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Everything posted by Emelyne412

  1. Merci Anne pour la traduction ! (Je n'avais pas le courage de la faire XD) Bon courage pour la reprise !
  2. To begin, I want to thank a fan who gave me her invitation at the last minute. It was one of the beauttiful gifts I ever received. I was happy to see some faces that I know, but I was so stressed that I not so much spoke with them. Mika was very smiling and happy to see us, depsite the recent terrorist attacks in july. Personally, I was very concentrated and anxious because I wanted to tell him an important message that I have inside me since 3 years approximately, but I was unable to say it before. This signing session was THE moment. I lived a similiar life of his own, I was bullied for a large part of my scolarity. Without saying all details, I was in depression, and it almost take my life. When I could hear again his songs and his causes, especially about bullism, I could raise my head above water and live "normally". He was very emotive about my message and his reply was so touching, I almost cry, he wouldn't that I tear, because, for he, I am brave. He is more than human, I thank him for listenning to me.
  3. I could watch the three first shows, except the 29th of November cause of school trip (maybe in Italy, who knows ? XD) I'm so excited, I understand italian (yas ! So much vocabulary and expressions to learn XD) , I can't wait !!
  4. Thanks for your reports ! You were very lucky to have had a setlist like this one....And the place ! (no, I'm not jealous at all... XD) I didn't know that it was members of the MFC who organized the meet and greet, I'm so happy that he leaves The Voice this year. Many projects are in progress with his albums and the book, and his show in Italy (which the concept is better than The Voice )
  5. Me too, I laughed when I saw these key words ! XD I know this actor few times ago, but (Sigh, I'll be killed), I "discovered" and seen Sherlock one week ago. I knew the movie, but I thought that this kind of series would not my cup of tea. Wrong decision. I love it. He is awesome in this role ! I'm so stupid. Thanks to some friends to convince me to see that. I've seen other films where he is very great (The Imitation Fame is my favourite) You can beat me ! XD
  6. I'm very happy to know the news now official ! I'm excited what kind of show it will be, the mix of music, his life, and the effect of a unique show. I hope that italian people will keep the idea that Mika is a singer, and not a man of the TV (cause of XFactor and The Voice which he is known as a coach and not a singer....)
  7. Je sais bien, mais je me sens un peu stupide d'avoir confirmé ma participation pour ne pas faire le projet... Maintenant que c'est fini, je ne vais pas forcer la porte, comme on dit. Tant pis ^^
  8. I've just finish to see the interview, it was a pleasure to hear him speak in italian. Even if I'm sick, I succeded to understand the main part of this. I loved when he was shocked at the moment when he notices that the show is filmed during the adds If he sings other songs in the Italian tour, I'm going to depress...
  9. Je viens pour dire à Hélène que je suis désolée de n'avoir pas pu donner mon projet à temps. Pour dire vrai, je travaille depuis début juin et je n'ai pas eu le temps pour le finaliser. Ça m'énerve parce que j'avais une bonne idée de broderie... Avec le year book, ça fait le deuxième projet que je rate bêtement. ><
  10. I bought the mumu this afternoon, she's so beautiful ! I never seen a big box like that ! If we don't need to register at the signing session, I'll be there the 20th of june ^^
  11. After these two days to depress in my bed, I'm able to write my report. The queue seemed long with the blazing sun burning our clothes, there was a very atmosphere; especially the afternoon when there were journalists and cameramen for a tv channel who asking us to sing some songs of Mika ^^. Before go to to the pit, people were very crazy. They beat and hurt others just to have the best place. I saw some fans on the ground without help. It looks like the anarchy. Anyway, I was on the 3rd row, on the caravan side, placed on the middle of the long scene. Xylaroo were good singers, nice to listen. They have a beautiful voice. Some girls sceamed the name of Mika when they sang, I found that very irrespectful. But it was a beautiful half-hour. The intermission lasted an eternity. Many red butlers were coming to the stage, I throught that it was to keep waiting us. Yes and no . Lights down, the show begins by an introduction like a "war tribute". It was very sad. Then, the ambiance change immediately on a cabaret theme. Mika comes on stage with an crazy energy ! I didn't know the first french song, she is so old but his version on Bercy was very awesome ! The "sky" were full of flags, and the scenery was very festive ! I loved that ! The setlist was very good ! I cried many times by his choice of songs. Rain, finally, I lived my favorite song in real ! With the luminous Arc de Triomphe, it was so beautiful. Grace Kelly was funny with his weird translations about love and his mother, to finish, to "Madame Patate" Les Baisers Perdus. So emotional. In my opinion, there was the most beautiful staging of the whole gig. The acrobatic rubban gave me chills. The voice of Mika was calm, limite shy to let the young boy do his act. Underwater. The first verse in symphonic. Nothing to say. He was very touched by the 15000 lights on. We were his little stars who gonna be big suns. BBB. Hilarous ! Especially on his way to explain how to dance the "boum boum" (me and my friends were behind his back, we're have had a beautiful view on his dance ) I really liked the idea to take the screen of Lisbon on the big letters. The film about Paris was beautiful. I was not in this world when he visited Montmartre (And me and my friend were crazy because we discovered that Mika took the same metro line than us everyday ) Elle me dit. He showshis love to France and Paris by his disguises and his joy with a F french flag Happy Ending. So powerful. See and hear for the first time in live the acapella to finish the song.... I cried again. I can die in peace. WAG, TAY, Big girl. The Mika's universe like we love. Last Party. I love this song in live. Very different than studio, especially in the end. Everybody makes party, it's beautiful to see that. Love Today. The cake was giant ! The idea that Mika hides on that, my mind said "Oh, a Mika surprise !" And Yes, all the butlers were happy, danced and wanted to communicate with the crowd the joy ! Everybody forgot their problems, and do what they want by dancing and singing. The show will be broadcasted on two channels in France and Italy. Certainly to celebrate his 10-year carrer. The picture of the cake would be logical. I take few pictures because i wanted to enjoy maximally of the show. And my phone takes bad photos cause of the high luminosity. I have some videos. Sorry in advance for the black bands. Always with my phone. (I really need to have a new camera...)
  12. I put my message here too. I could be there from 18:30. I don't know if it's too late for you.
  13. I love this flyer, it reminds me the French Révolution period, and the painting of Delacroix ("La liberté guidant le peuple"). But I think that artworks are so much revealed, even if it's very beautiful and we will have a magical show... We risk to lost the "surprise" of that tribute..
  14. Hello Préscillia to the MFC !
  15. I LOVE THESE WATCHS ! It's more discreet than Kukulakuku and the Kukulakuki. The white is my favourite.
  16. Yes, on Ticketmaster, and Fnac, there are no availabilities to get a ticket since friday morning. Hélène confirmed that with a screenshot from the arena's website. Now, I want to see the word "sold out" on the flyer !
  17. I'm in ! I haven't for the moment a red shirt/sweat, Im going to check clothes shop !
  18. Thank you for the interview, I loved some parts of this one. The magazine title represents well Mika ! Those pictures are very beautiful
  19. I will be with a friend. If you want to come with us, it's not a problem. We understand english and we speak to (even if I make some mistakes and I study in the tourism... ) To recognize me, I am tall and blonde with a round face. And, yes, I will be on the pit. ^^
  20. The same day that the Wonderland in Bercy !!!! I can't pre-order now, I think that I'll pay few times past the 27rd (if he is in sell in Bercy, I will be so happy !)
  21. I live close from Bercy, I pass every morning by the metro to go at school ^^ l have to listen to this inteview, I heard some things about Wonderland ! (late, late, late, long life to the exams).
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