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Posts posted by sara09

  1. 6 minutes ago, giraffeandy said:

    They wrote that they primarily distribute to the shops single pens but there'll be some multi-packs in February (I guess these are just the 3-Packs/4-Packs). However, about the gift packs they told me there'll be a competion and I should follow their FB profile. So I guess they won't be for sale here. :sad:


    Thanks for the info! I wrote them an email, too. They told me, in fact, that info regarding the gift boxes will be revealed in the next few weeks! We'll see :)

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  2. Hello Olivia, welcome to the MFC! I'm Sara, nice to meet you :D 

    I'm very excited to see what the new year will bring, too! Can't wait :wub2: 

    Have lots of fun here, see you around  :bye: 

    • Like 2
  3. 8 hours ago, ladyolivier said:

    Random but still Mika related but doesn't fit into any thread: I really want Mika to read for an audiobook. I don't even care what, I just want a nice long audio recording of his lovely voice:wub2: There's things like the art of song and some radio interviews of course but I just really love his speaking voice - I find it so calming. I want a long, uninteruppted, only-mika-talking bit of audio to listen to. A girl can dream...


    Ah, couldn't agree more!! Imagine how peaceful that would be, Mika reading a story for hours... where do we sign up? :wub2:

    • Like 3
  4. 1 hour ago, Charlizabeth said:


    Just watched Pitch Perfect 3 in the cinema, and one of Mika's songs was in it!  I almost died!  'Elle Me Dit' plays over an aerial shot of France for only around 10 seconds, but it has brightened my day!  I normally know when Mika is in things (I watched Zoolander 2, and was waiting in anticipation for him to appear) but this one I had no idea about, and I was so suprised.  Well, that's it, I thought you should know if you didn't already!  



    Oh, sounds cool! I'm looking forward to watching that scene :teehee:

    Thanks for telling us :D

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 14 hours ago, kreacher said:


    57 minutes isn't nearly long enough! as soon as i saw 57 minutes i wondered how'd he'd have time to talk to all those people, DJ songs and talk about them, have other people play songs, etc, and got a bit scared he won't have time to perform any covers


    Same thought... hopefully the right length of the show is the one showed by the radio schedule  :crossed: 


    I've recently posted a few little drawings of Mika on my Instagram - they're not much, but I draw those little figures from time to time, inspired by his pics or things he does :blush-anim-cl: 

    So, yeah, I just thought maybe you could like seeing something; hope you like it :)



  7. 1 hour ago, Kumazzz said:

    Finally !!

    :bow: Could anyone translate Mika's speech ?



    Una serata charity unconventional presso lo Spazio Cubo dei Frigoriferi Milanesi ha regalato a 4.300 bambini rifugiati la possibilità di andare a scuola.

    Ospite d’onore della serata MIKA, da tempo impegnato al fianco dei rifugiati, che ha condiviso con gli ospiti una bellissima riflessione sul potere dell’istruzione, insieme con i racconti della sua missione tra i rifugiati siriani in Libano.



    An unconventional charity evening at the Spazio Cubo dei Frigoriferi Milanesi gave 4,300 refugee children the opportunity to go to school. Guest of honor of the MIKA evening, long committed to the refugees' side, who shared with the guests a wonderful reflection on the power of education, together with the stories of his mission among Syrian refugees in Lebanon.






    Thanks for sharing, Eriko! Here's what he says :)


    First part: "Education is simultaneously an inalienable human right, an essential means to achieve other human and civil rights."

    Second part: "If I have hands, I want to draw. If I have a voice, I want to sing and laugh. If I have feet, I want to run and dance. If I have a mind and a heart, I want to dream. And my dreams change my reality. Education gives strength to refugees, to grow their ability, to transform their own dreams in reality. A refugee's status can not be an obstacle or an impediment for a refugee's dreams." 



    • Thanks 3
  8. 16 hours ago, merna mousa said:

    hi , i'm a new member to the MFC !
    i'm from egypt and i discovered mika 4 months ago and i became obsessed with his songs ....
    he's a pure and wonderful man <3

    i'm very happy to be here with you all and i wish to be your friend :)

    ( excuse me for my bad english i'm still learning :)))   )


    Hi, nice to meet you! I'm Sara :bye:

    Welcome to the MFC! Hope you're gonna have lots of fun here :D

    • Like 1
  9. 13 hours ago, elise.cd said:

    me, two weeks ago: oh yeah i know mika, i know a few of his songs

    me, today: knows about 95% of his songs by heart


    when my nan introduced me to Life in Cartoon Motion eight years ago she had no idea what she’d cause. 


    anyway, i’m elise, i’m gay and i’m english! nice to meet you all!


    Haha, such a nice introduction! Hello Elise, welcome to the MFC :D 

    Hope you're gonna have lots of fun here, and if you need anything feel free to ask!

    Enjoy Mika's world :wub2:

  10. 16 hours ago, stamets said:


    I'm Micah*! i'm a 21 yr old gay trans dude form sweden who's currently a little too obsessed with Mika after re-discovering his music. really longing for the day I'll learn how to take a moderate interest in something and not feel a need to consume all content to be found all at once. tbh I mostly joined so that I could find places to watch casa mika with subtitles, giving me access to even more content to consume when I should be doing more important things....


    aside from mika my current main interests are physics , coffee, star trek, star wars, and speedcubing. Currently I'm also trying to do nanowrimo (national novel writing month) which is going not so good 'cause I haven't written anything in like a week. My username on nanowrimo is shran if you wanna find me over there! I'm writing some sort of futuristic cyberpunk sci-fi! 


    I've got no idea how to end this so I'd like to sign off by saying that I love the schrödinger equation and that I'm always up for chatting with ppl! (esp if we've got shared interests etc)


    forgot to add at 1st but I'm absolutely IN LOVE with basically everyone of Mika's colourful suits and I want them all



    *I did NOT name myself after Mika. that's 100% honest and not any irony whatsoever. however I get him for changing the spelling of his name because like 90% of people reading my name think it's pronounced "Misha" so that may or may not be something I'm considering too...


    Hello Micah, welcome to the MFC! I'm Sara, nice to meet you :bye: 

    Hope you're gonna have lots of fun here! It was like that for me too, "all at once" :naughty: I think it's impossible not to get absorbed by the beauty of Mika's world, you can't get enough! And that feeling really never ends eheh speaking of, enjoy watching Casa Mika :wub2: 


    See you around :D

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