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Everything posted by Lollolling

  1. I bet that he'll present not just the show but also the dvd What do you think? And... In your opinion is he going to sing at least one song?
  2. This thing must be real, this thing must seem a bit realistic... Please act like I don't exist.... No,no, it's really important. I don't exist, make a lot of space between you . Please can you now take some space..? Divide yourself , turn in different directions, because if the thing would have been completely natural the direction wouldn't had been "this", turn a little. And when I dance with you don't talk to me, don't look at me. With umbrellas, with anything... but dancing, so even on screen could be a nice thing. It's really important, divide yourself even more... Please.... Good luck The camera is really energetic but If you don't dance, don't jump, you don't look somewhere else it's not so nice. And when I pass through let me walk.When i was walking there I was stuck and the people over there were forgotten... even the people over there. We'll do it again Really you have to dance, dance, dance... And try to follow my moves, if I turn around, you turn around, if I start jumping, you start jumping. Thank you guys
  3. OK. After seeing this i'm almost crying because of envy But I'm happy for those who are there
  4. Now it's official https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=982416061887928&id=187029398093269
  5. Personally I think that raipubblicità did a big mistake. Indeed Mika in the interview for Rai Radio said that name of the show won't be announced even in November. Maybe for this reason they deleted the file. Anyway I didn't save it
  6. I think we have the name of the show!! STASERA CASA MIKA https://www.google.it/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.raipubblicita.it/download/speciali/listini_speciali/StaseraCasaMika.pdf&ved=0ahUKEwjTtby07c3PAhXH6RQKHWkMDwwQFggnMAQ&usg=AFQjCNEhyZ2lW-7-K0AhbzpM2dO7QO4WVw
  7. I bet that he will use this one Anyway I would love to see him in in a more warm and cuddly version
  8. MIKA PIGIAMA PARTY https://www.facebook.com/mikasounds/photos/a.10150417790488040.363530.6006248039/10154114505803040/?type=3&theater Sognate un pigiama party insieme a Mika? E’ arrivato il momento: Valle D'Aosta (12 Ottobre) e Comune di Bergamo (13 Ottobre). Sono queste le prime due delle tre città scelte per la festa in pigiama più bella di sempre! Come funziona? Ci incontreremo di sera e registreremo l’evento che andrà poi in onda su Rai2 a Novembre, durante il #MIKASHOW. Per partecipare, scrivete a mikapartyraidue@gmail.com entro le ore 12 di Lunedi 10 Ottobre e indicate nell’oggetto il nome della città che avete scelto (Aosta, o Bergamo, per ora). Nel testo inserite il vostro nome, cognome e data di nascita insieme a quelli della persona con cui vorreste venire (UNA SOLA!). Vi richiediamo la disponibilità sul set dalle 19 fino alle 00 e dovrete vestirvi con il vostro miglior pigiama o camicia da notte. Solo i maggiori di 14 anni potranno prendervi parte (con delega dei genitori se minori di 18 anni). Tutte le informazioni più dettagliate le riceverete in risposta alla vostra mail! A presto e…let’s have a party! #MikaShow THIS MAN IS AMAZING
  9. Podcast: http://www.radio2socialclub.rai.it/dl/portali/site/articolo/ContentItem-71081c8e-0f52-4768-961f-5f75dda4a73d.html
  10. A fast translation: Hi! How are you? Today we started to shoot my trip in Italy. We shoot something in this room some minutes ago that was amazing.That little room of 25 square meters was full like this *hand gesture*, but we can't say anything in order to not spoil the surprise. So, if you possibly want to know, you can find out in November on Rai2 Salut! Ça va? Aujourd'hui on a commencé à enregister mon voyage en Italie. On a enregistré quelque chose dans cette petite chambre il y a quelque minutes et c'était incroyable. Cette petite chambre de 25 mètre carré était plein comme ça, mais on ne peut rien dire pour ne pas gâcher la surprise. Donc, si éventuellement vous voulez savoir, on se rencontre à novembre sur Rai2 I apologize for my grammar mistakes
  11. What did he says at the end? Anyway I'm so happy We have to wait just 32 days
  12. Instagram 23 September At Ristorante Transatlantico Borgo Marinaro https://www.instagram.com/p/BKrLDc2h06U/?taken-by=ristorante_transatlantico He still wears this hoodie
  13. I wrote to them and they answered me that the invitations are completed :tears: There is someone luckier than me?
  14. Take part? What does it mean? Where? When? Write what?
  15. OK.I just love the coat But then I freaked out thinking "oh my god how it's possible that his legs are soo long?". After I realized that it could be the shirt following the coat pattern... but looking carefully it seems that he has a strange belt(?)
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