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Everything posted by Daenerys

  1. Je me suis posé la question aussi, c'est délicat quand les candidats abordent des aspects très difficiles de leur vie, on se rend compte qu'ils jouent plus qu'un simple concours de chant pour certains.
  2. Je l'aime aussi ce costume, le bleu lui va à ravir ! Puis de toute façon j'suis pas objective avec lui, il pourrait porter un rideau de douche que j'le trouverais toujours choupicoeur. Mais le changement c'est bien aussi. Ah, c'est possible pour Jacynthe, mais je suis pas au courant du tout.
  3. Il a vraiment sa place dans cette émission, dès le départ il a trouvé son ton, imposé sa personnalité, en quelque sorte. Ses arguments sont toujours développés et pertinents, je pense que les candidats sont chanceux de l'avoir comme coach. S'il arrive à transmettre aussi bien qu'il "attrape" les talents pendant les auditions, alors je suis sûre qu'ils iront loin. Mais sinon oui, vivement le changement de costume.
  4. Very. it won't be just Mika related, but still.
  5. He probably doesn't read this but, life is all about taking chances so, the only thing i have to say is that he's my reason to stay alive lately. And that his songs mean the world to me.
  6. I was bored last week, i will complete it later with all the other songs.
  7. He would be yes, but i'm leaving the country soon. So even if i wait, i won't get tattooed by him anyway. One of my mentor's friends is a tattooist tho, so i emailed her and i'll probably get it soon. EDIT : I'm getting it next saturday !!!
  8. Oh, cool ! Post the result when it's done, okay ?
  9. Yes, i didn't know the first time i went to see him but apparently he's one of the best in the region.
  10. J'aurais pas forcément choisi celle là mais why not. Puis après tout, ils vont pas venir me demander mon avis lol
  11. Okay so i called the tattooist from my town today and the next possibility is on june 10th... so i need to find another one
  12. Well it's forever so of course you need to think before getting one. When i got the first one i was like "omg it's so cool, i wanna get another next week" but well, i waited almost 6 months.
  13. Not necessarely, cause i plan to add more tattoos on my arms within the years. Also, it would be too small if i made it proportional.
  14. Smaller than the image i posted. I reduced it when i printed, it was too big for my wrist. All in all, probably like a bit under 10cm i don't know, don't really have notions of proportions
  15. I wish, but no lol, i'm not that talented. It's the tree of Gondor. The White Tree of Gondor stood as a symbol of Gondor in the Court of the Fountain in Minas Tirith. The White Tree also appears as a motif upon Gondor's flag.
  16. Omg your tattoo is so cool, I love it ! I was also thinking about getting his signature but for now, I've decided to go with "Stardust". I love the song, and all the poetry/meaning behind this word. Maybe the next one will be his autograph ( if i meet him one day lol ) It needs a few modifications ( to connect the image and the text ) but it will look like this, and will be on my left wrist : I also have another one, on my right wrist
  17. Aw thank you. And yes I agree, love doesn't care about gender or skin color or religion or whatever. I almost told them about my last girlfriend but we broke up last week so nope, not for this time lol
  18. Sur le poignet / avant-bras gauche. Je l'ai réduit un peu à l'impression parce que c'était trop grand sinon. Il fait plutôt bon ici, on a des températures assez hautes pour la saison. Mais en décembre, et il y a quelques semaines, on est descendus vers -15..
  19. I guess it's the same here... For some reason, even if i know they wouldn't mind and i don't feel the need to come out, a part of me is still terrified to do it.
  20. Sinon, j'ai enfin trouvé le design de mon prochain tatouage. Bien entendu, je vais demander au tatoueur de parfaitement relier le dessin et le texte, pas de faire comme sur la photo
  21. ça ne m'étonne pas de ne pas être la seule dans ce cas. Sa musique est à la fois très apaisante et up-lifting. En ce moment j'y puise un peu la force de, hum, ne pas faire de conneries disons.
  22. Oh, well i hope for her it happens... as Fievel would say, never say never.
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