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Everything posted by Alireine

  1. I think we are used to his "in hurry" signature and words during M&Gs, that's why it's hard to recognize it when he writes normally!
  2. Hi Leah, Welcome to MFC! I never heard about that, where did you get this information? That sounds more as a false rumor. All what I know is that he will be living in Italy (Milan) this autumn (September to December maybe?). I guess that, if he one day decides to live in France it would be more in Paris than in Nantes, to make the project of small permanent show in a small theater he talked about once. But I think that at the moment this is not even a plan, more a dream in his head
  3. So, translation from the video: "I was 6... no, 8 years old when I got fired from the French Lycée [high school] "Charles de Gaulle" in London, which is a "****" school ["une école de merde" means a very bad school, "merde" means "****"]. I took singing classes... I have been taking singing classes for a very long time, but the only thing I can't do is whistle! So, as an idiot ["con" is a bad word] who has nothing else to do in his life, i took whistle lessons! (he said "cours de sifflage" in French, which is a mistake as we don't say "sifflage" but "sifflement". New Mika word ]. Ladies and Gentlemen, that's the real luxury: whistling lessons! And so now i can whistle... a bit. [he whistles, then he says something i don't understand] I'm starting again to sing in Belgium, and i will whistle for the first time, without making the idiot (??). It's not stupid at all!" Please, someone correct it if it's not understandable
  4. Thank you! And you know what, I finally decided to show him my interpretation of "Un Soleil mal luné" (just wanted to show him, not ask him to check) so I wanted to show him the paper and he started to sign on it I told him (in French) not to sign, and I opened the paper so he said "what is it?", and i told him i was a French teacher and that it was the interpretation of "un soleil mal luné" for my students, and he looked really interested and said "oh, ça, ça m'intéresse!" and he took it to give it to the girl holding the presents. I was really happy So, thank you for asking me to write it down properly Eriko, I will try to make a first translation, but maybe someone needs to re-write it in proper English after
  5. Welcome Laura! Ronquières was great!
  6. Whow, I think only on MFC can we find specialists about Mika's handwriting! I like the little story with spoon and everything (do you think he took a tea spoon home? )
  7. All right, even if I'm still in lack of sleep, I try to write my report now... This show was really the best for me!!! (I know it's only my third Mika's gig, but I really loved it!!) I left Paris on Sunday morning and went to Brussel with "covoiturage" (ride sharing?), then train to Ronquières. But luckily when I arrived (around 2PM), there were still not so many people waiting in the front, so I was able to be at the second row almost in the middle, such a great place and a great view!! I met Lily, Maggy, Stephanie and ? (sorry, I forgot your name ) with her mom. And surely other people but I'm still a bit lost with names and faces I enjoyed the bands before Mika, so the waiting was not boring for me, I was really happy to be there and to discover new music! Then THE show started, and it was really.... wonderful. I felt from the first 2 songs that I would love this show so much, this feeling almost made me cry (I'm usually not the crying type about Mika ). Mika was in really good mood, he talked much, tried to whistle (which was a desaster, just my opinion ), had to start again Rain and many other things which made such a good atmosphere I loved the new intros to the song very much too AND this was my first show with the giant balloons, I loved it I felt like a child As i'm getting more used to mika's gigs and live songs, I could appreciate more the music and the little details than in Rouen or Bourges, that was great too! I was a bit affraid about this gig first, knowing it would be my third and that I was a bit disappointed for my second: I was thinking that maybe the magic would work less and less from gig to gig, so I was so relieved to feel it was not the case here! After the gig we waited for Mika near the parking exit, he came and stopped to sign autographs (even if he already had signed some to other fans in another place, as the "guard" told us), he was quite in a hurry (from my perspective but maybe it's his usual speed for signing ) but sweet and nice to everybody, taking time to talk to people who wanted to tell him or give him something. So, people, this was the first time I was able to speak to Mika. Can you imagine how big this day is for me?! Just to end the story, Stephanie and her husband (?) were kind enough to bring us back to Arras, there I could go back directrly to Paris thanks to ride sharing (meeting point at 5AM with an unknown guy, quite scarry but thanks God everything went very well, we had nice discussion during the way). Went home and directrly to bed a few hours, I let you guess if my dreams were sweet (I didn't take any picture or any video, I'm sorry, I'm such a bad contributor to MFC ) (and once again I want to thank all the great MIKA fans who always help me for everything and who make that I feel as if we were a big family )
  8. And can I say that I looove the suit he wore at the wedding
  9. That's good news! Maybe it's an album totally in French (noooooo, don't hit me everybodyyyyy ) How long did he take to make the "Origin of Love" album?
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