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Everything posted by Alireine

  1. Bonjour Laetitia, bienvenue sur MFC!! La représentante du forum pour la France (Muriel, alias macboll) est en vacances je crois, donc je me permets de te mettre le lien vers son message d'accueil: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3929624&postcount=65 La discussion en français du MFC est ici: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=27777 Et si tu as des questions, en attendant le retour de Muriel, n'hésite pas à m'envoyer un message privé!
  2. Thanks Ingie, it's important for us to hear about your day, so we can better understand how much it was hard work for you and the others "troublemakers" ( Mika's words ) to make this M&G possible.
  3. Yes, that's what he said: that his musician are recently deciding themselves which songs to play, and that they start by themselves! Don't know if the setlist was already posted (picture on Mika's Facebook): He didn't sing "Over my shoulder", i was a bit disappointed And he did sing "Stuck in the middle" or am I losing my mind????
  4. Thank you sooooooo much!! :huglove: I'm crying now May i share it on Twitter?
  5. Love the color of this truck! About the gig in Budapest, it seems everybody enjoyed this show very much: I think the musicians (Ed and Joy if I good remember) tweeted about it too.
  6. ok, so i read the whole thread, thank you very much to everybody for the pics and videos!! And thank you so much to Ingie, Rose, and all the people that I met at the restaurant when I came with Sabine for taking my "band"(?), i'm sorry I'm still lost with all the names... It was such a nice surprise for me to hear about this M&G when I arrived at the venue. About the problem with French fans, I'm really happy that everybody could finally enter, and I find it sad that the problem went so big with (maybe) overreactions. I'm dreaming of a united mika fans group from all over the world, hope one day people will understand that there is no need to get upset so long just because there is a problem (for which a great solution was found at the end ). I see all that with my "new fan" eyes, i was getting explanations from both parts and i think actually all that happened because the sun was so hot, minds were getting too hot too! One more time I want to say thank you for this hard work, I hope one day I can be more usefull myself and help other fans to get as happy as i was sunday evening It was a bit like my birthday too (and thanks for the group pictures!!) About the gig (Silver ), I really enjoyed it. I was a bit worried first because i had no express pass, and was afraid to be very far away from the stage, but I managed to be around 10th or 12th row I think and had a great view Is it me or was it more full of energy than other gigs before? Anyway I danced like crazy!!! First song was as usual "Un soleil mal luné" which I love so much Some fans (who? help!) had made wonderful suns in orange and yellow paper, so we were having them during the song. First we were disappointed because as you may know, Mika sings this song with closed eyes But around the third part of the song he oppened the eyes and saw the suns, he started laughing, that was really sweet! He enjoyed it much, he talked about it after, during M&G. I'm actually looking for a video of this song (Soleil mal luné), has someone found one please? Then usual songs, with a very good mooded Mika, the audience was very well answering from what I could feel. This open air theater is really great, you can see people behind because it's getting high (don't know if I'm clear ), so it was so beautiful to see everybody waving hands together He sang "Stuck in the middle", he did it in Ronquières too I think, but it was quite new for me (also from videos), I like this song! About funny things he said, as usual he jocked about his birthday, we tried to sing "happy birthday" but he was playing "big girls" (?) lauder than us and said "I can't hear you!". Intro of "big girls" was changed to be about turning 30. What else? I feel an old woman, i can't remember other things from the show, except that it was so great! Oh, and he tried to whistle a few notes too There were blue baloons during Underwater given by a French fan (Isa I think), and of course the champagne glasses brought by.... argh, Mellody? (someone help me with names!) during "Love you when I'm drunk". He asked for a glass and was waving it with us at the end. As I was not in the front, I was surrounded by unknown people who were fans but who are not in the fanclubs I think, it was nice to see them enjoying the show so much, and also all the little stuff that were made (suns, balloons...), I think it was their first gig. Just in front of me was a huge man, who was not at all interested in Mika (he was there only to be with his friend I think), so he was talking with another guy during the show, looking very bored. But slowly slowly during the show, I saw him looking around him and be very surprised to see how people were dancing and singing, then started clapping a bit, and then when he saw the giant balloons during Celebrate, he was like a child really happy! For the last song he was dancing and clapping hands so hard than me It is always nice to see people becoming fans "live"! Sorry, that was a very long report, are you still awake? I also want to say how happy i was to meet (again or for the first time) all people from MFC, and how I'm pround to be part of this wonderful world around our dear Mika :wub2:
  7. Hey, I'm from Paris, guys But you're right! It was nice to be in Colmar, I met nice people in the city and that's true that they were much more relaxed than in Paris
  8. Hi Alicia, welcome!! Bienvenue!
  9. I think it was with me! Now I understand what is a proper M&G I will write my report as soon as possible, it was really a wonderful day :wub2:
  10. So, I finally asked Doriand to have a look on it through Twitter and a Google Doc, he just answered me he congratulated me (?! i am the one who should congratulate him for this lovely song ), so I guess it means he agrees with the global interpretation He is really a nice guy I also gave the printed version to Mika in Ronquieres, he looked quite interested I'm worried that his mum reads it: the part where it says that he feels maybe a bit overwhelmed because of everybody's expectations (also his family's) is maybe a bit "too much", she would be upset Anyway, my students now love this song and discovered a new "face" (?) of Mika, that's the most important
  11. Thank you Lucrezia! I love the part: "I don't collect stamps, I collect culture"
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