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Everything posted by Elwendin

  1. Well, they started to sing on their own their own songs. One song each. Then Mika sang along with Morgan and Morgan sang then along with Mika. Morgan has not the age, the shape and the skills to keep Mika's pace , so he almost had a stroke (he was sweating so hard ) but it seems they really had fun, so I had fun too. (caparbietà is a fashioned old way to say stubbornness in a positive way)
  2. Hi! I'll try to report live since maaany people (2 ) asked me to. It will depend on my pets though. They usually don't like me to type. Mika is wearing a black suit with a golden/coloured collar (sorry for my english) Now a guy is impersonating him (gross), Mika says he can go for a beer and let him judge. He says he usually brushes his teeth before a show (we know ) and Morgan makes fun of him mispeaking italian. Mika kicks and hug him. Oh! And the curls are back! Mika on ape escape: there's a saying that tells that pride leaves riding a horse and comes back by footh. Instead they left barefooth and ended up with a 5 thousands people gig at their place.
  3. And then we'll camp outside the studios moaning and making a woodoo doll ?
  4. So none of us got that damned mail..... I don't care to plan, I can jump on a train at 5 am, I just want to know we are in for good.....
  5. Morgan is a furmacchione..... he knows he would have many benefits from his partnership with Mika. And his childish music. Anyway, obviously the man enjoyes it so, it's fine for me as well.
  6. Thank you so so so much! You are always very kind to me!!! Not nice, I've just learned from Mika nice is not good. :)

    Je suis d'accord avec Allegra. Tu es une vraie net hunter!!!

  7. Prova 1 prova 1. Sto scrivendo sulla board giusta?

    Grazie, devo proprio rilassarmi e tu mi aiuti. Quando qualcosa mi stressa ridirigo tutto in questo mondo, mi aiuta a gestire meglio quello vero, e ieri e' stata una giornata tremenda. Quindi ero piena di ansie e si vede!!! Naturalmente sono grata all'universo di sentirlo cantare, so che l'usignolo non si aggira spesso tra i sacchetti di pasta ultimamente ;)

    Spero che mfc non sia in piccionaia. Spero che lui possa avere un pubblico partecipe e che il suddetto pubblico partecipe abbia fun fun fun!

    Sono felicissima di trovare te, roberta, mari, lucrezia, e chissa' quanti altri conoscero'. La mia paura sul posto era sia di non vederlo, sia di essere da sola in mezzo a quattro bacucchi... se riusciro' a vedere o essere vicina a mfc andra' bene. Se tutte e due, lotteria per me!!!

    Grazie mille. Adesso corro a ringraziare french friend.

  8. I hope someone in that classrom will share. I can't wait to know!!!! It's weird that no one did a film with the mobile. Maybe they did it and in some days it will be on youtube.
  9. That's what I think. More impulsive and instinctive (I checked out for the words, it's english!). Built to me sounds a bit negative, but I'm not sure, so ... I suppose it's just a word, then who knows what he wants to mean ... I'm glad to you it's not. I hope so!
  10. Io mi auguro proprio che domani ci facciano sapere qualcosa!!!!

    E che i nostri posti non siano tipo dietro la colonna sfigata... Mi sarebbe piaciuto stare con gli altri, ancora spero che i posti non siano fissi....

    Se non ci arriva la conferma definitiva schianto di delusione.

  11. Built and intricate. Does that have a negative meaning according to you? I so love it...
  12. pfff, ti ha scioccata sto report!!!!

    si, stesso iter. Mail con richiesta dati seguita da mail di conferma prenotazione posti e indicazioni di aspettare la terza e ultima con i dettagli. Quello che non mi piace è che questa terza mail viene chiamata "mail di conferma definitiva", ed è per quello che sono così in paranoia. E se danno il nostro posto ad altri? Cosa ne sanno che pure noi siamo mfcers alla fine...

  13. Thank you so so so much!!!!

    I'm anxious right now. They haven't sent any confirmation e-mail yet so I'm afraid they could change their mind, since I'm not with the mfc group..... I don't feel safe.....

  14. Tomorrow morning he will be at Radio Deejay , along with the other judges. I won't be able to listen to it. I hope they will put it on line....
  15. I so hope it!!!!! Now I want that damned confirmation e mail though!!!! I don't feel safe without it....
  16. I'm trying to figure out how the weather will be like. No fog: I could drive back home Fog: sleep somewhere over there. No one else is planning to spend the night there?
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