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Everything posted by Elwendin

  1. Oh jeez!!! Ahahahhah ! That would turn in "some love is a mess" We? Loud??? Nope!!! I don't know what you're talking about!!! Did you manage to see other shows then?
  2. Well. I cannot say Mika to me wasn't important, but I do say the meeting part was fun fun fun. As I wrote, I appreciate the dinner so so much; while queueing I met someone but didn't manage to meet others. During the dinner I found out more interesting people. I enjoyed everthing and everyone for good. Actually, I do admit I miss you guys. I wish we could meet again. As Roberta said, I do hope we'll stay.
  3. I always wonder how they do that. Are they actually in water? Having my head underwater freaks me out, this is why I'm obsessed with that.
  4. So is that a kind of marketing strategy? I thought he enjoyed getting the audience involved and active
  5. I may or may not have dropped some clues about de luxe editions to hubby... I don't know if it will work, though. He could have already bought christmas presents.....
  6. Hi!!! Thank you so much for that link. Now it's christmas!! Can't wait to be at home to see it!!! Here at work I just can have a sneak peek

  7. On that link it's written Mika will release his album in january .... Scoperto il giudice che sostituirà Elio, è ancora sconosciuto il nome del giudice che sostituirà Mika, impegnato nella promozione del suo album che uscirà a Gennaio 2014. Found out the judge who will be taking over Elio, but it's still unknow the name of the one who will take over on Mika, busy in the promotion of his album, which will be released in january 2014. I think journalists are stretching it out. I read vanity fair interview about che tempo che fa and the article was a bit twisted, so I don't trust journalists. Besides won't he be busy with the voice in january?
  8. I suppose the fate wanted me to fill up with endorfins to face the next months. There is no other explanation why I could see him twice in a week, two perfect warm, fog free saturdays, and fun people to share it with me. I'm still waiting for the tricky part. Well, maybe italian bureaucracy was it, but that was a so little glitch that I'm still waiting for something else. Anyway, I'll skip the whole trip part this time, even if it was just nicer than the previous one. I enjoyed so much the company and learnt that waisting time eating a sandwich in a crossroad because you presume people won't enjoy too much time with you is silly and make passing-by people think you are a carolina waiting for customers So, nice nice travel, then queueing outside Rai studios. For me queueing is still fun, I've just done it twice and the weather was never bad, which meant meeting people, knowing people, talking with people. Which eventually means to deal with my shyness, improving my social skills and confidence, if it goes well. If it goes wrong, it means to deal with frustration and loss of self esteem, but apparently I got lucky and people didn't turn me down. So I met people I already knew, new people and manage to confuse others greeting them as we already met, when it never happend. I'm a mess when it comes to faces and names, i just can remember a few at a time, then I need repetitions to get it. They let us in with a huge delay, and the "first come, first seat" thing ruled. We were there since a couple of hours or more, but we didn't knew it would be like that, so.....we ended up in the balcony on a side of the studio, behind a camera. Apparently we were supposed to see his back. I was on the edge between the old me, anxious and competitive, and the new me, "have faith". It turned out that the chairs for the guests were not fixed and they would have moved them according to the show needs. So, new me was winning on old me. Before Mika there were other guests, a classical music piano player, three comedians, and a fair manager. I was sick with boredom and my focus was on that damned chairs, since I could see only the piano player back but perfectly the others' faces. Eventually they opened the curtains and he was there, sitting on the piano, with his small band. Ok, I couldn't see his face that well. But his voice was everywhere. I could feel it in my chest, it was a kind of living blanket around me. I didn't sing, I didn't move. Maybe I didn't breath, but I suppose I did or I would have dropped dead on Lucrezia's head. No one would ever noticed, everyone was amazed by him. I just wanted to listen. Now, this is a mess. My home has a little furniture, so music sounds pretty crappy and so does it in my car. From that very moment, I'm disappointed by cds. It's so not the same thing. I suppose I have to suck it up and get used to it. While he was playing and singing he was so into that. I saw some reharsal pic, and I was surprised I committed that much in reharsal too. Anyway, it was such a pleasure to seem him that way. I don't need to describe it, every one of you knows exactly what I mean. A detail I noticed: while singing and while talking, he always let the audience in with his movements. He does communicate, he involves people, that was so not him just performing for the cameras. When it comes to the interview, let's say that 1 - he was sitting in front of us, so I could perfectly see him. 2 - he was so witty and amazing and fun, I enjoyed it so so much, as you guess from me willing to translate every word of him. Some words about the dinner: that was real fun. I manage to know further fun people and we had the waitress confused about our hatred for risotto. We asked her to switch the tv on the show and sang along with him from the top of our lungs, for the misfortune of the two strangers customers who were sitting close to us. We ended up to loose every inhibition about restaurants etiquette and eat our own biscuits (MIKAdo and the ones I bought for him but didn't dare to deliver), which didn't seem to bother the waitress, since I don't know how but some pizza dishes from the party they were having in the other room managed to reach us. Well, that's pretty much all. I wish to thank some people, but since I don't know if they want me to do it here, I won't . They know who they are and why. When it comes to me, I did fill up with endorfins. I don't know how much my fuel will last, it depends on what the future will propose to me. For the moment, on sunday I could cuddle my friend's newborn baby without any sadness or anger, just loving her. Which is a pretty good thing, I swear. So, it does work.
  9. A question for who watched XF on internet: how hard was that? I don't have a very fast connection. All people here can watch TF1 but me, since I don't have the proper stuff on the roof to get the channels, but everybody else does, so I could go to my parents' place to see the show. They live about 50 km far away from my place and don't get the whole Mika thing, so I'm wondering if trying the internet way or what.....
  10. Here I am Yesterday I got a day off but spent it on chores and headache, I guess I stretched it too much (600 km on sunday anch chitty chatty till 2 am with some mfc as usual....) On sunday I didn't wrote a report because, after those km and the translation, I was done. Besides I had a lot to process. It took me two days to sort it out. I didn't even read on mfc as usual. Allegra, I never thought you would miss my report I'll write one just fory you, about ten pages, and send a PM I'm doing a tiny report now. Will post in a while.
  11. thank you ingie!!! I'll watch them as soon as I finish the translation, that will be my treat Littizetto is a fan, you're right, she always says it when she can, on the radio
  12. Ok, I'll try to translate. F: Mika! How nice to meet you. Please, take a seat. You are very tall! M: Yes, everybody says that to me F: 'cause we always see you sittig while judging at XF. Songbook vol. 1 only for Italy. It's colourful like you music, your sound M: yes, we did all this project in italy, here in milan, because I wanted to show my musical history since the beginning till now, this year so... F: amazing M: yes, and weird too. But, wait, while sitting, you are taller than me, this can't work F: wait (he gets his chair down) M: ah! thank you! I have to say that the man who had me to sign my contract for my label (? Compagnia discografica, Universal I suppose), when we started he was quite important, but now he's the ultimate boss of everything, during 7 years he did a transformation (but he told the word in a way which seemed another italian word: transumanza) so his chairs... F: a trasformazione.. you told transumazione M: yes, Rossana Casala always told me to say trasformazione F: transumazione.. transumanza... is nice, it's a difficult word, it means when the sheep are taken from the fields to the village. Who does know transumanza? Nobody! He's very talented. You know that this is a miracle? How do you speak italian like that? M: What I meant to tell before the italian lesson, anyway thank you so much, is that his chairs during 7 years are first like this and then every time I go and see him at the office, now that he's pretty important... (he stands up to show how much the man chairs are higher than before). And the table is like that (he shows with his hands). F: so now he's so important.... In italy something crazy happend M: yes, this year was one of the most beautiful in my life because it's as a new door openend and I found out a new culture which is not so different from my libanese culture. Yes, I did the choice to do XF because that was a challenge that scared me and still does a bit. I told, this is a bit crazy, I know, I can't speak italian, I said all that in english, I don't know why I'm doing this but who cares F: Bravo!!! (A kind of kudos) This is what I say every day to my self, this is the watchword to be happy. La leggerezza (someone please help me here!!!) is the most difficult conquest M: But I told no to others shows that are in languages I know F: yes, but that would be easy... so when did you start to learn italian? M: When? this is pretty important, I started to learn it a month and a half before the first castings F: wait, so what month that was? M: euhhhh.... we started in ..... (puzzled) F: june: M: yes, june and so.... I'm dyslexic, I can't count backwards F: ok, I'll tell you: in april M: april, thank you. We started in april and I have to thank my teacher, I wouldn't be able to do all this without her, she's sicilian, her name is isabella. F: Isabella, teach me M: for me, that was the time in the day when I am a monster, in the morning... F: monster? why? M: because I'm a kind of like that (now you see him curbing and getting a grumpy face) F: because you live by night M: yeah, always, we work by night F: you never go to bed early M: no, I can't. F: oh, sorry, didn't mean to offend you (ironic voice) M I get a bit hyperactive but during the morning I'm like the human involution, I start like a ... how do you say? a monkey F: what? M: a monkey F: una scimmia M: una scimmia but then I do all the human evolution, with a cup of coffee, within an hour, all the Darwin evolution and en up like this, to be me again. M: but little Isabella had to see me every morning, just a strong sicilian like her could.. F: you had a russian singing teacher as well M: yes, before, because I was kicked out of school. F: but you switched between so many schools, France, America (!!!!), that's not easy. So a russian singer teacher... M: I didn't go to schoolf for a year I didn't attend school, when I was 10 y.o. and she came shortlyfrom Russia, she was pretty soviet block like that. Very elegant and very strong. F: what did you learn form her? M: basically discipline. Between her and my libanese mom... I eventually preferred to go to school (lol) F: how do people learn to sing? M: how do you say with pain in italian? F: fatigue M with much fatigue (then he notices that's not what he meant, he knows how to translate in italian better than the showman....) No! Not fatigue ... Pain like ouch! F: yes, fatigue, hard work (meanwhile we in the audience were screaming paiiiinnnnnnn till he got it) F: dolore M: dolore! To me it is a completely negative meaning. I had to practise every single day, I used to do classical music, I had a skill to do a pretty difficult contemporary music (he gest the wrong accent on contemporanea and the showman repeats it, so people laugh, but not in a mean way. He's juste cute when he does it, even if he hates to be cute this way) F: before doing contemporanE'a music you sang in an opera, you was 11 y.o. M: that was a contemporary classical opera F: (to the audience) what do you laugh at, I wish I could see you .... (no one is being mean, though, just kidding) M: what I mean is that my music now is not a difficult contemporary one, But at that time, I had to sing in japanese or polish and I had to learn all that just using my ears for I can't read music sheets. F: do you read music now? M: no. F: so you just go by ear (someone help me here as well !!! bad translation, sorry), That's a gift you have M: no, to me the gift would be to be able to read music sheets. F: I saw you have a home in Milan M: yes, a flat F: so you think you will come back? Often? M: I'd like to. (it was just me or his voice there got a king of mischievious?) F: your home, I read on a magazine, has kitchen, two living rooms, bedroom, white piumati chandeliers M: piumati? F: yes, I don't know how to say that in english. With piume M: piume? (We, the audience: feathers! Then he gets it) F: a statue, optical rugs, paintings... M: what are you doing? F: I don't know, never been there, but I'm reading, animal embroided sheets .... M: this is not a renting commercial!!! Do you want to rent my flat? F: I read you put a lot of stuff over there. What do you buy? M: yes, a lot. For instance I have plenty of lebanese paintings, a lot from syria, since I love arabic contemporary art, and the stuff I do with with my sister. Drawings and sculptures. It's a workshop. My home is my workshop as well. That is not always comfy, still... F: listen , I want to ask you a thing. What is weird in italy? There's something about us that you do think is weird? M: mhhh. I don't know, but there's one beatiful thing in italy... F: oh. so there is ONE beautiful thing in italy.... (lol) No, I mean weird. M: I don't know... maybe.... risotto. It's not good. I don't like it. It's just raw rice withs ome sauce. But where is the meat? where is the chicken? A week ago I went to a very nice dinner... F: Where? M: I can't tell. At someone's place. I went and they were enthusiastic to eat. There was some salad, ok, that's fine, and after it came a dish with a not well cooked rice and sauce. And he wondered why all people were excited about that dinner and obsessed with risotto. F: risotto is typical for milano M: imo, I prefer south italy food. F: (introduce songbook, Mika make clear the it's-not-a-greatest-hits-since-I'm-not-done thing. ) Now a bit of teasing about some italian words he mispoke in these past months, and now he manages to get them straight. Almost. Stupigia ..... Stupidaggine! Kudos!!!!! Hugs, kudos again for his energy and positivity. And medley for us !!!! This two hours translation is my apologize to Nina for not having been able to translate anything live. I'm sorry, but you noticed my spoken english is crappy. That evening, at the restaurant, the waitress proposed risotto to us. Guess what was our answer!!!!!!
  13. Ingie, thank you so much for that synagogue video!!!!! I need to look for more
  14. I'm reading you by my mobile. As soon as I come home I'll rewatch the video since I so need to listen to him again. When it comes to the interview, he was a way more funny and witty (thank Roberta for this word) than the guys before, who try to be funny for work. I read Deb would translate it, I could try do to it, but not before this evening. Please let me know if I could be helpful or not.
  15. Sorry to break all these posts, which I found so interesting, by the way, to tell a trivial: Gaia just tweeted Mika is throwing a party tonight. She told "da Mika" which should imply at his place. Ok, now she says she can't go because of work. I don't know, maybe that was a joke .. ? If that so... who cares
  16. Yes. Coping strategies. Overeating chocolate trying to get drunk, since I don't like booze. Ahahahahah !!! At the moment I'm master in pretending. Inside: dropping dead with anxiety Outisde: sitting tight at my desk Inside: getting high with happiness Outside: get up in a very professional way, hitting the loo, looking around for people, be sure to be alone, jump up and down in excitement, professionally coming back to the desk. Right now I wish I could buy biscuits for all mfcers over there. Giving sweets, that's how I say I love you. It runs in my family I suppose. This is why my dog was fat when I used to live with my parents.
  17. Waiting till 24 before the thing is a way too hard!!!! I'm beginner level, that's for master level! No more Mon Cheri, no more tea with bourbon
  18. Guys!!! I'm in love with the whole world!!! We are getting those emails right now!!!!! Thank you for putting up with me!!!!
  19. Sitting tight... trying to behave... so concerned... No details and confirmation mail so far. I don't know jack squat. By the way, never got on a train since 15 years... and I still don't have the ticket... I wonder if I buy a more expensive one, then I could take even the cheaper trains, it's all about the schedule. This is a way different from my idea of planning Learning to rustle up. Sitting tight ... trying to behave.... Just random thoughts. I need to let them burst out.
  20. Mika left his place to stay a while with violetta. She's crying and he doesn't give the rules a rat ass and goes and hugs her. I love that man. Well done.
  21. Mika keeps showing off with some italian weird words: I prepared them before, for sure He enjoys telling them
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