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giraffeandy last won the day on April 8

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About giraffeandy

  • Birthday 10/24/1995


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    I wanna go where the nights are blinding, the sun keeps shining

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    Prague, Czechia
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    Student of translation studies
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    Foreign languages (German, English, Spanish), music, reading, travelling, art, creative stuff, dancing, zumba, friends, animals... :)

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  1. I don't know if MFC is the right place for it but since I can't discuss this on social media or irl, I thought I could try it here... What would you do, if someone really close to you express themselves in a slightly homophobic way? Would you try to convince him/her otherwise? Would you just ignore it and avoid this topic in conversations? Or would you even stop meeting such a person ? 


    The thing is, I have a best friend I know for ages, she is the closest person I have in my life besides my family. But it really bothers me when she speaks about someone being gay as it would be a bad/not normal thing. I tried to explain it to her but I think it's not so easy to change her mind about it. She tolerates people being gay but she doesn't approve it if you know what I mean. And I really hate it but at the same time, I know she is not a bad person and it's really hard for me because she is like my sister. It's a similar feeling like when someone in your family says something you don't agree with but at the same time you don't want to argue about it because those people are so close to you but it still bothers you a lot. I hope it makes sense. What do you think about it?

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    2. giraffeandy


      @silver I know her parents but unfortunately I don't know their view on this topic so it's hard to say. I just know for sure it's not for religious reasons. I already tried to expose her to gay culture once when I got two tickets for a LGBT movie (Love, Simon). I didn't tell her what's the movie about, just that I have a spare ticket and that we can go together to see the movie. She was quite surprised first when she realized what's the movie about but in the end I got the impression she actually really liked it. She even told me so back then. And of course I knew that one movie can't change her mind but I thought it might at least be a beginning. However, now I'm not sure it changed anything in her mind. I don't get it either, she even knows some gay people personally from her surroundings so it's not something that would be "unknown" for her. :emot-sad:

    3. giraffeandy


      @Starlight I should probably try to speak to her about it to find out why she thinks so... The thing is, is such an unpleasant situation for me that I always rather try to find another topic than have this discussion so I usually just say that there's nothing wrong with being gay and even if she doesn't look really convinced, I move on. But today I realized it bothers me too much to ignore it. However, we are still very close friends who have a lot in common so I don't want to stop seeing her because of it even though I have to say I sometimes feel a bit ashamed of her in such situations. 

    4. Irem Aytepe

      Irem Aytepe

      It should be really hard that a person who is close to you thinks like this.

      I really don't know, you need to calm relax because she is close to you and I'm sure you don't want to loose her.

      Just try to not open this topic and don't talk about this. When she say something just say "ok" 

      I'm so sorry

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