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Everything posted by lormare73

  1. It seems that Mika will attend the festival Printemps de Bourges between 23 and 28 April 2024
  2. A single carre or ticket appeared 5 minutes ago. I tried and I was able to buy it. 🎉
  3. https://www.instagram.com/p/CwtNXx3opHT/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng== https://www.instagram.com/p/CwtMyXwtV-3/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Last night Mika had a private gig at Palazzo del ghiaccio in Milan
  4. Interesting interview in the digital version of Vanity Fair Italy https://www.vanityfair.it/article/mika-40-anni-intervista?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_brand=vanity-fair-it&utm_social-type=owned&fbclid=IwAR2NBFLlY4qS-CPd3v-MiiszHe6xeUWMBwdEJkVzEXqMKD9TiV_CNxWHWF4
  5. It's his garden in Tuscany. You can see the house behind and the peculiar garden chairs that he has used several time in past stories.
  6. No, he was in pink for BBB. I recorded each song and I checked the order. BBB and Yoyo in pink, then he changed and wore the white suit for EMD
  7. Sure. There is a proper road and normally you can reach the lake by car. In these occasions they close the road to the public but obviously the artists and their crew will use it to reach the venue.
  8. I don't know. Actually, I don't think they will even check every single name. But, as I will not be present at the gig, I think it's better if the person buying my ticket will have their name on it in order to avoid any issues.
  9. Hello! I am selling one ticket for Perugia gig on 10th July. PLATEA I, SECTOR A, ROW E, PLACE 20 (5th row from the stage, right near the central aisle) I am selling it at face value, € 97,50. Having bought it on Boxol, it will be necessary to change the name on the ticket. The name change costs 3,50 €, but I will pay it myself. EDIT: SOLD
  10. I think Mika and Vianney performance was recorded last night. I saw on twitter that last night he took some photos with fans outside the arena. It seems strange to me that they rehearsed yesterday and not today and the part that tf1 posted on Ig as rehearsal is not credible because he wore already the scene suit and had perfect hair, while usually during rehearsal he is casually dressed and he wears a cap. And then there is the story at the station. If he was sleeping outside Nimes the production would have accompanied him to the venue by car, I doubt they would have let him take a train on his own. And IOW is not easy to reach in only half a day.
  11. I think he's talking about the concert at Coliseum of Lisbon in 2012 because he mentions a theatre. Form the concert reviews of that time you can read that he had big problems with his voice while in 2016, at Rock in Rio, I don't remember any problem.
  12. Io avevo riguardato degli spezzoni circa 2 mesi fa e c'erano entrambe le stagioni, sia le puntate intere sia le varie esibizioni. Se non l'hanno tolta nelle ultime settimane, dovrebbe esserci ancora.
  13. I saw the stories of another choir member. They landed at Florence airport on Saturday night but their hotel was near Trasimeno lake in Umbria. On Sunday they had lunch and dinner with Max, Vincent, the Italian sound technician and there was also Geraldine. In the evening she was in a car wearing an elegant dress. So I think there was a private event in the Umbria hills.
  14. I also think that he was backstage at Maggio in Florence. The person in his story points at the ear ring and speaks in Italian: "con l'orecchino". I think that that big head is part of the scenography for Mozart Don Giovanni that will go on stage in a few days.
  15. If he was near the Eiffel tower then he was probably there cause the venue was near the tower. If you search Grand Palais Ephemere, you will find some stories of the gig.
  16. From what they have written under the video and trying to read his lips, I think he says that it's the first time that they are doing a red carpet together.
  17. That bar is in a village near his home in Tuscany, so I think they know him well.
  18. It's "sto" not sio. It's a short form for "questo" this in English. Basta sto Covid = Enough with this covid
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