and never been on a plane before(I know,don't laugh :aah:,my husband loves to drive everywhere we need it).I was suppose to come with that girl,Monalisa,and now she told me she won't come anymore,after she made me to buy one of the most expensive plane ticket(300 euros :doh:)just for flying together,and booked the hotel room for 2 :sneaky2:.For her money are not a problem,but for me it's not the same,that's why I'm looking for minimal costs.Since hubby can't come with me because of his business,I have to deal with this alone,and my english is so crappy! :blush-anim-cl:

    Now I'm looking for a bed in London too,and if you and Nina will travel to Manchester together,please tell me where I can book the ticket for the bus(and at what time),and I'll come with you.I'm going to book also a bed on that hostel in Manchester.Thanks for everything! :thumb_yello:

  17. One of the best photo,from my point of view
  18. You told him the truth,I hope he believed your words :wub2: Every day I'm thinking what would have been if I wouldn't found him and his music :blush-anim-cl: And yes,even ill,or tired,or sad,he is gorgeous,and that's a fact,we have to deal with it! :naughty:

    Those pix :fangurl: UNSHAVEN :fangurl: thanks!!:swoon:

  19. I think on these days no one pays too much attention to a gig or another(well,excepting Paris,of course)because there's so many gigs almost every day,and people are gone to them.I can't read all the threads,I'm trying,but it's hard :aah:

    Your memories are the most important treasure :thumb_yello: and you'll see him again soon,this is what you must think! :huglove: Off to bed,sweet dreams,my dear! :hug:

  20. Ahhhh,this is so awesome! :wub2: You're a lucky woman,you were to another great gig,as the one from Argeles :wub2: I see he was on fire again,he was not like that on my gigs :tears: And the audience in Vienna and Zurich was cold,only us,from first rows were jumping and singing :aah:

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