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Everything posted by missrully

  1. I use Internet Download Manager. It will show me a download links of any media (audio/video) on a web page. It's very useful software.
  2. Same here. But I've already downloaded the file. Let's wait for Hon to come and fix it. Yes, it is so good! I loved it when Mika gave an advice to the contestants. He's so wise. When watched it live, I was laughing even I had no clues what they were laughing at. And now with the subs, all that laughs make sense.
  3. Merciiii, Hon! I can't thank you enough! Have a good sleep.
  4. MEDIASET ON DEMAND Tim Music Live a casa tua - Backstage Challenge - 16 febbraio: http://mdst.it/03v595431/ GOOGLE DRIVE Full show: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7eXUpoh6oHlT2E1MVoxNEFiakk/view Staring At The Sun: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7eXUpoh6oHlNU45OTNLZlo2bE0/view Hurts: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7eXUpoh6oHldEN0cm9kcTFPb0E/view Happy Ending: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7eXUpoh6oHlRXRnVXNPZFY4WGs/view
  5. Skystreaming.net too https://skystreaming.net/canali/sky/guarda-italia-1-in-streaming-gratis-diretta
  6. I think I should put the link of the original video here too: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7eXUpoh6oHlU3pJOG9rTkp2TGs/view
  7. Eriko will update the links soon as always, just wait a day or two. Or you can keep checking on http://www.mikawebsite.com/the-voice-saison-5/.
  8. The Voice 5 du 13 février 2016 - La suite GIF PICS
  9. I loved Kendji's performance on La suite, and "Les yeux de la mama" is a great song. Mika looked proud of Kendji with that smile on his face. Thought it would be awesome (or awkward?) if Gabriella played violin for Kendji last night, 'cause she did in official video. Both of them are Team Mika.
  10. Google Drive MIKA in Korea! #1 (Feb 10): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7eXUpoh6oHlMmZtbzUzX1RuWlE/view MIKA in Korea! #2 (Feb 13): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7eXUpoh6oHlZWlocnJzOTF4Tjg/view EDIT: I added the first live chat as well.
  11. Sadly no. I lost contact with her. After I sent her the video, I tried to contact her again but always received this message from system: I truly am sorry I couldn't do anything. Let's just hope Helen already sent the video plus another gifts to Mika 'cause Heaven Tour is starting now.
  12. Is it symphonic concert? Italy again?
  13. Corriere della Sera Il bullismo su internet e le parole da cancellare di Ivan Cotroneo «Come mai vuoi partecipare a questo film?» veniva chiesto agli adolescenti che poco più di un anno fa si presentavano ai casting aperti per Un bacio, il film che stavo per girare. «Perché so che parla di bullismo». È stata una delle risposte più frequenti, più delle risposte legate alla voglia di fare un’esperienza diversa, al desiderio di diventare popolari, alla passione per il cinema o la recitazione. Degli oltre 1500 ragazze e ragazzi che ho incontrato, molti, moltissimi avevano una storia da raccontare, una storia di soprusi subita anni prima, o una vecchia vicenda di bullismo a cui avevano assistito ma nella quale non avevano avuto il coraggio di intervenire. Volevano parlare, raccontarsi, perché ovviamente il peso di questa emergenza è avvertito in primo luogo dai ragazzi, che si avviano ogni giorno verso scuola, dove troveranno un ambiente che può essere la culla della loro formazione, o lo scenario dei loro incubi. Video: http://video.corriere.it/lamiciziatisalva-mika-ivan-cotroneo-safer-internet-day/65c24eac-ce45-11e5-8ee6-9deb6cd21d82 GDrive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7eXUpoh6oHlUUZrZWs4TlZKSm8/view Read more: http://27esimaora.corriere.it/articolo/il-bullismo-su-internete-le-parole-da-cancellare/?cmpid=SF020103COR&refresh_ce-cp
  14. Vevo ‏@Vevo 16h16 hours ago We love MIKA (@mikasounds) even more for this one: http://bit.ly/20f0r5Y RETWEETS 157 LIKES 340 11:12 PM - 5 Feb 2016
  15. Exactly my thoughts. And this is the kind of video I love. Even though it has serious issues, he can always put a smile on our faces in the end. He keeps telling us to believe in our values and to remember that there's always light after darkness times, and we have to go through that to get to it.
  16. I love how in this video Mika impersonated the strength, the courage to not give a **** and hold head up high. And... I can't agree more with mamiam! It's like Popular video taught us to be a psycho-murderer if we were bullied at school. In Hurts, there's more positive energy. And the video ends with dancing, smiles, passion. Full of joy.
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