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Everything posted by flyingkites

  1. Come to mama! His pants are really tight indeed and they look great, though I'm kind of sad that he doesn't wear all those colourful skinnies as often as he used to... I love looking at those pics, especially if the jeans are hanging so low his bum is covered only by his underwear. I actually bursted out laughing when I read the bolded part!
  2. Okay this is the last one I'm posting, I promise! I just wanted to point out the nice job the camera man has done while recording this performance, especially at about 02:30...
  3. It never fails to cheer me up either.
  4. Okay I'm really sorry if this has been posted like a million times already, but I think it's worthy of reposting! [YOUTUBE]m7ot1dkuRoU[/YOUTUBE] I would just like to thank the person who made this video. My life is almost complete.
  5. OMG it looks soooo dirty. I've never seen it like that. I love Mika's bum! It's awesome and full of win. *subscribes to thread*
  6. Oh it so does! Look at how he's holding the mic between his legs! Maybe he surprised Martin even before he bit him...
  7. You're not helping me calm down at all, it's not easy when I keep cracking up every time I see you post something! ... Oooo-oooooooo-oooooo BARBRA STREISAND.
  8. So you like naughty girls then eh? Okay SORRY, I promise I'm going to get some sleep soon but I'm just way too hyper at the moment!
  9. I've never seen that before! Hahhahah that's even better than the 'several feet boy' one! I admit, I do stalk your tumblr every now and then. EDIT: The one you've reblogged from whytheyrehot is so true!
  10. http://mikamemes.tumblr.com Somehow I think this tumblr has Wonkaland written all over it, but unfortunately I don't know who the genious behind all this is... Makes me go every time though!
  11. I knew it wasn't a good idea! The pressure of having two ladies on him at once was too much for One foot boy and now he's gone forever...
  12. You do realize you have to share at some point? He hasn't got two of everything you know...
  13. WOW, didn't even notice it until you pointed it out (I was too busy trying to find his hair). What's up with that?! Suddenly I've got a 50Cent song stuck in my head... Thanks a lot Mika and your gangsta ring!
  14. Ohh thank you so much for posting! I love all of those, especially the skirt!
  15. Sorry for destroying your wall again, but THANK YOU so much for your lovely card! :huglove: The magnet thingy now has the honorary place on my fridge door :naughty: You picked all my favourite pics in it, too!

  16. Oohh maybe Meeks stole that title! You never know :naughty: I'll defo watch the film! :thumb_yello:

  17. Hmm I haven't even heard of that film! I'll have to check it out some time... I just got back from the cinema, went to see La piel que habito, it was amazing!

  18. GOOD GIRL! :naughty: I love that film to bits, and I love Cillian too... Breakfast on Pluto is a great film to watch if you're feeling down, even though it's kind of sad it always makes me feel good. I'm glad you loved it! :wub2:

  19. I'm with WeAreGolden* on this one, you've got a cool dad! When I got my copy of TBWKTM my mum was visiting me and I was playing 'Rain'. I was really excited about the cd because I ordered it online and it had just arrived, so I said "Guess how much I paid to get this record?" and she replied with "Not much, I hope!" ... So yeah, I think your dad is pretty awesome.
  20. Exactly! :das: Bwahahah he's here atm and I managed to convince him into giving me a back massage! I'm a clever girl. :teehee:

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