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Everything posted by frenchfan84

  1. Wow that's awsome ! Really nice to meet you Bree ;-) Welcome ! And have a good time on the MFC XD
  2. Anyone wants to chat ?

    1. Guest


      yes! :)

  3. For me, it Will probably be... Love Today, because it is so beautiful and it is always so good to hear. And also because it was the first Mika song I've ever heard (at 7 !) We are golden,b because This is probably the reason why i talked with him the very first time... (even if it was really short I enjoyed it XD ) Comme un soleil mal luné, because This is my best choice among all the sad songs that i can possibly know. It is really conforting and very meaningfull for me. The Origin of Love , because the beat and the lyrics are so contradictoire but so amazing XD and of course Hurts , because this song tell my own story, it has the words on my past feelings and the beat (from the piano version) is so sad and so happy in the same time... All of those are probably the most meaningfull songs from any artists in all times. That's it! ;-)
  4. Does anyone knows where is the 20th anniversary logo thread ?

  5. Nobody talks ... I'm back home since yesterday ! I haven't been able to come back home since the first day of school ! So i am really happy !
  6. Yes i Will send it on the 12 of november ! This is the last time that i postpoint it I swear ! ;-)
  7. Wow. I'm just mind blown... This Paris concert was epic and the DVD Will be AMAZING !

    1. crazyaboutmika


      Yes and with all songs =D

  8. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeh !!! This is becoming very interesting ! Thank you Eriko ;-)
  9. I know that he probably won't be here ;-) i'm quiet familiar with the MFC now ;-)
  10. Hahaha yes i know it but i use to wish for things and SOMETIMES it happens ;-) I'm just optimistic XD it already lead me to three concert and another Mika meeting so i guess that it has been usefull XD
  11. Omg you're so right ! This would be amazing XD
  12. Oh. My. God. I'm so excited !!!! 10th anniversary of the MFC... !!! Plus I'll be in the UK in 2017 !!! It's going to be so good !!! Wherever this will take place I completly agree with the idea ! But I have to say that I would prefer to do a big party in London and several others all over the world as MFC'ers are coming from every place in the world XD I completly agree with mamiam about the MFC'er Mika choir this would be so amazing !!! I think that London is good for having this because it would allow Mika to have a great party in his hometown and maybe bring some members of his familly (for me Melachi & Amira are entire parts of the familly XD) BUT PLEASE do not forbid people under 18 because It would be so unfair !!! If they are fans from the very begining of Mika's career they are fans since they are 7 or 8 years old or even younger ! So I think they should be allowed to participate. Anyway, My presence will all depends on the location of the party but I really hope I will be able to be there ;-) In all case I'll be glad to participate to the online party XD HAPPY BIRTHDAY MFC And THANK YOU DEB for getting all of this possible, You're the boss of all MFC'ers and I really am greatfull to you for eveything you've done, everything you're doing, and everything you will do for us <3
  13. One year ago I had THE best time of my entire life. One year ago I just went to my first Mika concert. #PMD

  14. I didn't had a nice time in Edinburgh, that was clearly the best trip of my life , but in january I'll go to Cannigton (UK) for a whole year so I think it will be even better XD
  15. One year ago I couldn't sleep at night...

  16. Holy s**t ! Just random but amazing . Was reading the guardian (XD one of the random thing do when i actually don't know what to do ) and I see this. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/oct/04/trees-extinct-uk-queens-residence-edinburgh?CMP=twt_a-environment_b-gdneco The only time I went to the UK was in Edinburgh so I keep on reading it, and I just figured that the Holyroodhouse is the very last visit we did in Scotland ! As I like taking pictures I just watch which tree is it. Hahaha Damn it I've got my own picture of one of the two last membre of this tree species !!! This is an internet picture... https://www.google.fr/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.stv.tv%2Farticles%2Fw768%2F481770-wentworth-elm-at-palace-of-holyroodhouse.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fstv.tv%2Fnews%2Feast-central%2F1368881-extinct-elm-trees-discovered-in-queen-s-edinburgh-gardens%2F&docid=uKb7EdM6wVJQ3M&tbnid=FMbhcl7PHuO0mM%3A&w=768&h=512&client=ms-android-wiko&bih=488&biw=320&ved=0ahUKEwiE0_bsm9HPAhWHrxoKHXB7A2sQMwhAKBYwFg&iact=mrc&uact=8 And this one is MY PICTURE ! https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxvsOnaZjPn8bFhpdVlrREFqTWc/view?usp=sharing I'm just blown away... This is amazing, probably useless but amazing XD
  17. Do you know if there will be a way for people outside italy to watch it ? Like in streaming ? Or maybe in replay ?
  18. It Will be his own biography , there's a thread about the book and it's releasing date somewhere but i can't put the link right now 'cause i'm still trying to get a constant internet and i'm afraid the connexion Will fail if i start a new page... Anyway if look for it , there à thread with Journal d'un optimiste accidentel ( books french title) but the thread itself is in english don't worry ;-)
  19. I everyone, My news aren't really good but I have to tell you... I sent an e-mail to the edition team yesterday and they answered me this morning (I really apreciate this quick answer XD) I was just asking when will the book be finally available and in our mail-box, and this is her answer: Bonjour, Merci pour votre mail et pour votre intérêt. La biographie de Mika a effectivement été annoncée puis repoussée. Elle devrait sortir en 2017 mais nous n'avons pas encore de date officielle. D'où les dates étranges qui se baladent un peu partout... Nous sommes désolés pour ce contretemps. Merci pour votre patience ! Bien à vous, L'équipe Lattès Translation: Hello, Thank you for your e-mail and your interest. The Mika's biography has indeed been anounced and postpoined. It should be out in 2017 but we haven't any official realeasing date yet. Hence the strange dates running around everywhere... We are very sorry for this setback. Thank you for your patience ! sincerely yours, Lattès team. So. It won't be in my hands ... Not for a long time .... I just hope that it will be here very soon, even if we only have a few months before to turn in 2017, I hope it will be ready this time... Hope I didn't destroy your day, Frenchfan84
  20. Yaas I ordered it and it is supossed to get here saturday but it probably won't as things are so s**ty for me thèse days... But I'm really happy 'cause i'm improving my english Thanks to my very awsome english teacher XD
  21. If Mika is really in Bretagne, i'm begging him to come and find me 'cause i really need à hug from someone I love and I'm so far from home...

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    2. Guest


      Hahaha, you really should put a tracking devise

    3. frenchfan84


      Hahaha i could do that but i would first hug him and then just fall in tears so i don't think i would be able to think about it...

    4. littledevil#222


      develop your own language and write it on your hand so you remember.

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