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Everything posted by carafon

  1. Whatever the choice of song would be , (end of first or Love today ) may I suggest to have the heart balloons as support for the Valentine messages ? I think it could have a lovely visual effect . Same for the flowers and thank you messages , as when you want to thank somebody it's usual to offer flowers (or chocolates but Don't want to create another action idea ….. ) ? We'd use all the items and reduce the actions to 3 then …. Tbh ,if it would be for another artist I'd NEVER follow 5 different instructions for fan actions so I'm not sure that the "regular" audience will join us if they have too many things to think about Just my 2 cents about it of course…..
  2. As we kindda give up the discussion after the "Alias gate" , @Anna Ko Kolkowska could you make a brief summary of the fan actions that are finaly planed ? Just want to add that I lately went to Niort , probably the best gig I had so far for this tour even if there was no fan action at all People were dansing and singing like hell and Mika loved it so much that he thanks many times the audience for it's generosity and enthousiasm So having a great gig is not all about FA and we also have to see this from the point of "normal" crowd Imo if there are too many "rules" to follow it may be a bit boring for them
  3. VID_20200124_085419.mp4 VID_20200124_085458.mp4 VID_20200124_085606.mp4 VID_20200124_085647.mp4 VID_20200124_085729.mp4 VID_20200124_085755.mp4 VID_20200124_085902.mp4 VID_20200124_085904.mp4 VID_20200124_090000.mp4
  4. Why not joining the "united action" at the end ?
  5. The hearts ballons were already used for "Happy ending" in Luxembourg a few days ago Mika loved them but it's maybe a little bit too early to have the same fan action again? @Anna Ko Kolkowska maybe you should invite @Luciesnotinspired to discuss with you and the other groups to see how she can insert her idea without creating too much mess and not too many fan actions as well ?
  6. https://www.estrepublicain.fr/culture-loisirs/2020/01/31/sortie-du-coma-en-ecoutant-mika-manon-a-rencontre-son-idole
  7. https://www.estrepublicain.fr/culture-loisirs/2020/01/31/sortie-du-coma-en-ecoutant-mika-manon-a-rencontre-son-idole
  8. The song he sings to bother people…...
  9. After watching "En direct de l'univers" I thought that it could be funny to sing "Gigi l'amoroso" at the end of a gig No waste at all but our voices if we still have one at the end of the gig …..
  10. I forgot the picture of Charlotte, the support arrtist. Definitely better than any DJ
  11. Not at all. It was all about eating and drinking too much while playing no music
  12. https://www.instagram.com/p/B7x1FpsIRR0/?igshid=atbkaz6llch6 https://www.instagram.com/p/B7x0baYo7-m/?igshid=ig26ttherc40
  13. A crazy gig..... 😀 VID_20200125_221416.mp4 VID_20200125_221416.mp4
  14. Sorry I didn't have any free time to try yet . BUT I can organize a" replay party" for the people going to the concert in Luxembourg if only the programm is not geo localized
  15. May be that they are waiting to know how the coronaro virus case will be managed (or solved ?) …..
  16. Bonjour Valérie et bienvenue! Avec une fille qui s'appelle Paloma c'était écrit que ta route allait croiser celle de Mika un jour !
  17. This channel is part of my TV channels subscription and I can watch the replay on PC But I've got no idea how to record it and even if it's possible Can just invite you there if you're around …... Btw just realized that the symphonia pop is part of the concerts that are available on streaming 👍
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